Book of Extended summaries ISDA

Book of Extended summaries ISDA Book of Extended summaries ISDA


International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad increase in temperature will have a greater effect on insects than the rising CO2 condition, the interactive and combinational effect of both parameters is more significant in influencing insect pests. Aphids, Aphis craccivora Koch. is one of the threats to groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) growers in all over the country. Understanding the population dynamics of insect pests is possible through the construction of life tables which are dynamic and function of various factors that differ with temperature and no studies are available on the construction of life table considering temperature and CO2 concurrently. Hence, the studies were conducted with the objectives i. to measure the effects of temperatures and eCO 2 on life table parameters of A. craccivora on groundnut ii. to predict the aphid pest scenarios during near and distant future climate change periods at six locations of India. Methodology Groundnut (Kadiri-6) seeds were sown in open-top chambers (OTC) at an elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentration of 550 ± 25 ppm CO 2 and ambient CO 2, aCO 2 (400 ± 25 ppm CO 2) and crop plants were raised during the entire crop season. Feeding trials were carried out (Srinivasa Rao et al., 2013) at constant temperatures (20, 25, 27, 30, 33 & 35 ± 0.5°C) and CO2 levels (550 ± 25 ppm and 380 ± 25 ppm) to study the growth and development of A. craccivora using CO2 growth chambers and adopting ‘cut leaf’ method. The life table parameters of A. craccivora were estimated by adopting the TWO SEX–MS Chart software (Chi et al., 2005) by using primary parameters data of aphids on groundnut foliage from eCO 2 and aCO 2 independently. Non-linear equations were arrived at after plotting this data against tested temperatures. The future climate data (maximum and minimum temperature- Tmax and Tmin) projections of the AIB PRECIS emission scenario were considered to estimate future life table parameters. The future period was designated as near and distant future periods (NF and DF) with 2021-2050 and 2071-2098 years respectively. The pest status during these periods was compared over the baseline (BL) period of 1961-1990 using future daily temperature (maximum and minimum) for 6 groundnut cultivating regions of the country. Results Construction of life tables The life table parameters viz., intrinsic rate of increase ‘rm’, net reproduction rate ‘Ro’, generation time ‘T’, and finite rate of increase ‘λ’ were estimated across six constant temperatures and at aCO2 and eCO2. Further, non-linear models were developed and depicted in figure 1. Results showed that ‘rm’ increased with an increase in temperature from 20°C and later started declining from 30°C and followed the non-linear trend at aCO 2 and eCO 2. The ‘Ro’ of A. craccivora was higher (79.6) at 27°C with eCO2. The reduction of ‘T’ was evident from 20°C (12.47 days) to 35°C (6.67 days) at eCO 2 and followed the non-linear trend. ‘λ’, the indicator of the reproductive value of aphid was found to be increasing from 27-30°C and Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment 732 | Page

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad followed the decreasing trend with further increase in temperature. The best fit quadratic form of the equation with R 2 at eCO 2 was noticed between ‘rm’ and temperature. Other parameters viz., ‘Ro’, ‘T’, and ‘λ’ followed a similar trend and in our study indicating that eCO 2 influenced the lifetable parameters of A. craccivora significantly as reported earlier by Xie et al. (2014). Relationship between temperature and life table parameters of A. craccivora on groundnut at eCO2 & Future pest status aCO2 Across 6 groundnut growing locations of the country, it is projected that a substantial increase of mean temperature would occur during NF and DF climate change periods. The quantified associations of life table parameters with the temperature at two CO 2 conditions were adopted for predicting the future pest status during NF and DF periods. It was predicted that increased ‘rm’ (1.04) and ‘λ’ (2.08) would occur at the Kadiri location during the DF period in comparison with BL and reflected a similar trend in the NF period also and at the rest of the locations. Increased ‘λ’ implies more females per female of A. craccivora per day. The reduction of ‘T’ to 8.96- 9.94 days and varied ‘Ro’ would occur at all locations studied during DF period over BL. The percent change in ‘rm’ and ‘λ’ was predicted to be significantly higher at six locations during both NF (up to 93 %) and DF (up to 131 %) periods. The highest percent reduction of generation time ‘T’ is expected to be in DF (up to 12 %) than NF period (up to 2 %). At six locations, Ro was expected to increase in NF (11 %) and decrease during DF (22%) periods. Conclusion The life table parameters viz., ‘rm’ and ‘λ’ would increase with varied ‘Ro’ and reduced ‘T’ in NF and DF over BL at six groundnut locations implying the higher incidence of Aphis craccivora with a greater number of generations during future climate change periods. 733 | Page Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges &<br />

Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad<br />

followed the decreasing trend with further increase in temperature. The best fit quadratic form<br />

<strong>of</strong> the equation with R 2 at eCO 2 was noticed between ‘rm’ and temperature. Other parameters<br />

viz., ‘Ro’, ‘T’, and ‘λ’ followed a similar trend and in our study indicating that eCO 2 influenced<br />

the lifetable parameters <strong>of</strong> A. craccivora significantly as reported earlier by Xie et al. (2014).<br />

Relationship between temperature and life table parameters <strong>of</strong> A. craccivora on groundnut at eCO2 &<br />

Future pest status<br />

aCO2<br />

Across 6 groundnut growing locations <strong>of</strong> the country, it is projected that a substantial increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> mean temperature would occur during NF and DF climate change periods. The quantified<br />

associations <strong>of</strong> life table parameters with the temperature at two CO 2 conditions were adopted<br />

for predicting the future pest status during NF and DF periods. It was predicted that increased<br />

‘rm’ (1.04) and ‘λ’ (2.08) would occur at the Kadiri location during the DF period in<br />

comparison with BL and reflected a similar trend in the NF period also and at the rest <strong>of</strong> the<br />

locations. Increased ‘λ’ implies more females per female <strong>of</strong> A. craccivora per day. The<br />

reduction <strong>of</strong> ‘T’ to 8.96- 9.94 days and varied ‘Ro’ would occur at all locations studied during<br />

DF period over BL. The percent change in ‘rm’ and ‘λ’ was predicted to be significantly higher<br />

at six locations during both NF (up to 93 %) and DF (up to 131 %) periods. The highest percent<br />

reduction <strong>of</strong> generation time ‘T’ is expected to be in DF (up to 12 %) than NF period (up to 2<br />

%). At six locations, Ro was expected to increase in NF (11 %) and decrease during DF (22%)<br />

periods.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The life table parameters viz., ‘rm’ and ‘λ’ would increase with varied ‘Ro’ and reduced ‘T’ in<br />

NF and DF over BL at six groundnut locations implying the higher incidence <strong>of</strong> Aphis<br />

craccivora with a greater number <strong>of</strong> generations during future climate change periods.<br />

733 | Page Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment

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