2022 Year in Review

The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world. The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss! Read it now ! The Year in Review is YDS’ biggest and most exciting publication of the year - featuring analysis that covers the most significant and impactful events that have shaped our world.

The 2022 Year in Review explores key events in all regions, from the overturning of Roe v Wade, the war in Ukraine, and the UK leadership crisis, this year’s edition is not one to miss!

Read it now !

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History plays a vital role in a country’s identity, values and culture, as well asdictates a State’s interaction with other States. In peace building, mutualunderstanding must be the focal consideration between parties. In other words,without mutual understanding peace talks cannot proceed. When history formsa part of a country’s identity, culture and values, all future decision making,foreign policy, economic and bilateral agreements becomes subjective to theindelible marks made in the past.In the case of the Ethiopia-Eritrea War, the Eritrean people still feel power hadbeen stolen from them by the Ethiopian people when King Menelik wasenthroned as Amhara King and shifted power from the traditional base in Tigrayto Amhara in 1889. Fighting has continued for decades, with multiple treatiessigned and broken, yet both countries seem unable to relinquish hostilities ofthe past.Further, African nations often rely on consulting external powers due to bilateralagreements and existing treaties. Turkiye is a long-standing ally of Somalia.Ankara is a longtime supporter of Mogadishu, providing humanitarian reliefduring Somalia’s worst famine. Somalia has benefited greatly from itsrelationship with Turkiye; from the construction of Mogadishu airport,remodeling of hospitals, opening of the largest embassy in Africa, and as themain destination for Turkish goods including construction materials, processedfood and other consumables. However, Turkish ground-rooting in Somalia hasbeen criticised as a political agenda - paving the way for interference in internalSomali affairs. These include election processes and the provision of weapons toTurkish-trained Special forces in Somalia who oppose separatists and militiagroups - effectively resulting in Somalia becoming indebted to Turkiye. Somaliaappears to have its lips and hands tied when it comes to decision making andforeign policy.This and other similar scenarios can be traced to other African countries whereconflicts are still ongoing. Corruption and poor leadership are key instigators ofthe unending wars in Africa. In delivering keynote address, President Sirleaf,former president of Liberia emphasised “the record is clear that the root causes ofcivil conflicts in Africa are bad governance, lack of respect for human rights, socioeconomicand political inequality and grinding poverty. Liberia is no different”.P A G E 1 6 0

Approaching conflict resolution in Africa must use an African approach. Powerfulnon-African nations cannot continue to make back-room decisions on Africanissues to protect their interest in the region. Without this, solving African issuesin the African setting will remain unsuccessful. Powerful nations, includingpermanent members of the UN Security Council, have interest in most ongoingAfrican conflicts - often due to the opportunities conflict provides in exploitingminerals and raw materials. Making firm decisions to force peace, which fallswithin their mandate, thus remains stuck in a stalemate.The root causes of conflict and interest of warring parties must be consideredand form a part of all conflict resolution in the region. Conflicts and wars inAfrica can be resolved but without a holistic approach to address allfundamental factors, reproach corrupt leaders, and eliminate interests ofexternal powers, war would continue unabatedly in Africa.P H O T O : D WP A G E 1 6 1

Approaching conflict resolution in Africa must use an African approach. Powerful

non-African nations cannot continue to make back-room decisions on African

issues to protect their interest in the region. Without this, solving African issues

in the African setting will remain unsuccessful. Powerful nations, including

permanent members of the UN Security Council, have interest in most ongoing

African conflicts - often due to the opportunities conflict provides in exploiting

minerals and raw materials. Making firm decisions to force peace, which falls

within their mandate, thus remains stuck in a stalemate.

The root causes of conflict and interest of warring parties must be considered

and form a part of all conflict resolution in the region. Conflicts and wars in

Africa can be resolved but without a holistic approach to address all

fundamental factors, reproach corrupt leaders, and eliminate interests of

external powers, war would continue unabatedly in Africa.

P H O T O : D W

P A G E 1 6 1

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