World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War ( PDFDrive )

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[The office of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency could belong to a

business executive or doctor or an everyday, small-town high school principal.

There are the usual collection of reference books on the shelf, degrees and

photos on the wall, and, on his desk, an autographed baseball from Cincinnati

Reds catcher Johnny Bench. Bob Archer, my host, can see by my face that I was

expecting something different. I suspect that is why he chose to conduct our

interview here.]

When you think about the CIA, you probably imagine two of our most popular and enduring

myths. The first is that our mission is to search the globe for any conceivable threat to the United

States, and the second is that we have the power to perform the first. This myth is the by-product

of an organization, which, by its very nature, must exist and operate in secrecy. Secrecy is a

vacuum and nothing fills a vacuum like paranoid speculation. “Hey, did you hear who killed so and

so, I hear it was the CIA. Hey, what about that coup in El Banana Republico, must have been the

CIA. Hey, be careful looking at that website, you know who keeps a record of every website

anyone’s ever looked at ever, the CIA!” This is the image most people had of us before the war,

and it’s an image we were more than happy to encourage. We wanted bad guys to suspect us, to

fear us and maybe think twice before trying to harm any of our citizens. This was the advantage of

our image as some kind of omniscient octopus. The only disadvantage was that our own people

believed in that image as well, so whenever anything, anywhere occurred without any warning,

where do you think the finger was pointed: “Hey, how did that crazy country get those nukes?

Where was the CIA? How come all those people were murdered by that fanatic? Where was the

CIA? How come, when the dead began coming back to life, we didn’t know about it until they were

breaking through our living room windows? Where the hell was the goddamn CIA!?!”

The truth was, neither the Central Intelligence Agency nor any of the other official and unofficial

U.S. intelligence organizations have ever been some kind of all-seeing, all-knowing, global

illuminati. For starters, we never had that kind of funding. Even during the blank check days of the

cold war, it’s just not physically possible to have eyes and ears in every back room, cave, alley,

brothel, bunker, office, home, car, and rice paddy across the entire planet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m

not saying we were impotent, and maybe we can take credit for some of the things our fans, and

our critics, have suspected us of over the years. But if you add up all the crackpot conspiracy

theories from Pearl Harbor 1 to the day before the Great Panic, then you’d have an organization

not only more powerful than the United States, but the united efforts of the entire human race.

We’re not some shadow superpower with ancient secrets and alien technology. We have very real

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