Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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206 Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics

TABLE 8.1 (Continued)

FDA Product Labeling for CNS Medications

Drug Name



Label Information

Thioridazine CYP2D6 • Reduced CYP2D6 activity: Would be expected to augment

the prolongation of the QTc interval associated with

thioridazine and may increase the risk of serious,

potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

• Thioridazine is contraindicated in individuals with a known

genetic defect leading to reduced levels of activity of


Trimipramine CYP2D6 • PMs: Higher than expected plasma concentrations of TCAs

when given usual doses. Depending on the fraction of drug

metabolized by CYP2D6, the increase in plasma

concentration may be small, or quite large (eightfold

increase in plasma AUC of the TCAs).

Valproic acid UCD • Contraindicated in patients with known urea cycle


• Prior to the initiation of valproate therapy, evaluation for

UCD should be considered for patients with:

• a history of unexplained encephalopathy or coma,

encephalopathy associated with a protein load,

pregnancy-related or postpartum encephalopathy,

unexplained mental retardation, or history of elevated

plasma ammonia or glutamine;

• cyclical vomiting and lethargy, episodic extreme

irritability, ataxia, low BUN, or protein avoidance;

• a family history of UCD or a family history of

unexplained infant deaths (particularly males); or

• other signs or symptoms of UCD.

Venlafaxine CYP2D6 • Total concentrations of active metabolites were similar

between PMs and EMs.

• No dosage adjustment is required when venlafaxine is

coadministered with a CYP2D6 inhibitor.

Note: AUC, area under the curve; C max , maximum drug plasma concentration; CYP, cytochrome 450;

EM, extensive metabolizers; PM, poor metabolizers; SJS, Steven–Johnson syndrome; t ½ , half-life;

TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis; UCD, urea cycle disorder.

neuropsychiatric drug efficacy. Using pharmacogenomics in determining the pharmacokinetics

of medications has been useful in the potential prediction of adverse

effects, demonstrated by the development of clinical guidelines for dosing of medications

based on CYP genotypes. 7

A final approach to the study of pharmacogenomics in neurologic and psychiatric

research is the utilization of genome-wide association studies (GWASs).

A major limitation to the use of GWASs is the large sample sizes assumed to be

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