

Operation Bedbug achieved its main objective—the discovery and subsequentWhileof SPYDER’s plans—I hesitate to call it a success.thwartingidentities of the top members of said organization remain a mystery, while JoshuaTheand Murray Hill managed to escape. The people we did capture were mereHallalof the organization, though Nefarious Jones has been eager to share what hepawnsGiven his aid in deflecting the missiles, he might have some value as a futureknows.Mr. Jones is unaware of what SPYDER’s future plans might be and any furtherSadly,concerning those was destroyed in the explosion at their headquarters.evidenceit will require subsequent missions to determine what they are plotting next,Thus,we can assume the organization suffered a severe financial loss from thealthoughAgent-to-be Ripley will no longer be able to work undercover at SPYDER, heAlthoughproved his mettle on this mission—and I’m not saying that simply becausecertainlysaved my granddaughter’s life. Given their key contributions to Operation Bedbughetheir adept handling of an unsanctioned mission, I suggest that both Erica andandshould be reinstated as students at the Academy of Espionage—and beBenjamintop grades in Undercover Work as well.givenaddition, I would highly recommend the services of Ben Ripley for future missionsInsuspect he would be a very good selection for Operation Snow Bunny.andlast item: I am somewhat concerned about this Mike Brezinski character. HowOnedoes he know? Let’s discuss options.muchSeptember 20To: CIA Director Oliver SpindriftRe: Operation Bedbug Mission Recapspy for us.failure of this endeavor.Sincerely,Golden Bear

Operation Bedbug achieved its main objective—the discovery and subsequent


of SPYDER’s plans—I hesitate to call it a success.


identities of the top members of said organization remain a mystery, while Joshua


and Murray Hill managed to escape. The people we did capture were mere


of the organization, though Nefarious Jones has been eager to share what he


Given his aid in deflecting the missiles, he might have some value as a future


Mr. Jones is unaware of what SPYDER’s future plans might be and any further


concerning those was destroyed in the explosion at their headquarters.


it will require subsequent missions to determine what they are plotting next,


we can assume the organization suffered a severe financial loss from the


Agent-to-be Ripley will no longer be able to work undercover at SPYDER, he


proved his mettle on this mission—and I’m not saying that simply because


saved my granddaughter’s life. Given their key contributions to Operation Bedbug


their adept handling of an unsanctioned mission, I suggest that both Erica and


should be reinstated as students at the Academy of Espionage—and be


top grades in Undercover Work as well.


addition, I would highly recommend the services of Ben Ripley for future missions


suspect he would be a very good selection for Operation Snow Bunny.


last item: I am somewhat concerned about this Mike Brezinski character. How


does he know? Let’s discuss options.


September 20

To: CIA Director Oliver Spindrift

Re: Operation Bedbug Mission Recap

spy for us.

failure of this endeavor.


Golden Bear

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