Music - MYP 4 and 5 - Samuel Wright - Hodder 2020

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thinking skills: Applying existing knowledge


generate new ideas, products or processes


was a time not all that long ago when a civil


of sorts was being waged between classical


and those willing to consider a role


electronics and synthesizers within classical


Yet such a separation doesn’t appear to exist


[Gregson] at all.”


this activity you have practised skills that are


using Criterion B: Developing skills and


ACTIVITY: Gregson Quartets No. 2

Gregson also provides a performance direction for the


synthesiser so it can be set to the correct tone-colour or

timbre. Here the free synthesiser Helm has been used

to recreate the arpeggio effect, with both a square and

sawtooth wave using the ADSR settings of A3.D3.S10.R4.

If you were to compose a piece of music today for an

If you have a device, Synth One does a fantastic job, as

well as Alchemy inside of GarageBand.

ensemble, would you include electronics? How would you

add instructions to your score for the performer? Peter

After performing the chords and finding a synth setting

Gregson, in his second EP, combines the colours of the

that you think works, discuss with a friend how you

string quartet with that of a synthesiser playing arpeggios:

might perform another layer on top, utilising longer

notes like the violins.

Discuss how you would notate this and what your

performance directions to another musician would

be. This is where you create your own system of

documenting synthesiser settings plus the actual notes

to be performed. Share them with your class for peer

Quartets: Two

Listen to

EP by Peter Gregson on the

playlist. Gregson’s piece ‘Sequence (Four)’ is reminiscent

evaluation; or, better yet, perform it live!


of many works, with a Philip Glass-ian

of i

(D minor)-VI (B major)-III (F major)-VII (C sus4). Play this


progression yourself

the chart below.

◆■ Assessment opportunities

Figure 9.27 Minor chord formula progression with

Criterion D: Responding.

suspension (sus4)

Figure 9.28 Helm synth with arpeggiator (ARP) turned on ready to perform

Music for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept


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