2022 Year in Review

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world. The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss! Read it now ! The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world.

The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss!

Read it now !

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There is no way to neatly package the events of 2022. From the Russian invasionof Ukraine to femicide in Latin America - 2022 has presented a complex series ofevents. All of which this special issue and the team at YDS believe deserveattention and reflection.2022 has disrupted and challenged democracy. On 24 February, Russianaggression against neighbouring Ukraine escalated into a full-scale invasion –paralysing global relations and representing a profound shift in geopolitics (pg.1). There was the UK Crisis (pg. 106), Argentina’s IMF loan struggle and theassassination attempt on Vice President Kirchner (pg. 126), and right-leaningNetanyahu’s win in the Israel election (pg. 149). In November, rising powerIndonesia successfully hosted the G20 (pg. 65) restoring hope in diplomacy asworld leaders worked together to alleviate global tensions. The much anticipatedmeeting between US’ Joe Biden and China’s Xi Jinping also served to easetensions over contested Taiwan and reaffirm future dialogue between the twosuperpowers. However, significant efforts are still required to revive and reaffirmthe world’s democracies and hold governments accountable.2022 saw human rights issues take centre stage. The Roe vs Wade decisionshook the United States and stoked outrage across the globe (p. 7), genderequality was threatened by South Korea’s new president (p. 20), and navigatingsolutions to ongoing insecurity in Africa remain elusive (p. 157). In Australia, weheard renewed calls for a referendum for a First Nation’s Voice to Parliament - awelcome change and symbolic gesture that shows change is desired andpossible (p. 39).2022 also saw a continuation of the climate crisis with the Amazon in LatinAmerica devastated by illegal deforestation, hurricanes and landslides (p. 120),severe floods in Pakistan (p. 53), and the adverse environmental effects ofChina’s Belt and Road Initiative (p. 76). Renewed explorations of nuclear energyin Europe (p. 112) left some feeling hopeful. However, the changing balance ofpower in the international energy market remains one to watch with eyes on theMiddle East and North Africa’s investigation into alternative energy sources (p.136). The 27th COP summit hosted by Egypt attempted to energise climateaction efforts yet scepticism persists regarding world leaders’ commitment tosee through their promises.

While the events of 2022 are testing they must be remembered. Amidst theconflict and suffering, there is hope and a willingness to learn from pastmistakes. By investigating global issues in depth we can understand theramifications of injustice and feel empowered to effect change, whether small orlarge.So, as you flick through this edition and reflect on the year that was, allowyourself to feel.Find comfort in newfound knowledge.Embrace the discomfort.Fight for change, and use it to energise your 2023.Shantelle O’RiordanEditor-in-ChiefYoung Diplomats Society

While the events of 2022 are testing they must be remembered. Amidst the

conflict and suffering, there is hope and a willingness to learn from past

mistakes. By investigating global issues in depth we can understand the

ramifications of injustice and feel empowered to effect change, whether small or


So, as you flick through this edition and reflect on the year that was, allow

yourself to feel.

Find comfort in newfound knowledge.

Embrace the discomfort.

Fight for change, and use it to energise your 2023.

Shantelle O’Riordan


Young Diplomats Society

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