Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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Clinical Applications of Pharmacogenomics in Cancer Therapy



PGx Biomarkers for the Prevention of Toxicity in Cancer Therapy


Biomarkers Therapeutic Agents PK/PD Impact

UGT1A1 9 Irinotecan, nilotinib UGT1A1*28: increased

systemic exposure to


DPD 10,11 Fluorouracil (5-FU),


Heterozygosity of

DYPD*2A allele increases

the systemic exposure

to 5-FU.

TPMT 3,12 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) TPMT inactivates 6-MP.

Low or absent TPMT

activity increases systemic

exposure to 6-MP.

CYP3A4/3A5 13–15 Cyclophosphamide Activates the prodrug to its

active form.

CYP2B6 13–15 Cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide CYP2B6 is a major


enzyme for


and ifosfamide.

Frequency of Affected

Phenotype Clinical Significance

Deficiency of the enzyme may

occur in 35% of white and black


3% of the white population may

have deficient enzyme activity.

Approximately 10% of white

patients are PMs of this enzyme,

and 0.3 % have complete

deficiency of the enzyme activity

CYP3A5*3: a variant allele occurs

in 45% of black Americans and

9% of whites.

Exact frequency is unknown, but

48 different alleles have been


UGT1A1*28 /*28: increased risk for

developing severe diarrhea, and

neutropenia at doses >200 mg/m 2 .

(TA) 7 /(TA) 7 : increased risk of nilotinibinduced


Deficiency can lead to fatal neurological

and hematological toxicities, grade 3

diarrhea, and hand–foot syndrome

associated with FU plasma levels

>3 μg/mL in males.

Patients with low or absent TPMT activity

are at increased risk for developing severe,

life-threatening myelotoxicity. Dose

adjustment is required.

Deficiency of this enzyme causes

interindividual variability in efficacy and

enhanced toxicity.

Standard dosing for patients with

dysfunctional CYP2B6 may be at

increased risk for nephrotoxicity.


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