2022 Year in Review

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world. The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss! Read it now ! The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world.

The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss!

Read it now !

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P A G E 1 8P H O T O : M A R K U S W I N K L E R O N U N S P L A S H S

Elisha WatsonWhen South Korea’s new president,Yoon Suk-yeol, was elected earlier thisyear, it was seen as a warning towomen and female-presenting peopleeverywhere. Yoon rose to power fromthe People Power Party where hecapitalised on the growing fear in thecountry by appealing to thegrievances of young Korean men whoconsider themselves anti-feminists.Yoon appealed to these groups ofmen who believe they are beingdiscriminated against and in turnhelped turn a fringe onlinecommunity into a damaging majorpolitical force.Yoon called for the Ministry of GenderEquality and Family to be abolished,and accused its officials of treatingmen like “potential sex criminals.” Hehas blamed the country’s low birthrate on feminism — saying thatfeminism preventshealthy relationships between menand women. He said that systemic“structural discrimination based ongender” doesn’t exist in South Korea— despite Korean women being at ornear the bottom of the developedworld in a host of economic and socialindicators. Yoon became theconservatives' "icon" because he was"seen as the best person to beat theDemocratic Party candidate, despitehis lack of political leadershipexperience," Gi-Wook Shin, asociology professor at Stanford, toldAFP.Yoon’s plan to abolish the GenderEquality Ministry could have adisastrous impact on the country. Theregional and global implications ofthis, particularly in the context ofwomen’s rights, include a dramaticincrease in sex crimes. Currently,more than half of homicide victims inSouthP A G E 2 0

P A G E 1 8

P H O T O : M A R K U S W I N K L E R O N U N S P L A S H S

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