Feng, Xiaodong_ Xie, Hong-Guang - Applying pharmacogenomics in therapeutics-CRC Press (2016)

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88 Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics

has been approved and its usage is becoming increasingly common. Hopefully

these successes will encourage other drug companies to develop pharmacogenomic

testing services.

Pharmacogenomics can also be used during clinical studies to generate data

that predict whether patients respond well to a drug, regardless of whether they

have the target and/or genetic alterations that affect efficacy and toxicity. To allow

for this, patient specimens must be collected during phase I, II, and III trials (and

ideally postmarketing studies); once patient outcome is known (patient response to

the drug in terms of effectiveness and/or toxicity and, in some instances, chemoresistance),

correlations can be made between outcome and the presence/absence

of pharmacogenomic biomarkers. 73,74 Similar strategies and tests that are used for

target identification (target gene analysis and genome profiling) can be used to

identify these biomarkers. Again, this information and the development of pharmacogenomic

tests is beneficial to both patients and drug companies; it can be

used to guide patient selection and thereby maximize effectiveness and minimize

toxicity, making it more likely the drug is approved. 39,70 With regard to the latter,

postmarketing studies are encouraged as they allow for analysis in a large and

diverse population.

It is noteworthy that de novo mutations that occur in target genes, drug transporters,

and enzymes responsible for drug metabolism can cause resistance to targeted

therapies. This phenomenon occurs fairly frequently with cancer drugs due to high

incidence of genetic instability in cancer cells. The collection of patient biospecimens

throughout the clinical trial process can help identify these de novo mutations,

and allow for correlations with resistance to be made. This knowledge can then be

used to predict chemoresistance in patients and plan accordingly. For example, certain

de novo mutations in Bcr-Abl that alter its kinase domain can result in resistance

to imatinib. 75 This knowledge has led to the design of new tyrosine kinase inhibitors

that are not impacted by these mutations and can be used to treat CML patients who

have developed resistance to imatinib. 76,77

The FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) are the regulatory agencies

that oversee drug development and approval in the United States and in Europe,

respectively. The benefits that result from the usage of pharmacogenomics during

drug target identification and drug development studies support their mission

to ensure drug safety and efficacy, and to support innovations in drug discovery

and development; and as such, both agencies actively encourage the incorporation

of pharmacogenomics into both drug development and monitoring. They have

published several white papers that provide guidance to companies, and, in addition,

the FDA offers drug companies access to review staff in their Office of

Clinical Pharmacology who can help companies to devise a pharmacogenomic

plan for inclusion in their drug development pipeline. * In some instances, the

FDA may make approval of an NDA contingent on the inclusion of postmarketing

* EMA guidelines and concept papers: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/regulation/

general/general_content_000411.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002958e; FDA guidelines and concept papers:


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