Russell's Teapot issue 4

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further after Thomas Wayne publicly announced all ‘lower-class’ citizens were “clowns.” Arthur’s

journey as the Joker climaxed when he stood against the teasing and bulling from Murray

Franklin – the talk show host who he murdered live.

Despite the extent of Arthur’s struggling being clear, he is repeatedly failed by the system

created to help him. Arthur had previously been psychiatrically hospitalised, which led to

him receiving a mixture of different medications. Arthur also has therapy

sessions with a state funded service which encourages him to keep a

journal of his thoughts and feelings. The service provided does not

fit his needs and they fail to notice several passages in his notebook

which could be seen as ‘cries for help.’ There were magazine

clippings of girls with their heads cut out of the photo,

disturbing drawings and even phrases such as “I just

hope my death make more cents than my life.” and “The

worst part of having a mental illness is people expect

you to behave as if you don’t.” These clear warning signs

were ignored which stopped Arthur getting the help

he needed, which could have prevented the deaths of

many. Not only were the warning signs ignored when

in therapy, the funding was eventually completely

cut which resulted in Arthur being unable to get the

medication he needed.

Although there is no excuse for Arthur Fleck’s

murders and violence, there was an explanation.

It is thought Arthur suffered with an Involuntary

Emotional Expression Disorder called the Pseudobulbar

Affect (PBA). Medical researchers describe

the symptoms of this disorder as periods of

time when a person is unable to control their facial

muscles which can appear to others to be episodes

of intense laughing of crying. This could also explain

why his emotions are ‘all over the place’ and

his reactions are disproportionate to

the action. His mental illness also

separates Arthur from society due

the stigma surrounding it. Arthur

was severely abused and neglected

during his childhood, leading him

to constant suffering and him developing

a sense of a ruthless and

depressing universe.

By Anna Clery and Molly Wicking

~ Artwork by Cynthia Ding

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