Book of Extended summaries ISDA

Book of Extended summaries ISDA Book of Extended summaries ISDA


International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad Conclusion Soil moisture stress altered the relative abundance of root associated bacteria of maize. There was an increase in the abundance of Alpha Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria under water stressed conditions as compared to well watered conditions. References Chaudhari, D., Rangappa, K., Das, A., Layek, J., Basavaraj, S., Kandpal, B.K., Shouche, Y., Rahi, P. 2020. Pea (Pisum sativumL.) Plant shapes its rhizosphere microbiome for nutrient uptake and stress amelioration in acidic soils of the North-East Region of India. Front.Microbio. 11:968. Rascovan, N., Carbonetto, B., Perrig, D., DoÂaz, M., Canciani, W., Abalo, M. 2016. Integrated analysis of root microbiomes of soybean and wheat from agricultural fields. Sci. Rep. 6: 280-84. Rout, M.E. 2014. The plant microbiome. Adv. Botan. Res. 69: 279–309. Santos-Medellín, C., Edwards, J., Liechty, Z., Nguyen, B. and Sundaresan, V. 2017. Drought stress results in a compartment-specific restructuring of the rice root-associated microbiomes. mBio. 8: e00764-17. T4-07R-1066 Long Term Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply and in-situ Crop Residues Management Practices on Plant Nutrient Uptake and Soil Microbial Population Assessment in Rainfed Cotton under Vertisols V. Sanjivkumar 1 *, K. Baskar 1 , S. Manoharan 1 , M. Manikandan 1 , G. Guru 1 and G. Ravindrachary 2 1 ICAR-AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, Agricultural Research Station, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu - 628501. 2 ICAR-All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, CRIDA, Hyderabad, Telungana state. * Cotton is one of the important cash crops and plays vital role in the economy of the country. India ranks second in world in area and production of cotton. The major production constraints of Vertisols are poor physical properties like low bulk density and hydraulic conductivity, formation of wide and deep cracks and narrow range of moisture for field operation. Now a days, the fertilizer requirements are increasing due to adoption of new high yielding hybrids in intensive cultivation. Therefore, to maintain crop productivity, the use of 450 | Page Sustainable soil management for resilient rainfed agro-ecosystem: conservation agriculture, organic farming, INM, soil-microorganisms-plant interactions

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad chemical fertilizers in balanced quantity is important. But looking into continuous increasing prices of fertilizers, it becomes necessary to minimize the expenses on fertilizers by using alternative sources like farmyard manure, crop residues, green manuring for sustaining the crop yields and soil fertility. The long-term integrated application of chemical fertilizers with organic manures improves soil physical and biological properties, soil fertility and crop yields. Methodology This research work was initiated during the year 2011-12. Every year rabi season, cotton (KC 3) sowing has been taken in black soil farm (Vertisols) at the last week of September to find out the long-term effect of nutrient and combined effect of organic and inorganic nutrients on crop yield and soil fertility. The Kovilpatti region is the representative of dryland agriculture in Tamil Nadu. The depth of the black soil varies from 110 to 150 cm with the infiltration rate of 0.9cm hr -1 . Soil develops typical cracks with at least one cm wide and reaching a depth of 50cm or more in the period of moisture stress. Considering the mechanical fraction, the soil is clay ley with clay content of 46.4 to 61.2 per cent, 10.0 to 17.5 per cent silt and 12.6 to 24.5 per cent coarse sand. The soil bulk density varies from 1.21 to 1.36 kg m -3 with the field capacity of 35 per cent and permanent wilting point of 14 per cent (Sunflower as an indicator plant). The soil has sub angular blocky structure with pH generally neutral to a tendency towards alkalinity at lower depths (7.8 to 8.2). The experiment was conducted in randomized block design (RBD) replicated thrice under rainfed condition. The treatments comprised of T1 - Control, T2 - 100 % RDF (40:20:40 NPK kg ha -1 ), T3- 50 % RDF (20:10:20 NPK kg ha -1 ), T 4- 50 % N (crop residues), T 5 -50 % N (FYM), T 6 - 50 % inorganic N+ 50% organic N (crop residues) + P (50%) + K (50%), T7 -50 % Inorganic N+ 50% organic N (FYM) + P (50%) + K (50%), T 8 -100 % RDF + 25 kg ZnSO 4 ha -1 and T 9 - FYM @ 12.5 ha - 1 . As per the treatment schedule, the full dose of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures were applied as basal application. The initial soil status was of pH 8.13, EC 0.28 (dS m -1 ), and available NPK was 105, 11.2.and 345 kg/ha respectively Results In rainfed vertisols condition, long term application of 100 % RDF + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha -1 recorded higher total plant nutrient uptake viz., nitrogen uptake (15.6 kg ha -1 ), phosphorus uptake (3.2 kg ha -1 ), potassium uptake (17.1 kg ha -1 ) and zinc uptake (18.20 mg kg -1 ) and it was followed by the treatments applied with 50 % Inorganic N+ 50% organic N (FYM) + P (50%) + K (50%) (Fig.1). Deshmukh (2016) reported that the significantly higher uptake of nitrogen (40.30 kg ha 1), phosphorus, potassium (39.30kg ha-1), sulphur and zinc was recorded with the application of 125 % RDF (75:37.5:37.5 NPK kg ha -1 ) + Zinc @ 2.5 kg ha -1 Sustainable soil management for resilient rainfed agro-ecosystem: conservation agriculture, organic farming, INM, soil-microorganisms-plant interactions 451 | Page

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges &<br />

Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad<br />

Conclusion<br />

Soil moisture stress altered the relative abundance <strong>of</strong> root associated bacteria <strong>of</strong> maize. There<br />

was an increase in the abundance <strong>of</strong> Alpha Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria under water<br />

stressed conditions as compared to well watered conditions.<br />

References<br />

Chaudhari, D., Rangappa, K., Das, A., Layek, J., Basavaraj, S., Kandpal, B.K., Shouche, Y.,<br />

Rahi, P. 2020. Pea (Pisum sativumL.) Plant shapes its rhizosphere microbiome for<br />

nutrient uptake and stress amelioration in acidic soils <strong>of</strong> the North-East Region <strong>of</strong><br />

India. Front.Microbio. 11:968.<br />

Rascovan, N., Carbonetto, B., Perrig, D., DoÂaz, M., Canciani, W., Abalo, M. 2016.<br />

Integrated analysis <strong>of</strong> root microbiomes <strong>of</strong> soybean and wheat from agricultural<br />

fields. Sci. Rep. 6: 280-84.<br />

Rout, M.E. 2014. The plant microbiome. Adv. Botan. Res. 69: 279–309.<br />

Santos-Medellín, C., Edwards, J., Liechty, Z., Nguyen, B. and Sundaresan, V. 2017. Drought<br />

stress results in a compartment-specific restructuring <strong>of</strong> the rice root-associated<br />

microbiomes. mBio. 8: e00764-17.<br />

T4-07R-1066<br />

Long Term Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply and in-situ Crop Residues<br />

Management Practices on Plant Nutrient Uptake and Soil Microbial<br />

Population Assessment in Rainfed Cotton under Vertisols<br />

V. Sanjivkumar 1 *, K. Baskar 1 , S. Manoharan 1 , M. Manikandan 1 , G. Guru 1 and<br />

G. Ravindrachary 2<br />

1 ICAR-AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, Agricultural Research Station, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu -<br />

628501.<br />

2<br />

ICAR-All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, CRIDA, Hyderabad,<br />

Telungana state.<br />

*<br />

Cotton is one <strong>of</strong> the important cash crops and plays vital role in the economy <strong>of</strong> the country.<br />

India ranks second in world in area and production <strong>of</strong> cotton. The major production<br />

constraints <strong>of</strong> Vertisols are poor physical properties like low bulk density and hydraulic<br />

conductivity, formation <strong>of</strong> wide and deep cracks and narrow range <strong>of</strong> moisture for field<br />

operation. Now a days, the fertilizer requirements are increasing due to adoption <strong>of</strong> new high<br />

yielding hybrids in intensive cultivation. Therefore, to maintain crop productivity, the use <strong>of</strong><br />

450 | Page Sustainable soil management for resilient rainfed agro-ecosystem: conservation agriculture, organic farming, INM,<br />

soil-microorganisms-plant interactions

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