2022 Year in Review

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world. The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss! Read it now !

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world.

The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss!

Read it now !


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some of the areas through

which the BRI routes are running are

vulnerable to landslides, flooding,

sedimentation in rivers and soil erosion,

such as the Karakoram Highway that

crosses a highly geodynamic area,

increasing the risks for natural

disasters. Deforestation also increases

the chances on floods and landslides.

An example is the Pan Borneo Highway

which crosses through Malaysia,

Indonesia and Brunei.

A c a r g o t r u c k l i e s f l i p p e d o n a h a i r p i n t u r n

o n a f a r n o r t h e r n s e c t i o n o f t h e K a r a k o r a m

H i g h w a y n e a r t h e b o r d e r w i t h C h i n a . T h e

r o a d i s o f t e n n a r r o w , c l i n g s t o s t e e p s l o p e s

a n d i s b a t t e r e d b y l a n d s l i d e s a n d f l o o d s .

P H O T O : D I A A H A D I D / N P R



there can also be effects on the livelihoods of fauna and flora. The

Sambor hydroelectric dam, for example, reportedly obstructed fish migration

and caused changes to the river flow, also affecting the communities that lived

from the river. Furthermore, WWF listed more than 265 threatened species (incl.

giant pandas and tigers) and 1,739 critical biodiversity areas that will be

negatively impacted by the BRI. In Indonesia, for example, the Tapanuli

orangutan - the most rare ape on earth - is endangered by a hydroelectric power

plant that is being constructed in Sumatra’s Batang Toru forest highlands.

Moreover, the ecosystems of the BRI countries are also under threat as there

are over 800 alien invasive species that might be introduced by the BRI which

can also have dire effects on agricultural exports.

P A G E 7 8

F o r e s t i n B a t a n g T o r u , N o r t h S u m a t r a , I n d o n e s i a .

P H O T O : A N D R E W W A L K M S L E Y , S U M A T R A N O R A N G U T A N S O C I E T Y

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