2022 Year in Review

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world. The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss! Read it now !

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world.

The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss!

Read it now !


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led calls for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus.

While Albanese was adamant he was far from backing down on Australia’s commitment

to Taiwan’s freedom, human rights, and China’s actions in the South China Sea, the

resumption of high level communication suggests there may be a way forward for the two

countries who share strong historical and economic bonds.


The Solomon Islands’ security deal with China, an island which lies less than 2000 km

from Australia, sparked a wave of shock and outrage. As the geopolitical struggle in the

region between the world’s two major powers of the USA and China continues into the

21st century, Australia is expected to play an increasingly important regional role. The

Solomon Islands pivot away from Australia indicated one of the greatest foreign policy

blunders in Australia’s history.

Yet we shouldn’t be completely surprised. Under the previous Government, Australia

shied away from taking global leadership. Australia’s refusal to play ball on climate

targets, not only earnt the Government the reputation as a global pariah, alongside

nations such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, but also contributed to greater

disenfranchisement within the Pacific. Pacific nations are already bearing the greatest

brunt of climate change. For a major strategic ally and geopolitical neighbour to be not

only unwilling but appear actively against greater action on climate change was greatly


As a result, Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong and Albanese have set about reassuring

the world that this Government is different. It took Wong less than two weeks before

jetting to the islands of the Pacific.

That a senior Government official

saw the region as a priority,

compared to the previous

Government who sent a junior

Senator, Zed Seselja, goes a long

way to reassuring the Island




A B C ’ s G l o b a l A f f a i r s E d i t o r , J o h n L y o n s ,

o n A u s t r a l i a ’ s p o l i c y t o w a r d s t h e P a c i f i c

u n d e r M o r r i s o n .

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P H O T O : G E T T Y I M A G E S

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