Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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Applying Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development


pharmacogenomic studies. As mentioned above, postmarketing studies are able

to better detect rare ADRs due to a larger sample size and inclusion of more

diverse populations. Undoubtedly, the guidance and support that these agencies

offer have helped lead to the rapid increase in the number of drugs that have been

discovered, developed, and/or repurposed based on pharmacogenomic studies.


The major advances in drug discovery and development have been made possible

through the incorporation of pharmacogenomic data and testing. Pharmacogenomics

can allow for the identification of novel drug targets, allow for drugs to be developed

for specific subsets of patient populations that have high efficacy and low toxicity,

decrease the time taken for a drug to reach the market, and improve cost– benefit

ratios. As more drug companies incorporate pharmacogenomics into their drug

discovery and development process, further improvements can be anticipated. The

inclusion of these analyses during drug development will result in increased availability

of pharmacogenomic data that clinicians can then use to help guide their

clinical decision making.


1. Genomic profiling is more likely than target gene analysis to identify novel

drug targets:

a. True

b. False

2. Which of the following types of study can be used to validate the involvement

of a drug target in the disease process?

I. In silico II. Cell line III. Animal model

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II

d. II and III

e. I, II, and III

3. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. A polymorphism that is located in the drug binding site of a drug target

will always decrease “druggability” of the target.

b. It is estimated that only 10% of the human genome is druggable.

c. Polymorphisms can affect binding of a drug to its target by altering

target charge and polarity.

d. Some drugs are designed to inhibit target function while others are

designed to alter target expression levels.

4. Pharmacogenomic analyses are only useful during the preclinical study

phase of drug development:

a. True

b. False

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