Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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62 Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics

hypersensitivity, 83 a treatment-limiting and potentially life-threatening ADR. Side

effects of abacavir therapy could be severe and, in rare cases, fatal. Though controversial,

the use of abacavir has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular

diseases in some cohort studies. 84,85 Genetic testing can indicate whether

an individual would be hypersensitive to abacavir therapy. Two retrospective pharmacogenomic

studies were conducted to identify HIV-1 patients at increased risk

for abacavir hypersensitivity, indicating a strong statistical association between the

major histocompatibility complex or human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele, HLA-

B*5701, and clinically diagnosed abacavir hypersensitivity between racial populations.

86,87 Screening patients for HLA-B*5701 prior to the initial administration of

abacavir represents a clinical tool to further decrease the risk of hypersensitivity

reactions as well as unnecessary discontinuation of abacavir. 83

Ivacaftor for Cystic Fibrosis

Ivacaftor is a treatment for cystic fibrosis aiming to improve the function of the

mutant CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator). 88 Ivacaftor was

associated with relative improvements (within subject) in CFTR and lung function. 89,90

A phase II clinical trial showed that the safety profile of ivacaftor was comparable

to that of the placebo in subjects with cystic fibrosis who are homozygous for

F508del (SNP rs113993960), the most prevalent disease-causing CFTR mutation. 91

Polymorphisms in the CFTR gene have also been associated with ivacaftor efficacy.

Ivacaftor was shown to offer an effective and well-tolerated treatment for the clinical

management of cystic fibrosis patients with the G551D mutation (SNP rs75527207). 92,93

Codeine for Pain

Codeine is a prodrug that belongs to the opiate class used to treat mild-to-moderate

pain. Codeine’s function stems from its conversion to morphine and morphine-6-

glucuronide, a strong opioid agonist, by CYP2D6 in the liver. Common adverse

effects of opiates may include nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, respiratory

depression, urinary retention, sedation, itching, and addiction. 94 The efficacy and

safety of codeine as an analgesic have been associated with CYP2D6 polymorphisms.

95,96 In particular, the association between CYP2D6 metabolizer phenotype

and the bioconversion of morphine from codeine has been well defined. 97 Codeine

was shown to have little therapeutic effect in patients who were CYP2D6 poor

metabolizers (with little or no CYP2D6 activity), while the risk of morphine toxicity

was higher in ultrarapid metabolizers (with greater-than-normal CYP2D6 activity).

98 For example, the CYP2D6*10 allele, which is the most common allele with

reduced CYP2D6 activity, plays an important role in the pharmacokinetics of the

O-demethylated metabolites of codeine including morphine, the most active metabolite,

after oral administration. 99 Therefore, clinical implementation of genotyping of

CYP2D6 may help prevent diminished pain relief and/or severe opioid side effects.

Allopurinol for Hyperuricemia

Allopurinol, a purine analog, is primarily used to treat hyperuricemia or excess uric

acid in blood, and its complications, including chronic gout. 100 Allopurinol can cause

serious ADRs, such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome (a rare, serious disorder of skin

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