In this edition, follow the story of Jesus' birth found in Luke 2:4-20 with devotionals and stories we hope will bless you. You will find Christmas greetings by several artists and as well as teasers to some of their music. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from NJR Digital and New Journey Radio!

In this edition, follow the story of Jesus' birth found in Luke 2:4-20 with devotionals and stories we hope will bless you. You will find Christmas greetings by several artists and as well as teasers to some of their music. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from NJR Digital and New Journey Radio!


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ISSUE 9, <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

In this Edition:<br />

Stories & Devotionals<br />

based on Luke 2:4-20<br />



E S T . 2 0 2 2<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong><br />

www.newjourneyradio.com/<strong>NJR</strong>-digital-magazine<br />

129 Henry Road<br />

Columbus, MS 39702<br />

Phone: 662-223-3234<br />

Email: office@richardsonllc.org<br />

Facebook: @richardsonmmg<br />

Business Operations & Advertising:<br />

Amy Richardson - amy@richardsonllc.org<br />

Bobby Richardson - richardsonmmg@gmail.com<br />

Staff Writers:<br />

Charlie Sexton, Greg & Donna Journey, Vickie Burleson, Elise Ingle, Greg Sullivan<br />

Featured Ministry:<br />

Project Repurpose by Mike and Karen McCrelles<br />

Graphics: Pictures in stories used by permission.<br />

© 2 0 2 2 N J R D i g i t a l a d i v i s i o n o f R i c h a r d s o n M a n a g e m e n t S e r v i c e s , L L C . A l l r i g h t s<br />

r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s m a g a z i n e m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y<br />

a n y m e a n s e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y , r e c o r d i n g o r a n y o t h e r w i t h o u t w r i t t e n<br />

p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e p u b l i s h e r o f N J R D i g i t a l . P a r t s o f t h i s m a g a z i n e r e a d ‘ l i v e ’ o n t h e<br />

a i r i s a l l o w e d w i t h o u t p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n b y n o t i n g t h e s o u r c e o f i n f o r m a t i o n .

EDITOR'S<br />

LETTER<br />

Christmas is about family! All of them.<br />

Christmas is about your grandparents,<br />

mom and dad, aunts and uncles, brothers us! It’s important to surround ourselves<br />

and sisters.<br />

with friends and church family<br />

I want to present this question: Why "No other structure can replace the<br />

didn’t God just send Jesus as an adult? family.” ~Chuck Colson<br />

Why a babe? Why even give him a mom<br />

or dad, a family? Now when I ask myself May you enjoy your family this Christmas<br />

these questions the only thing that comes season and reflect on all the joy it brings.<br />

to mind is maybe God knows something<br />

about Family that we don’t. Maybe God<br />

/ Bobby Richardson<br />

knows that Family is important, and he<br />

wanted to show us that with his son<br />

Jesus.<br />

When we look at the story of Jesus’s birth<br />

we find an important part of the story of<br />

Jesus found in Mary and Joseph. The<br />

reason why Family is so important is<br />

because it protects us from attack/being<br />

broken. Kind of like a tooth-pic, when we<br />

are alone and by ourselves, we are easily<br />

broken. With our family we become<br />

stronger.<br />

The Bible many times calls us brother and<br />

sister. Now that does not mean that we<br />

are blood related, but we are a part of<br />

God's family and church is important to<br />

03 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

TABLE<br />

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LUKE 2:10-12 DEVOTION<br />


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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Reflections from<br />

Mayberry<br />

/ by Greg & Donna Journey<br />

Luke 2:4-5<br />

"So Joseph also went up from the She was a virgin and had never<br />

town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, been with a man! I can imagine her<br />

to Bethlehem the town of David, questions..."How?" "What?"<br />

because he belonged to the house "Why?" "Why me???" But yet she<br />

and line of David. He went there to trusted God that He would protect<br />

register with Mary, who was pledged her and show her and Joseph what<br />

to be married to him and was to do every step of the way.<br />

expecting a child."<br />

Then there was Joseph. He could<br />

Can you imagine the amazing and have said the word and had Mary<br />

unwavering faith that Mary and put away, but yet he trusted God<br />

Joseph must have had as they made and listened to God’s plan for he<br />

the journey to Bethlehem? Mary and Mary’s life. He, a simple<br />

had been approached by the Angel carpenter, had been chosen to be<br />

letting her know that she had been the earthly father of a Savior.<br />

chosen by God to be the mother of<br />

Jesus, the long awaited one, the God has a plan and His plan is<br />

Savior, the hope for the world! Just perfect in every way. Trust Him<br />

imagine for a moment how and have faith in Him as Mary and<br />

frightened she must have been. Joseph did.<br />

/ Donna Journey

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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Greg<br />

Sullivan<br />

Ministries<br />

08 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

Now at Radio<br />

I Know<br />

He Can

Luke 2:6-7<br />

"While they were<br />

there, the time<br />

came for the baby<br />

to be born, and she<br />

gave birth to her<br />

firstborn, a son.<br />

She wrapped him<br />

in cloths and<br />

placed him in a<br />

manger, because<br />

there was no guest<br />

room available for<br />

them."<br />

Expectations are<br />

high at Christmas.<br />

Most of us have a<br />

vision of how the<br />

season should be<br />

celebrated. But<br />

sometimes<br />

experience doesn’t<br />

match our<br />

expectations. And<br />

that’s not<br />

necessarily a bad<br />

thing.<br />

Joseph was a man<br />

who might have<br />

had high<br />

expectations. He<br />

was a poor<br />

Expecting<br />

Christmas<br />

carpenter, but he’d been<br />

chosen to raise a king.<br />

And a king deserves the<br />

absolute best.<br />

The journey to Bethlehem<br />

was his first task as a<br />

father. If he was anything<br />

like my husband, he<br />

cleaned the donkey until<br />

he sparkled, packed extra<br />

snacks for the pregnant<br />

lady, measured out the<br />

safest and quickest route,<br />

and had the perfect<br />

lodging already in mind.<br />

But Joseph's calculations<br />

must have been a little<br />

off because the couple<br />

arrived too late to garner<br />

even a corner of a house;<br />

much less a place suitable<br />

for a king! And Mary was<br />

going into labor. There<br />

was no time left to waste.<br />

Any well-crafted plans<br />

were in the dust as a<br />

desperate Joseph ran<br />

door to door looking for<br />

somewhere, anywhere to<br />

stay.<br />

09<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

There was only one<br />

place that could<br />

accommodate our<br />

Christmas couple. And I<br />

guarantee this place<br />

was nowhere near<br />

what Joseph had in<br />

mind. The King of Kings,<br />

Lord of Lords, Prince of<br />

Peace, Son of God, was<br />

born in a filthy stable.<br />

Talk about lowering a<br />

man’s expectations!<br />

Our family recently<br />

watched the latest<br />

sequel to the Christmas<br />

classic, ‘A Christmas<br />

Story’. The flick paints a<br />

fair picture of how a<br />

dad looks when he feels<br />

like he’s failed at<br />

meeting perceived<br />

expectations. A grownup<br />

Ralphie has kids of<br />

his own, and plans to<br />

pull off Christmas like<br />

his father once did:<br />

with masterful<br />

perfection. But when<br />

circumstances outside<br />

of his control cause his<br />

plans to go awry, he is<br />

a man defeated.<br />

Christmas will be<br />

ruined, and he feels<br />

he’s to blame.<br />

I can’t help but<br />

wonder if Joseph<br />

might have felt the<br />

same as Mary gave<br />

birth to baby Jesus<br />

among the smell of<br />

donkeys and hay.<br />

Surely it was a<br />

disgrace for the Son of<br />

God to be born in a<br />

stable! Surely the bed<br />

for the Holy Child<br />

should have been<br />

better than a manger!<br />

Surely this was not<br />

how the Promised<br />

Messiah should enter<br />

the world!<br />

It's a good thing the<br />

birth of Jesus didn't go<br />

as a man might have<br />

planned it. God's plan<br />

was so much better.<br />

There was purpose in<br />

everthing surrounding<br />

Christ's birth. The<br />

messy birthplace of<br />

our Savior gives us a<br />

beautiful hope: Christ<br />

will come to even the<br />

lowliest of places to<br />

heal the hearts of<br />

men. There is no<br />

house too dirty, or<br />

too poor, to invite<br />

this Jesus in.<br />

And the manger<br />

where they laid Him<br />

was not by accident,<br />

or a shame. A<br />

shepherd would<br />

often bind a spotless<br />

lamb and place him<br />

in a manger to keep<br />

him safe and<br />

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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

unblemished for his<br />

purpose as a sacrifice.<br />

This is why the angels<br />

sang, not to Jesus, but<br />

to shepherds, and<br />

sent them looking for<br />

the child in the<br />

manger (Luke 2:12).<br />

His rough bed<br />

declared He was the<br />

spotless Lamb of God!<br />

And Joseph might<br />

have felt like he'd<br />

failed to meet<br />

expectations, but as<br />

he looked on the face<br />

of Jesus, he would<br />

have had a revelation.<br />

If he was capable of<br />

meeting all of God’s<br />

expectations, there’d<br />

be no reason for the<br />

Christ child to be<br />

born. He would fail as<br />

a father, and a<br />

husband, and a<br />

servant, no matter<br />

how hard he would<br />

try. He could not live a<br />

perfect life, so<br />

Godsent one who<br />

could. And he could<br />

not save himself, so<br />

God sent a Savior who<br />

would.<br />

Whatever your<br />

expections of<br />

Christmas are this<br />

year, I hope you won’t<br />

miss the greatest gift<br />

God gives us. Joseph<br />

found himself in a<br />

mess, but that was<br />

where he met God’s<br />

Messiah. And it is<br />

where we meet Him<br />

too. Our plans may<br />

fail, but we can still<br />

rejoice in God's plan.<br />

And it is okay if our<br />

experience does not<br />

match our<br />

expectations, because<br />

it can exceed them if<br />

we take time to<br />

worship. And that’s<br />

always a good thing.<br />

Elise<br />

Ingle<br />

11<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Wishing you and your<br />

family a safe and wonderful<br />

Holiday Season!<br />

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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Luke 2:8<br />

"And there were<br />

shepherds living out<br />

in the fields nearby,<br />

keeping watch over<br />

their flocks at night."<br />

Shepherds - Simple,<br />

unkept, uneducated,<br />

ceremonially<br />

unclean men that<br />

most people would<br />

naturally overlook<br />

for anything grand<br />

or important. Just<br />

local men, doing<br />

their job with no<br />

fanfare - and yet the<br />

God of Heaven chose<br />

them to hear the<br />

good news first that<br />

The Messiah had<br />

indeed arrived!<br />

Without hesitation<br />

these men went and<br />

told all they had<br />

seen and heard! The<br />

truth they knew had<br />

to be shared! The<br />

long awaited<br />

prophecy was<br />

unfolding right<br />

before their eyes!<br />

And yet, as I ponder<br />

this, conviction<br />

washes over me -<br />

even in their lowly<br />

estate, they made<br />

no excuses as to why<br />

they shouldn't tell<br />

everyone. They<br />

simply went!<br />

How often have I<br />

made excuses to my<br />

Lord when He has<br />

opened a door for<br />

me? Excuses like,<br />

"I'm not an eloquent<br />

speaker, Lord!" "I<br />

mess up way too<br />

often!" "Lord, that<br />

costs too much<br />

money. I can't<br />

afford to (you fill in<br />

the rest)." "Lord, I'm<br />

not pretty enough..."<br />

The list of excuses<br />

can be endless.<br />

What has God called<br />

you to do? I've said<br />

many times that you<br />

don't have to stand<br />

on a public stage<br />

with a mic in your<br />

hand to minister and<br />

share the name of<br />

Jesus. More often<br />

than not, real<br />

ministry is better<br />

done, one person,<br />

one soul at a time<br />

right where you live.<br />

No more excuses!<br />

13<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

N O V E M B E R<br />

11 Jordan Family Band - B-L-E-S-S-E-D<br />

2 Brian Free & Assurance - Liar, Liar<br />

3 Phillips & Banks - Find My Hallelujah<br />

4 Mercy's Well - Bless the Waves<br />

5 Masters Voice - Whose Hand You're In<br />

6 Galloway & Company - Just Sing<br />

7 The Kramers - Sing Me There<br />

8 Dixie Revival - Beautiful Messes<br />

9 Greater Vision - Older People<br />

10 The Sound - Never Not God<br />

11 The Perry's - Tell the Grave<br />

12 Collingsworth Family - Another Noah<br />

13 Billy Walker - He's Still Here<br />

14 The Journeys - Grace Said Yes<br />

15 Southbound - No Better Than That<br />

16 Cheri Taylor - Comin' Out Singing<br />

17 The Steeles - A Hundred Different Altars<br />

18 Guardians - Not For Long<br />

19 Gaither Vocal Band - There is a Mountain<br />

20 Rivers Edge - My Hope is int he Blood<br />

21 Porter Family - This Ain't That Song<br />

22 LeFevre Quartet - God's Been Good<br />

23 Joy Holden - Carry It All<br />

24 Hyssongs - When You Believe in God<br />

25 High Road - Faith, Hope, & Love<br />

26 Karen Peck & New River - The Keepers<br />

27 Poet Voices - It is Finished<br />

28 KT&T - Mended by the Potter<br />

29 Gold City - Once and For All<br />

30 Ashley Franks - Tear Down the Walls<br />

ONLINE<br />


Let <strong>NJR</strong> Digital<br />

advertise your group,<br />

next event or concert,<br />

or your business. We<br />

are affordable digital<br />

advertising with many<br />

ways to advertise<br />

which includes New<br />

Journey Radio and our<br />

website. Call 662-223-<br />

3234 for a quote.<br />

14 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Sore<br />

Afraid?<br />

Luke 2:9<br />

“And, lo, the angel of the Lord<br />

shone round about them: and they<br />

were sore afraid…”.<br />

Can you imagine?<br />

No. Really.<br />

Take a second and think about it.<br />

Not to sound like Sophia Petrillo on<br />

The Golden Girls, but, ‘Picture it…<br />

Judea." Shepherds on a hill side -<br />

minding their sheep - and their own<br />

business. When, all of a sudden, their<br />

dull, uneventful night changed quite<br />

drastically. Well, that is an<br />

understatement. They had no clue<br />

that they were about to receive an<br />

unearthly angelic visitation of biblical<br />

proportions. God Himself had sent His<br />

very own angel to alert a handful of<br />

lowly humans that God was about to<br />

manifest Himself as a baby - a baby<br />

that would save the world.<br />

“Sore afraid…”. I have always<br />

15<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

wondered why the good King James<br />

and his crew used that particular<br />

wording. Sore. Why not ‘So’? How<br />

many times have we ever overexpressed<br />

a situation by adding the<br />

adverb ‘so’. It was SO cold. You are SO<br />

pretty. Not just a regular, run-of-themill<br />

chill. Not just above-average<br />

beauty. We’re talkin’ an over-the-top<br />

bone freezing cold, and an exquisite<br />

visage that defies description.<br />

So, why not say 'So afraid’? I’m glad you<br />

asked. Because as descriptive as that<br />

would be, it simply falls short of the<br />

immensity of the experience. Have you<br />

ever had such a fright that an hour<br />

later, your chest literally hurt? Or have<br />

you ever had something cause you to<br />

tense up to the point that the next day,<br />

your muscles were sore? Yeah. THAT is<br />

what the KJV Boys were screamin’ in<br />

this text.<br />

I know that I can’t fully wrap my mind<br />

around seeing an angel, but I have<br />

seen the Shekinah Glory of The Lord<br />

appear in a few church services over<br />

the years. Was I frightened? Heavens,<br />

no! I was humbled, and immediately<br />

fell into a place of reverence for the<br />

experience. But, ‘sore'? No. Why?<br />

Because as a young man, I gladly<br />

accepted The Gift of the very Christ<br />

that the angel announced to those<br />

shepherds on that Judean hillside.<br />

They were 'sore' because they didn't<br />

know Him; hadn’t been introduced to<br />

Him. But, me? I know Him. I’m<br />

acquainted with Him. He’s my Friend<br />

and Elder Brother. Best of all,He’s my<br />

Savior. He knows me!! Well, Glory!!<br />

Perhaps, you are ’sore afraid’.<br />

Don’t be.<br />

There is no better time of the year<br />

than during the Celebration of The<br />

Birth of Jesus to find Him precious to<br />

your never-dying soul. Then you - as<br />

did those shepherds of old - can go<br />

running into town searching until you<br />

reach Jesus. Then, instead of being<br />

’sore afraid’, you will humbly and<br />

reverently bow at His feet, and<br />

worship Him…<br />

What better Gift can there be?<br />

For The Record,<br />

16 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> Charlie Sexton


WITH US<br />

Mary<br />

Burke<br />

Ministries<br />

Thanks DJs for<br />

playing my<br />

new release<br />

Testimony Without a Test<br />

I Talk to God Album<br />

maryburkeonline.com<br />

17<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Luke 2:10-12<br />

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news<br />

that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a<br />

Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a<br />

sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a<br />

manger."<br />

When I think of this passage it<br />

reminds me that God never wants<br />

us to be afraid but put our trust in<br />

Him. Everytime in the Bible when<br />

God appeared, the first thing that<br />

was said was "Fear Not". One can<br />

imagine how afraid those<br />

shepherds were. Never having seen<br />

anything like this before in their<br />

lives. The angel calmed their fears<br />

and told them of the great thing<br />

that had taken place. Jesus; the<br />

Savior of the World, had been born<br />

and God chose to tell them first.<br />

Lastly, God gave them instructions<br />

as to where to find the answer.<br />

That's what He does for us. Gives us<br />

direct instructions ... not<br />

suggestions. When fearful things<br />

come upon us He instructs us to<br />

fear not, let's us know why we are<br />

there, and gives us the directions to<br />

the answer. Jesus has, is, and will<br />

always be the answer to every<br />

situation that besets us.<br />

Why is that significant? Shepherds<br />

were considered the lowest of<br />

humanity. They were dirty, stunk<br />

and were considered thieves. Yet,<br />

God chose to tell them first for the<br />

angel said " I bring you tidings of<br />

great joy which shall be to ALL<br />

people." Jesus came for everybody!!!<br />

The highest of highs and the lowest<br />

of lows. We need to always keep<br />

that in the forefront of our minds<br />

daily.<br />

Greg Sullivan Ministries<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

and Happy New Year!!!<br />

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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

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<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

20<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

21<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

McKay Project<br />

22<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

www.studio115a.com<br />

662.889.2829<br />


23 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 24 / 7

Luke 2:16 - 20<br />

"So they hurried off and found Mary<br />

and Joseph, and the baby, who was<br />

lying in the manger. When they had<br />

seen him, they spread the word<br />

concerning what had been told them<br />

about this child, and all who heard it<br />

were amazed at what the shepherds<br />

said to them. But Mary treasured up all<br />

these things and pondered them in her<br />

heart. The shepherds returned,<br />

glorifying and praising God for all the<br />

things they had heard and seen, which<br />

were just as they had been told."<br />

Amy Richardson<br />

Breath of Heaven<br />

In a stable, the baby was born and in a<br />

manger he lay. The one the angel told<br />

Mary about. The one the angel told<br />

Joseph about. The one the angel told<br />

the shepherds about. The breath of<br />

heaven sent down to save the world!<br />

Everyday, we breathe that name.<br />

Think about it. Yahweh. Breathe in<br />

“yah”; breathe out “weh” The breath<br />

of heaven given to each one of us put<br />

in our bodies to go tell the world that<br />

the Savior lives. Emmanuel is with us.<br />

The breath of heaven given to each<br />

one of us to glorify and praise God for<br />

all the things He has done.<br />

The breath of heaven sent in the form<br />

24 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

of a baby – pure and innocent – to<br />

grow up and mature and tell all of us<br />

about the goodness of God so that<br />

we may receive that good gift.<br />

The breath of heaven giving up His<br />

last breath to save a world in need of<br />

a Savior. And in His last breath, he<br />

asked the Father to forgive them for<br />

they knew not what they were doing.<br />

And with the breath of heaven, He<br />

intercedes for us.<br />

We still need Him today. We still need<br />

to tell the world about the love of<br />

God. Will you join me this Christmas<br />

season and breathe that breath of<br />

heaven into the hearts and lives of<br />

the ones you touch?

from all of us at New Journey Radio<br />

and <strong>NJR</strong> Digital!<br />

25<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

26<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

27 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 4:00 pm-6:00 pm<br />




Amy Richardson<br />


601-807-6465<br />

https://farmasius.com/amyrichardson2333<br />

28 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> Need Prayer?

http://partners.konnectmd.com/322718/15652<br />

29<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

<strong>NJR</strong> Top 5<br />

Most<br />

Requested<br />

1. Jordan Family Band - B-L-E-S-S-E-D<br />

2. Galloway & Company - Just Sing<br />

3. Dixie Revival - Beautiful Messes<br />

4. The Steeles - A Hundred Different Altars<br />

5. The Kramers - Sing Me There<br />

Sponsored By<br />


<br />

Email: projectrepurposemk@gmail.com<br />

30 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> www.newjourneyradio.com/prayer

Seasons Greetings<br />

from<br />


Exceed Technologies is your full-service<br />

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www.newjourneyradio.com/prayer<br />

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31<br />

<strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

6:00am/9:30am Weekdays<br />

Mondays and Wednesdays<br />

@ 3:00pm CST<br />

Mondays and Wednesdays<br />

@ 6:00pm CST<br />

Mondays and Wednesdays<br />

@ 8:00pm CST<br />

24 <strong>NJR</strong> <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> www.newjourneyradio.com/prayer

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