Music - MYP 4 and 5 - Samuel Wright - Hodder 2020

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c by swapping or combining parts.

In the opening of the track ‘Hornet’, there is an underlying

Game score mission

quaver (8th note) pulse in 6/8 with the


shifting the

‘Hollow Knight’ (part 2)

rhythmic emphasis from groupings of 3 to 2. It is here that

we get the A minor leitmotif part 1 (see Figure 7.40).

Another leitmotif that deserves study from Christopher

Larkin’s score is that of the secondary heroic figure, Hornet.

Then when the longer note melody enters, leitmotif 1

is played underneath leitmotif 2, almost like a support

structure for the longer note melody. It finishes with

a flourish of ascending semi-quavers (16th notes) (see

Figure 7.41).

Using these two piano-based ideas, Larkin now changes

the ending of leitmotif 2, adds in rapid scales, uses

syncopation and even swaps the melody from the top to

the bottom with a new ostinato pattern.

Can you discover (orchestrate) another way of performing

the ‘Hornet’ leitmotif? Start by entering it into MuseScore

or another notation program. Then, change features such

the rhythmic accents, the ending of leitmotif 2 and




Figure 7.39 Hornet from ‘Hollow Knight’

Document these changes in your portfolio and ask for

Hornet appears as a mysterious character in the game,

feedback from a peer. Is there anything you can add or edit?

with different endings to her theme.

Figure 7.40 ‘Hornet’ leitmotif part 1

Figure 7.41 ‘Hornet’ leitmotif part 2

Music for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept


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