Russell's Teapot issue 4

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Mr Turner

Teacher of Physics

Something that happens every day when students thank you for your lessons, and

when you start talking about an interesting topic, they like the fact that you can go off

on a tangent and get carried away in the stuff that is not on the syllabus.

I was teaching the life cycle of a star recently, using the analogy of people as stars are

born, they live, and then die. One student genuinely asked him if stars have intercourse.

As he believed stars and humans were more similar than they actually are.

Without any changes to the past, Kiss Newton, because he would be horrible to live

with long term. Marry Bill Nye for being genuinely funny and interesting. Kill Einstein

because he was a little but weird like marrying his cousin.

Teacher of Biology & Chemistry

I really like teaching the real fundamentals of

chemistry because once you know that you

can build on anything so atoms and periodic

table and ions and how all that relates, so you

can then move on to other things like bonding,

electrolysis, and other more complicated topics.

I would say kiss Isaac Newton, marry Albert

Einstein and kill Bill Nye the science guy.

Ms Porteous

Teacher of Biology

Ms Hornby

The worst thing that ever happened was that I was doing a dissection and demonstration

to a class, and I was going really over the top about how the scalpel was

very sharp and then proceeded to put the scalpel into my own hand.

My absolute favourite topic to teach is genetics because are lots of patterns you can

identify in results and outcomes from breeding different things together.

You should have Darwin in there, I would totally marry Darwin! I think Einstein

would have been impossible to live with, he would be very tricky, so I would kill

him. I would kiss Newton because without those three laws what would we be doing,

and I would marry Bill Nye the science guy because if I could write a song that

would be an ear worm to every student for every topic you would not have to do

anything else.

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