Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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Drug Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases



ARBs inhibit activation of the AT1 (Angiotensin I) receptor. The role of ARBs in

pharmacogenomics still appears to be inconclusive. The Swedish Irbesartan Left

Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial found that

the ACE I/D6 and CYP11B2 C-344T polymorphisms were associated with modified

BP response. This study consisted of 50 subjects who took irbesartan. 7 Subjects carrying

the ACE I/I genotype and those carrying the CYP11B2-344 T/T variant had

greater BP response to irbesartan. However, Redon et al. 47 conducted a similar study

with 206 subjects treated with telmisartan and found no significant association with

the RAAS gene polymorphisms. 8 Ortlepp et al. had results that differed from the

SILVHIA trial. These results concluded that the C allele of the CYP11B2 C-344T

polymorphism is associated with a better response to candesartan. 48

Clinical Application

Genetic determinants of BP and long-term outcomes in hypertensive patients are

being identified. Although the results to date are promising, broader studies would

help clarify the role of the RAAS polymorphisms in the use of ARBs.


Varied BP response to diuretics is observed in hypertensive patients. It has been

proposed that genetic polymorphisms in several candidate genes such as the ACE,

alpha-adducin (ADD1), G protein b3- subunit (GNB3) gene, angiotensinogen (AGT),

and angiotensin II receptor 1 (AGTR1) may influence BP response to diuretic

therapy. 49 ACE insertion/deletion (ACE I/D) polymorphism has been extensively

studied for association with BP lowering response to diuretics 50 ; however contradictory

results have been reported in different studies. Both association and lack

of association of ACE genotypes with BP lowering response to diuretics have been

reported in different studies.

Carriers of polymorphisms in the ADD1 alpha-adducin Trp460Trp (homozygous

patients for the Trp460Trp allele) gene have shown a reduction in the effective renal

plasma flow, effective renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate compared to

noncarriers of the Trp460 allele patients with the Gly460Gly gene. 51

The GenHAT multicenter randomized clinical trial studied the pharmacogenetic

association of the atrial natriuretic precursor A (NPPA) T2238C genetic variant with

CVD outcomes in patients with hypertension. The study concluded that (NPPA)

2238 T>C polymorphism was associated with better cardiovascular outcomes in

patients taking chlorthalidone compared to amlodipine. Carriers of the T/T allele

carriers on amlodipine had better outcomes when taking amlodipine. 52


Drugs in this class block voltage-gated calcium channels in the heart and vascular

smooth muscle, thereby reducing intracellular calcium. 53 Very few studies have

described the pharmacogenomic associations of calcium channel blockers (CCBs).

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