Russell's Teapot issue 4

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-------Artificial Intelligence-------

Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing into

many areas of our modern society, and benefits

us as a society. For example, research into

medical fields, creating innovative technology,

and in the entertainment sector.

Artificial intelligence is used in the medical

sector to improve accuracy of programs that

detect health conditions. AI technology is

used in the entertainment sector in programs

such as Youtube. AI will gather information on

what users like or dislike and will make recommendations

based on your recent activity.

Banks use AI systems to monitor activity on

members’ accounts to check for identity theft,

approve loans and maintain online security.

Artificial intelligence creates safe and efficient

work environments which can complement

humans instead of replacing them. People argue

that the introduction of AI in society leads

to robots taking over jobs. However, AI helps

create safer and more efficient work environments

which introduces more careers. The jobs

for human workers that are being replaced are

called ‘the four D’s of robotics’: Dull, Dirty,

Dangerous and Difficult. People are sceptical

on the introduction of artificial intelligence

however, it helps us live our daily lives for

example, the introduction of the self driving

car (Tesla) is especially useful in our everyday

lives. It makes it easier for transportation and

makes it safer for us due to the sensors in the

car that help prevent accidents. In addition to

the above, artificial intelligence can prevent

crimes as criminals can be identified using biometric

data such as fingerprints, facial recognition,

and motion sensors.

computer to have so much data and information

about us.

This is due to the increasing risk of AI terrorism.

This is the use of AI in war to fight instead

of using humans. Examples of this include

autonomous drones, nanorobots and smart

bombs. In the hands of the wrong person,

these could easily cause mass destruction. In

addition to the above, social media through

its autonomous-powered algorithms is highly

effective at target marketing due to the data

they know about us. An example of where AI

socially manipulates people is in the 2016 US

presidential election: by spreading propaganda

about individuals to try and get more votes

for a certain party. This can include spreading

false rumours.

In conclusion, the pros outweigh the cons, and

that artificial intelligence benefits us more as

a society rather than harm us. A strong point

is that AI creates more jobs, as well as making

our daily lives easier and more comfortable.

Life would be very different without the use of

AI as we use it every day- our phones. AI helps

us grow as a society and further develop.

By Zayn Pajawani

AI can cause problems. For example, some

may debate that it invades our privacy and

our personal lives and that it is unsecure for a

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