Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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250 Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics

Vitamin E is transported by triglycerides (TG)-rich lipoprotein in vivo.

Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene polymorphism can significantly affect the occurrence

of hypertriglyceridemia; therefore, the transport of vitamin E in vivo can be

regulated by APOA5. In 169 patients with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that the

vitamin E levels in patients with APOA5-1131T/C genotype was about 13% higher

than that in the normal population, and the T/C genotype probability in the population

with higher vitamin E level was about 2.6 times of the probability in the normal

population. 12

Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) is an independent risk factor for

cardiovascular diseases. Its expression is increased in type 2 diabetic patients. PAI-1

gene 4G/5G polymorphism can regulate the expression of PAI-1 protein, thus affecting

cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E can effectively lower PAI-1 levels. Testa et al.

gave 500 IU of vitamin E per day to 93 type 2 diabetic patients for 10 consecutive

weeks and then detected the 4G/5G polymorphism and PAI-1 level. They found that

the PAI-1 levels started to drop in the 10th week in 4G/5G and 4G/4G patients while

the levels started to drop in the 5th week in 5G/5G patients and 4G/5G patients

(p < 0.01). The results have shown that the 4G alleles of PAI-1 affects the pharmacological

function of vitamin E. Vitamin E has a faster onset in patients with 5G/5G

genotype, indicating that vitamin E may have a better effect on cardiovascular disease

prevention in these patients. 13

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is vital for blood coagulation and bone growth. Its key features include the

following: (1) Blood clotting: It is a blood coagulation factor of gamma-carboxylase

cofactor. Synthesis of coagulation factors VII, IX, and X is also dependent on vitamin

K. (2) Bone metabolism: It is involved in the synthesis of vitamin K– dependent

protein, which can regulate the synthesis of calcium phosphate in the bone. Plasma

vitamin K levels and bone density of elderly people are positively correlated.

Outcomes of treatment of excessive anticoagulation using vitamin K in clinical

practice also show significant differences among individuals. Vitamin K epoxide

reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) may be used to partially explain this

phenomenon. In excessive anticoagulation patients (international normalized ratio

[INR] ≥ 4), 2.5–5 mg vitamin K was given to the patients based on their INR

values. The INR value was rechecked at 3, 6, 24, and 72 hours after the treatment.

Researchers noticed that patients with VKORC1-1639G/A mutation had significantly

lower INR 3 hours after taking vitamin K, compared with carriers of

the A/A genotype (p < 0.001). These results have shown that VKORC1-1639G>A

gene polymorphism is significantly associated with an acute procoagulant effect

of vitamin K. 14

Folic Acid

Folic acid, as an important carbon carrier, plays a critical role in the nucleotide

synthesis, re-methylation of homocysteine, and other important physiological functions,

especially in the rapid cell division and growth processes (such as infant development

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