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decided to jump into Wellington Harbour for a swim to<br />

f<strong>res</strong>hen up. “I wasn't too keen, but I just went along with<br />

it. I was the last one into the water and I misjudged the<br />

depth as I dived in. “There was a loud bang and things<br />

changed forever.”<br />

Bryce was lying face down in the ocean and he couldn’t<br />

move. He was fighting for his life. His mates faced the<br />

hard decision to leave Bryce face down to protect his spine<br />

or turn him over. “Thankfully they turned me over, that<br />

al<strong>low</strong>ed me to get back to breathing.”<br />

In a state of shock, they waited for the emergency services<br />

to arrive and take Bryce to ICU at Wellington Hospital.<br />

Lying in a hospital bed, Bryce made the hardest phone<br />

call of his life.<br />

“I had to ring my Mum and Dad and tell them that I had a<br />

high-level spinal cord injury. Mum answered the phone<br />

first, she said wait there and she went to get my father and<br />

he dropped the phone just with the sheer shock.<br />

“To be honest their lives have never been the same since<br />

that day. Barring the passing away of your loved one or<br />

sibling, it's pretty much close to the top of the tree, so to<br />

speak, in terms of a big moment to come to terms with.”<br />

LEGACY: Bryce’s funding pitch to the Lotteries<br />

Commission said they would take 1000 people out on<br />

the boat every year. “That was our line in the sand”.<br />

Starting again<br />

Bryce was 29 years old. He was sent to Christchurch Hospital<br />

ICU for two weeks to al<strong>low</strong> the injury to stabilise and then he<br />

was in Burwood Spinal Unit for a further 11 months.<br />

“It was a long time because of the way they managed my<br />

break,” he says. Bryce had fractured his C2, C3, C5 and C6<br />

in his cervical vertebrae. He was placed in head traction for<br />

a minimum of eight weeks and then another two weeks.<br />

It was the hardest time in his life. “To be honest, head<br />

traction was a pretty tough time,” he says in his<br />

understated way.<br />

His family were his rock. His sister never missed a day<br />

when he was in the Spinal Unit. And his Mum and Dad<br />

who were living in Tauranga flew down regularly thanks<br />

to the support of ACC. When he had a tough day, his sister<br />

provided some inspirational words which changed his<br />

perspective. “She said ‘it's happened to you for a reason<br />

Bryce,” he says. You of all people who have our love and<br />

support, but you have the ability to deal with it, you're a<br />

larger-than-life character. You're a positive kind of guy.<br />

So, you’ve really got to just try and drill down on that’.”<br />

Bryce remembers one of the doctors at Burwood would<br />

always say whatever person you were like before your<br />

spinal cord injury, it magnifies afterwards.<br />

“So if you're a bit of a rascal and you would get up to<br />

mischief. Well, you can sort of easily go down that path<br />

moving forward. Or you can go, right, how am I going to<br />

make this work?” It was a turning point. “It might sound<br />

silly, but I consider myself blessed that I went to the<br />

Burwood Spinal Unit and learned off so many people that<br />

actually genuinely had great advice.”<br />

He says he has the nurses at Burwood to thank for his skin<br />

integrity. People like Dr. Angelo Anthony and Dr. Rick<br />

Acland taught him how to own his new life.<br />

—Bryce Dinneen<br />

There was a loud bang and<br />

things changed forever.<br />

“Whether it was teaching a support worker how to transfer<br />

you or having an understanding about battling bladder<br />

management, you've got to take <strong>res</strong>ponsibility,” he says.<br />

“It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be challenging, but<br />

you can actually have some quality of life moving<br />

forward. That’s why I consider myself grateful.”<br />

Back into the outside world<br />

Bryce found the transition to home scary.<br />

“I didn’t want to leave Burwood because I had everything<br />

there I needed. Doctors, physios, support. But there’s that<br />

transition period which everyone has to focus on moving<br />

forward. And it is hard.<br />

“It took me a long time to get back into society.”<br />

As a young man, Bryce was a keen sportsman. He did a lot<br />

of running and playing rep<strong>res</strong>entative cricket. He said to<br />

excel in those two pursuits you need to be mentally strong<br />

and that helped in his recovery. Bryce turned his<br />

attention to helping others and making a difference.<br />

Wish4Fish was born<br />

The idea of fishing again stayed with him. He had a<br />

number of conversations in the Spinal Unit, and he was<br />

told “Bryce we don’t go fishing because it’s too hard”.<br />

Bryce thought to himself: ‘I am not accepting that. I’m<br />

going to figure out how to do this’. And the more people I

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