Music - MYP 4 and 5 - Samuel Wright - Hodder 2020

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! Take action

Find out how gameplay can focus our creativity and imagination into works of art or music.


Explore the process behind the artists and musicians of games when they create new worlds of sound, to


! Demonstrate the type of gameplay that can bring people together to work towards a common goal. Host and

! Host a competition for visual artists, writers and musicians. Ask groups to create a mock pitch for a game that raises


artwork of both games is unique in its use of shadow,


communicate with an audience.

present an event that showcases collaboration through play and imagination.

of a local issue of social inequality. Make sure that your pitch looks at the application of key skills such as


collaboration and creativity. You could invite outside parties or the parents’ association to help judge


the applicants.

Listen to LUNA’s ‘Intro’ theme on the playlist and then

Game score mission

perform the theme below.

Child of Light

LUNA – The Shadow Dust

1 What colour comes to you when you hear this theme?

Which instruments do you think could play it and build

light and colour.

set in a world

LUNA – The Shadow Dust is

onto that colour?

of magic. It is completely hand drawn and relies on a

wonderful score by composer Wang Qian. You can watch

2 Using software or the performers you have around you,

perform LUNA’s ‘Intro’ theme and orchestrate it to reflect

the gameplay here:


https://youtu.be/Pj-N42ZPf6I .

of Light, on the other hand, is first set in Austria in 1895,

the colour you chose. Use techniques that you have heard

then in a magical kingdom named Lemuria, with music by

in all the other works of this chapter so far (arpeggios,

motivic development, pedal notes, and so on).

Cœur de pirate. The opening

movie-cut scene)

cinematic (a

is beautifully narrated through a coloured church window:

3 Now listen to Aurora’s theme from ‘Child of Light’ on


the playlist. Which colours come to you when you hear

this theme?

Figure 7.52 Opening theme from

Wang Qian

LUNA – The Shadow Dust by

Figure 7.53 Figure 7.54

of Light

Luna – The Shadow Dust

in-game image Press image of



7 Can gaming change the way we play? 199

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