World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War ( PDFDrive )

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[I suspect Admiral Xu Zhicai has chosen this particular spot on the off chance

that a photographer would be present. Although no one since the war has ever

remotely questioned either his or his crew’s patriotism, he is taking no chances

for the eyes of “foreign readers.” Initially defensive, he consents to this

interview only on the condition that I listen objectively to “his” side of the story,

a demand he clings to even after I explain that there is no other.]

[Note: For the sake of clarity, Western naval designations have replaced the

authentic Chinese.]

We were not traitors—I say this before I’ll say anything else. We loved our country, we loved our

people, and while we may not have loved those who ruled both, we were unwaveringly loyal to our


We never would have imagined doing what we did had not the situation become so desperate. By

the time Captain Chen first voiced his proposal, we were already on the brink. They were in every

city, every village. In the nine and a half million square kilometers that made up our country, you

couldn’t find one centimeter of peace.

The army, arrogant bastards that they were, kept insisting that they had the problem under

control, that every day was the turning point and before the next snow fell upon the earth they

would have the entire country pacified. Typical army thinking: overaggressive, overconfident. All

you need is a group of men, or women, give them matching clothes, a few hours training,

something that passes for a weapon, and you have an army, not the best army, but still an army


That can’t happen with the navy, any navy. Any ship, no matter how crude, requires considerable

energy and materials to create. The army can replace its cannon fodder in hours; for us, it might

take years. This tends to make us more pragmatic than our compatriots in green. We tend to look

at a situation with a bit more…I don’t want to say caution, but perhaps more strategic

conservatism. Withdraw, consolidate, husband your resources. That was the same philosophy as

the Redeker Plan, but of course, the army wouldn’t listen.

They rejected Redeker?

Without the slightest consideration or internal debate. How could the army ever lose? With their

vast stockpiles of conventional armaments, with their “bottomless well” of manpower…“bottomless

well,” unforgivable. Do you know why we had such a population explosion during the 1950s?

Because Mao believed it was the only way to win a nuclear war. This is truth, not propaganda. It

was common knowledge that when the atomic dust eventually settled, only a few thousand

American or Soviet survivors would be overwhelmed by tens of millions of Chinese. Numbers, that

was the philosophy of my grandparents’ generation, and it was the strategy the army was quick to

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