

it might come in handy one day and so I accepted a position as an assistant account manager at ING Bank. I learned a lot and steadily grew within the company, eventually handling the accounts of major stake holders. I still value the corporate experience I gained, but after a few years it was evident I needed to broaden my horizon.” Rearing to go In her spare time Janou already helped out in the family business and initiated the organization of show Jumping Peel & Maas. “I was rearing to move on, but the jump to the family business was a big one.” After ING Bank I first started my own marketing and communications company. Handling projects for both equestrian and non-equestrian businesses to grow and improve their online presence. Next to that I began working parttime for 'I get really inspired by big shows and the ideas I gain there.' Year-round there are multiple events organized by Stal Hendrix. Some are under the HX-umbrella and others have a separate identity. Since 2020 Janou has taken over the lead and now manages and coordinates the following events: • HX Auctions online • Stal Hendrix competition • Show Jumping Peel & Maas • Dutch Sport Horse Sales • Limburg Foal Auction Next to these events she coordinates the marketing and promotions for Stal Hendrix, HX Auctions, HX Stallions and HX Breeding at several big shows such as the KWPN Stallion Show and the World Championships for Young Horses in Lanaken. And all the online and offline web presence and social media management of the forementioned events and HX businesses. And in the meantime, she also started the online auction platform Barnbridge with family friend Erik Jerneld. “My yearly calendar really revolves around the events we organize or take part in. It starts in January with the promotion of the HX Stallions and ends in December with the making of this magazine. Organizing events has always been something I really enjoyed but having taken over that part of the business completely has given me a new appreciation of what it all entails. All the work behind the scenes is as challenging as the events themselves. Especially the two live auctions we organize in September. These are the perfect storm really. The run-up to the auctions, the event days and the aftermath are very intense but also a lot of fun. The sense of achievement once everything has been handled and our clients are happy, that makes it all worthwhile.” 38 DSHS | The 2022 edition DUTCHSPORTHORSESALES.COM

the next generation Stal Hendrix.” It took a leap of faith to completely take hold of the reins, but in 2020 Janou took the lead of HX Events and began managing all the marketing and communications for Stal Hendrix, HX Stallions, HX Breeding and HX Auctions. “I never shy away from challenge, but I also felt like I was taking on a big responsibility. I was fortunate to have the support of my family and some freelance professionals - but to be perfectly honest - also due to the corona pandemic I had a fairly smooth transition into the events because the ones that did take place were all online that year.” Inspiration “I did set one important condition before joining the family business. I wanted a broad spectrum of responsibilities. And both work from home but also at external events. I get really inspired by big shows and the ideas I gain there I translate into new opportunities for our own company.” Hence Janou also continues to provide her services at major events such as The Dutch Masters and Jumping Indoor Maastricht. “I also find the work of other ‘next generationers’ very inspiring. For example, Judy-Ann Melchior and Marta Ortega Pérez. These are both very successful and powerful women who both had huge shoes to fill. I am quite sure they also had some reservations but are now on the top of their game in continuing the empires of their families into a new era.” Respect “I believe the (positive) pressure to perform is something most entrepreneurs feel, but for the next generation of the Hendrix family is also means we have to build on 40 years of experience. Paul and Emile have done things a certain way and trying to change or improve some of those things is a learning curve. The respect we have for them is unlimited, but times are changing and that does require strategic adjustments that need to be well thought through.” “I am the last person of our family to join in. Timothy has been at the helm of the Baarlo stable with Emile in an advisory role for a while now. While my brother Michel runs the new stable in Kessel - which functions as an extension to the original breeding stable - the management here is now slowly and gradually shared between me and Paul. I’ve been more involved in the personnel management for example, and we evaluate more and more together about the breeding program and the stallions.” Lessons learned “One thing I’ve taken away from my banking job and implemented here is weekly meetings. It sounds simple, but the impact has been very valuable. In the corporate world there might be too many meetings, but we did not really have a set moment for the whole family to meet and discuss ongoing matters. Now every Monday afternoon that moment is blocked in everyone’s calendar, and we all meet to strategize and decide on things together. That is really the best part of the family business, being able to continue and grow together. It is a shared effort, and we all complement each other. That does not mean we don’t bud heads sometimes, however in the end we all strive for a common goal.” 'The respect we have for Paul and Emile is unlimited.' DUTCHSPORTHORSESALES.COM DSHS | The 2022 edition 39

it might come in handy one day and so I accepted a position as an assistant<br />

account manager at ING Bank. I learned a lot and steadily grew within the<br />

company, eventually handling the accounts of major stake holders. I still<br />

value the corporate experience I gained, but after a few years it was evident<br />

I needed to broaden my horizon.”<br />

Rearing to go<br />

In her spare time Janou already helped out in the family business and<br />

initiated the organization of show Jumping Peel & Maas. “I was rearing to<br />

move on, but the jump to the family business was a big one.” After ING Bank<br />

I first started my own marketing and communications company. Handling<br />

projects for both equestrian and non-equestrian businesses to grow and<br />

improve their online presence. Next to that I began working parttime for<br />

'I get really inspired by big shows<br />

and the ideas I gain there.'<br />

Year-round there are multiple events organized by Stal<br />

Hendrix. Some are under the HX-umbrella and others have<br />

a separate identity. Since 2020 Janou has taken over the lead<br />

and now manages and coordinates the following events:<br />

• HX Auctions online<br />

• Stal Hendrix competition<br />

• Show Jumping Peel & Maas<br />

• Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />

• Limburg Foal Auction<br />

Next to these events she coordinates the marketing and<br />

promotions for Stal Hendrix, HX Auctions, HX Stallions and<br />

HX Breeding at several big shows such as the KWPN Stallion<br />

Show and the World Championships for Young Horses in<br />

Lanaken. And all the online and offline web presence and<br />

social media management of the forementioned events<br />

and HX businesses. And in the meantime, she also started<br />

the online auction platform Barnbridge with family friend<br />

Erik Jerneld.<br />

“My yearly calendar really revolves around the events<br />

we organize or take part in. It starts in January with the<br />

promotion of the HX Stallions and ends in December with<br />

the making of this magazine. Organizing events has always<br />

been something I really enjoyed but having taken over<br />

that part of the business completely has given me a new<br />

appreciation of what it all entails. All the work behind the<br />

scenes is as challenging as the events themselves. Especially<br />

the two live auctions we organize in September. These are<br />

the perfect storm really. The run-up to the auctions, the<br />

event days and the aftermath are very intense but also a<br />

lot of fun. The sense of achievement once everything has<br />

been handled and our clients are happy, that makes it all<br />

worthwhile.”<br />

38 <strong>DSHS</strong> | The <strong>2022</strong> edition DUTCHSPORTHORSESALES.COM

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