Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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Clinical Applications of Pharmacogenomics in Cancer Therapy


The presence of an EGFR-activating mutation in advanced stages of NSCLC

treated with gefitinib or erlotinib increases the median survival from 10 up to 27

months. In the absence of such EGFR-activating mutations, gefitinib therapy is

not superior to conventional chemotherapy. The presence of the T790M resistance

mutation at presentation, together with an EGFR-activating mutation, predicts a

shorter time to progression of the disease. Whereas the absence of EGFR-activating

mutations is clearly associated with the nonresponse to gefitinib, it has been described

that patients without EGFR-activating mutations seem to have a slightly better outcome

with erlotinib compared with a placebo. In the EURTAC trial, erlotinib was

compared to platinum doublet chemotherapy; in patients with EGFR mutation positive,

PFS was higher in erlotinib compared with the platinum doublet chemotherapy.

Additionally, when erlotinib was compared with gemcitabine and carboplatin in

OPTIMAL trial, it yielded a higher PFS. 97

All EGFR inhibitors share similar toxicities that are important to patients, which

are diarrhea, uncommon interstitial pneumonitis, and acneiform rash. Acneiform

rash is a characteristic of EGFR inhibitors as there are high levels of EGFR in the

basal layer of epidermis. 96


A small fraction of patients with NSCLC (4–8%) may have EML4-ALK mutation

that can produce an inversion of chromosomes that results in fusion of oncogenes.

Tumors that contain these EML4-ALK fusion oncogenes are associated with specific

clinical features, such as little or no smoking history, younger age of patients,

and adenocarcinoma subtype. 98

EML4-ALK fusion oncogene provides a potential target for therapeutic intervention.

Small molecule inhibitors that can target the ALK tyrosine kinase may be able

to block ALK receptor, thus producing an anticancer effect on these tumor cells.

Crizotinib (Xalkori ® ) is a TKI that targets the ALK. Crizotinib is approved for

the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with ALK-positive mutation

that is detected by an FDA-approved test. 99 Crizotinib targets the ALK gene,

which results in expression of oncogenic fusion proteins. These proteins function in

activating and dysregulating a gene’s expression, ultimately causing increased cell

proliferation and survivals of the tumor cells that express these proteins. Crizotinib

inhibits the activities from these proteins, thus reducing the cell proliferation and

promoting apoptosis of the tumor cells that express these ALK mutations. 100

Ceritinib is the newly approved ALK inhibitor. It is indicated for the treatment

of patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)–positive metastatic

NSCLC who have progressed on or are intolerant to crizotinib. This indication is

approved under accelerated approval based on tumor response rate and duration

of response. 101 There are currently two phase III trials studying ceritinib compared

to single-agent chemotherapy and comparing ceritinib with platinum-based

doublet in the first-line setting. 102,103 With the success of its first ALK inhibitors,

several second-generation ALK inhibitors are currently under development

to provide more potent and more selective inhibitors that will be paved for the

future of NSCLC therapy (LDK378, alectinib). 104

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