The Spy Who Loved Us_ The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's Dangerous Game ( PDFDrive )

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story broke in the Western press and was written exactly the way

the Communists wanted it written.”

The battle pitted three hundred and fifty Vietcong soldiers

against forces from South Vietnam’s 7th Infantry Division,

which was being advised by Lieutenant Colonel John Paul

Vann. At the disposal of the Republicans were ten Shawnee helicopters,

five Huey “flying shotgun” helicopters, thirteen M-113

“green dragon” armored personnel carriers, and fourteen hundred

troops, supported by long-range artillery, thirteen fighterbombers,

and all the napalm they wanted. Within minutes of the

attack on Ap Bac, fourteen of the fifteen helicopters had been

hit. Four went down and three Americans were killed, with

another eight wounded. A fifth helicopter was downed during

a rescue attempt. At the end of the battle, the Communists

slipped away with thirty-nine wounded soldiers and eighteen

killed. The Saigon forces lost eighty killed and a hundred

wounded, not counting the Americans.

“Emulate Ap Bac” became both a Communist slogan and

method. Diagrams and descriptions of the battle were sent to all

the Communist forces in the south. The engagement was studied

as a classic model for how the Vietcong should fight their

better-equipped opponent. Simply teaching marksmen to lead

helicopters like ducks would result in five thousand of these expensive

machines being destroyed in the course of the war.

Turner speculates that An might have played another role

in the battle. “He would have had enough knowledge of the

battlefield tactics, rules of engagement, logistics and battlereadiness

of both the Vietnamese and Americans in that area at

that time to give pretty good advice on the way to set up a trap

for them. Certainly Ap Bac had the hallmarks of a trap. The

Americans in particular (who at that time were still in an ‘advisory’

role but also providing helicopter support and air cover

for ARVN troops) had been saying that they couldn’t wait for the

opportunity to engage a force of well-trained VC regulars who

were prepared to stand and fight instead of melting away. The

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