Book of Extended summaries ISDA

Book of Extended summaries ISDA Book of Extended summaries ISDA


International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad Crop Situation based indices Percent Available Soil Moisture (PASM) PASM = [(SMW - PWP) / (FC – PWP)] * 100 SMw : weekly soil moisture (vol/vol) FC: Field capacity of soil vol/vol PWP: Permanent wilting point of soil (vol/vol) Frequency: weekly Initiation: with the dates of actual sowing Averaging: over dominant crop growth stages, viz., vegetative growth, flowering and pod development stage Level of PASM Results PASM (%) Agricultural Drought Class 76 - 100 No drought 51 - 75 Mild drought 26 – 50 Moderate drought 0 – 25 Severe drought Soil water content, phonological characteristics yield, and yield components of soybean were collected. The long-term field experiments (2008- 2018) were conducted in soybean to study the relationship of per cent available soil moisture (PASM) on seed yield. Level of the PASM were classified as severe, moderate, mild and no drought based on the yield performance of the crop. The analyzed results indicated that at vegetative stage the lowest seed yield recorded i.e. 597 kg/ha at 12 PASM treated as severe drought class whereas highest seed yield i.e. 1925 kg/ha at 66 PASM treated as mild drought. At flowering stage the lowest seed yield recorded i.e. 1040 kg/ha at 14 PASM treated as severe drought class whereas highest seed yield i.e. 1719 kg/ha at 60 PASM treated as mild drought and at pod development stage the lowest seed yield recorded i.e. 702 kg/ha at 11 PASM treated as severe drought class whereas highest seed yield i.e. 1896 kg/ha at 64 PASM treated as mild drought. The PASM values recorded at different stage of soybean indicated that moderate drought class gave 40 % of optimum yield during vegetative stage of the crop. From the overall study, the following PASM values may be followed as in impact criterion for declaring drought after the mandatory criteria of rainfall/SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) deficiencies are triggered on. Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment 710 | Page

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad Soybean: 11- 14 PASM as severe, 33-40 PASM as moderate, > 60 PASM as no drought Statistical analysis linearly express that the correlation between PASM values and soybean seed yield as 0.51 Relationship between PASM (%) and Soybean seed yield (Kg/ha) during 2008-2018 at different growth stages Treatments Drought class PASM % Yield Correlation Vegetative Flowering Pod Development Severe 12 597 Moderate 40 1216 Mild 66 1925 No 94 1405 Severe 14 1040 Moderate 33 1020 Mild 60 1719 No 89 1435 Severe 11 702 Moderate 33 1288 Mild 64 1896 No 84 1399 0.72 711 | Page Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges &<br />

Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad<br />

Soybean: 11- 14 PASM as severe, 33-40 PASM as moderate, > 60 PASM as no drought<br />

Statistical analysis linearly express that the correlation between PASM values and soybean<br />

seed yield as 0.51<br />

Relationship between PASM (%) and Soybean seed yield (Kg/ha) during 2008-2018 at<br />

different growth stages<br />

Treatments Drought class PASM % Yield Correlation<br />

Vegetative<br />

Flowering<br />

Pod Development<br />

Severe 12 597<br />

Moderate 40 1216<br />

Mild 66 1925<br />

No 94 1405<br />

Severe 14 1040<br />

Moderate 33 1020<br />

Mild 60 1719<br />

No 89 1435<br />

Severe 11 702<br />

Moderate 33 1288<br />

Mild 64 1896<br />

No 84 1399<br />

0.72<br />

711 | Page Emerging approaches (RS, AI, ML, Drones etc) for crop management &assessment

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