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Tme ou en g ive o oA ois mnase was rroAitsL not t arket smarel Uit A were t arket smareL oen m U . go p in at

$Y : in to orper unper-price our competition, gain tremendous market share and then crank the

price once we have them as loyal customers — kind of like the pricing strategies of Standard

Oil in the 1930s. But I don’t think we’ll need to do that. If the product is that effective, we’ll get

heavy press coverage and soon drive the competition out of the market.

One small point as far as market share is concerned: If a large share of the market currently

uses a topical solution because they like the application process, then we will have to try

harder to get them to switch to a pill, realizing that a percentage of them will never switch.

Type of Case : Market-sizing, pricing

Comments: Our candidate was lucky that the interviewer had more humor than hair. He did

a good job breaking down the market-sizing aspect of the case. He used a chart that kept

information organized. He also looked at three pricing strategies, quickly dismissing one as

irrelevant. I also liked that he took a moment to diagram his pricing strategy. Overall, a nice job.

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