The Spy Who Loved Us_ The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's Dangerous Game ( PDFDrive )

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The Spy Who Loved Us 21

known as Ho Chi Minh. When Phan Chu Trinh died in 1926,

thousands of people swarmed into the streets in Saigon and

Hanoi, demanding an end to French colonial occupation. An’s

father helped organize these demonstrations, and An followed

his father’s example in the 1950s, when he too used the funeral

of a Vietnamese patriot to launch a series of street demonstrations

and strikes.

When we meet, An and I usually sit in his living room.

Sometimes we walk to the bookshelves that line the back of the

room. One day An takes me behind the shelves into a narrow

corridor where his family altar is located. It holds the usual

sticks of incense and bowls of fruit and jumbled collection of

photos which honor the dead. Vietnam is a country that celebrates

death days instead of birthdays. “The Vietnamese are not

Buddhists,” An says. “They are animists. The religion they practice

is ancestor worship. This is why the Têt holiday is so important

to the Vietnamese. It is the occasion when you invite the

souls of the dead to come back to visit the living.”

“We believe we have three souls,” An says, “spiritual, sentimental,

and material. The spiritual soul distinguishes humans

from animals. The sentimental soul comes from the heart. The

material soul comes from the abdomen. It explains why humans

are bad, why we kill people and are corrupted.

“When you die, you report to the emperor of hell. If you

have committed too many crimes, you are forced to stay there.

In any case, you will stay in hell for three days after your burial.

Then your family comes to visit your grave with a black

chicken. If the chicken cries, it is let out of its cage and allowed

to run free. Called ‘the opening of the grave,’ this releases

the sentimental soul. You can use a black dog for this ritual, but

it costs more. If the dog returns to your home, it will bring

your sentimental soul with it. We celebrate this event by placing

a photo of the dead person on the family altar.”

Placed in the center of the altar is the photograph of An’s

grandfather, showing him dressed in a tight-fitting tunic and

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