Book of Extended summaries ISDA

Book of Extended summaries ISDA Book of Extended summaries ISDA


International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad T1-42 P-1462 In-Situ Moisture Conservation and Natural Nitrification Inhibitors for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change in Semi-Arid Rainfed Regions G.Pratibha*, K.V.Rao, I.Srinivas, A.K.Indoria, Sumanta Kundu, M.Srinivasa Rao, Shivakumar A, K.Srinivasa Rao, M.Prabhakar, B.M.K.Raju, K.Sammi Reddy and V.K.Singh Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500059, India * The rainfed regions are characterised by frequent dry spells and uneven distribution of rainfall, during cropping season. The dry spells of two weeks or more may occur after seed germination, or during different growth stages of crop and this result in moisture stress conditions leading to decline in crop productivity and may also sometimes cause total crop failure. Therefore, for the sustainable production requires adoption of location specific in-situ soil moisture conservation technologies are need of the hour. In addition to moisture stress, low nitrogen use efficiency are also the main causes for low yields in the rainfed farming. Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient and a limiting factor for plant growth in most soils. The rising human population, especially in developing countries, has led to agricultural intensification with a high input of reactive N from chemical fertilizers. But the nitrogen use efficiency was low in general and in rainfed regions in particular. Improper time of application of nitrogen fertilizer results in low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and gaseous losses of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) and ammonia (NH 3 ). Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with global warming potential of 298 times greater than CO 2 emission. Nitrification and denitrification are the major biological processes responsible for N2O production. N 2 O levels in the atmosphere are raising at an alarming rate and are likely to quadruple by 2050. Hence suitable measures are required to reduce such emissions and increase the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency. Arresting nitrification could be an important strategy to improve nitrogen (N) recovery and agronomic N use efficiency where the loss of N is significant and leads to environmental pollution. Nitrification inhibitor could lower N 2 O emission and increase the crop productivity by reducing nitrification rate and increasing NUE through enhanced NH + 4 uptake. Though chemicals known to inhibit nitrifies and have been tested, but many of these chemicals use is not practical because of their high cost, limited availability, negative impact on beneficial soil microorganisms, and above all, poor extension and promotional activities are major constraints in this respect. Therefore, it is essential to develop plant-based nitrification inhibitors (natural nitrification inhibitors, NNI) for augmenting nitrogen use efficiency, crop productivity, and for safe guarding the environment. The advantages of NNI Resilience through land and water management interventions, water management and governance 109 | Page

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges & Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad are that they are easily available, cheap, and eco-friendly. These nitrification inhibitors can be coated to urea by the farmers. Keeping in this view, an experiment was initiated in maize- castor cropping to develop strategies for enhancing adaption and mitigation of climate change. Methodology Field experiments were conducted in maize-castor annual rotation during 2012-2017 at Gunegal Research Farm (GRF) of the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad, India (17◦23′N latitude, 78◦29′E longitude, altitude 540 m above mean sea level) in the semi-arid region of Southern part of India. Average seasonal (June–January) rainfall during the experimental season was 510 mm, which accounts for approximately 42% of annual potential evapo-transpiration. The soil at the experimental site represents Typic Haplustalf. The arable part of the soil consists of 71.10% sand, 6.30% silt and 22.60% clay. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. The treatments comprised of flat sowing, conservation furrow and tank silt application in main plots. The conservation furrow was made between the crop rows at the time of sowing with the implement fabricated at ICAR-CRIDA. This implement used for sowing, fertilizer application and conservation furrow at a time. Urea treated with natural plant products to retard nitrification of urea were taken as sub plots. The different natural nitrification inhibitors tested were neem cake, Karanj cake, Vitex leaf powder these were compared with FYM, un coated urea. The test crops were cultivated with all the recommended package of practices. Recommended dose of other fertilizer (P and K) was applied uniformly in all the treatments. Results In this study the different in-situ moisture conservation practices and nitrification inhibitors significantly influenced the yield and GHG emissions. It was also observed that differential impact of these practices on yield and N 2O emissions were observed in different years due inter annual variation of rainfall. Among the three moisture conservation treatments, conservation furrow recorded higher maize equivalent seed yield as compared to normal sowing and tank silt application. The yield increase ranged between 38 to 11 %. The yield improvement in in situ moisture conservation was higher in low rainfall years. Tank silt application recorded higher yield over normal sowing whereas tank silt application recorded higher yield than in-situ moisture conservation only during high rainfall years. All the natural nitrification inhibitors recorded higher maize equivalent yields as compared to urea and 50% nitrogen through FYM + 50% N through urea. Among the natural nitrification inhibitors Vitex coated urea recorded higher yields as compared to FYM + 50% N through urea, Karajin cake, neem cake coated urea, and urea alone respectively. GHG fluxes were recorded in different treatments. It was observed that CO 2 fluxes were not influenced by in-situ moisture conservation methods. Karanj cake coated, and neem cake 110 | Page Resilience through land and water management interventions, water management and governance

International Conference on Reimagining Rainfed Agro-ecosystems: Challenges &<br />

Opportunities during 22-24, December 2022 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad<br />

T1-42 P-1462<br />

In-Situ Moisture Conservation and Natural Nitrification Inhibitors for<br />

Adaptation and Mitigation <strong>of</strong> Climate Change in Semi-Arid Rainfed<br />

Regions<br />

G.Pratibha*, K.V.Rao, I.Srinivas, A.K.Indoria, Sumanta Kundu, M.Srinivasa Rao,<br />

Shivakumar A, K.Srinivasa Rao, M.Prabhakar, B.M.K.Raju, K.Sammi Reddy and<br />

V.K.Singh<br />

Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500059, India<br />

*<br />

The rainfed regions are characterised by frequent dry spells and uneven distribution <strong>of</strong> rainfall,<br />

during cropping season. The dry spells <strong>of</strong> two weeks or more may occur after seed<br />

germination, or during different growth stages <strong>of</strong> crop and this result in moisture stress<br />

conditions leading to decline in crop productivity and may also sometimes cause total crop<br />

failure. Therefore, for the sustainable production requires adoption <strong>of</strong> location specific in-situ<br />

soil moisture conservation technologies are need <strong>of</strong> the hour. In addition to moisture stress,<br />

low nitrogen use efficiency are also the main causes for low yields in the rainfed farming.<br />

Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient and a limiting factor for plant growth in most soils. The<br />

rising human population, especially in developing countries, has led to agricultural<br />

intensification with a high input <strong>of</strong> reactive N from chemical fertilizers. But the nitrogen use<br />

efficiency was low in general and in rainfed regions in particular. Improper time <strong>of</strong> application<br />

<strong>of</strong> nitrogen fertilizer results in low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and gaseous losses <strong>of</strong> nitrous<br />

oxide (N 2 O) and ammonia (NH 3 ). Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with global<br />

warming potential <strong>of</strong> 298 times greater than CO 2 emission. Nitrification and denitrification<br />

are the major biological processes responsible for N2O production. N 2 O levels in the<br />

atmosphere are raising at an alarming rate and are likely to quadruple by 2050. Hence suitable<br />

measures are required to reduce such emissions and increase the nitrogen fertilizer use<br />

efficiency. Arresting nitrification could be an important strategy to improve nitrogen (N)<br />

recovery and agronomic N use efficiency where the loss <strong>of</strong> N is significant and leads to<br />

environmental pollution. Nitrification inhibitor could lower N 2 O emission and increase the<br />

crop productivity by reducing nitrification rate and increasing NUE through enhanced NH + 4<br />

uptake. Though chemicals known to inhibit nitrifies and have been tested, but many <strong>of</strong> these<br />

chemicals use is not practical because <strong>of</strong> their high cost, limited availability, negative impact<br />

on beneficial soil microorganisms, and above all, poor extension and promotional activities<br />

are major constraints in this respect. Therefore, it is essential to develop plant-based<br />

nitrification inhibitors (natural nitrification inhibitors, NNI) for augmenting nitrogen use<br />

efficiency, crop productivity, and for safe guarding the environment. The advantages <strong>of</strong> NNI<br />

Resilience through land and water management interventions, water management and governance<br />

109 | Page

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