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Wife / husband<br />

Partner / life partner / spouse / significant other<br />

Father / mother<br />

Parent<br />

Maternal / paternal<br />

Parental<br />

Secretary / girl<br />

Assistant / Legal assistant<br />

While many still wrestle with pronouns, the English language and social norms continue to evolve.<br />

Remember to (1) avoid gendered terms where gender is irrelevant, (2) use the correct pronouns and<br />

prefixes when gender is relevant, and (3) always opt for gender-inclusive language.<br />

Notes<br />

1. I mean “their” and not its oft-confused homophones “there” and “they’re”<br />

2. Let’s not get started on the lack of gender-neutral bathrooms<br />

3. As a useful starting point, see the Government of Canada resource on Gender-neutral<br />

Language at: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/csj-sjc/legis-redact/legistics/p1p15.<br />

html<br />

4. The United Nations Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English at: https://<br />

www.un.org/en/gender-inclusive-language/guidelines.shtml<br />

5. More on this below<br />

6. See, for example, A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth published<br />

by The Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/guide/aguide-to-being-an-ally-to-transgender-and-nonbinary-youth/;<br />

University of Victoria,<br />

What we all can do to support trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people: https://www.<br />

uvic.ca/equity/education/transinclusion/ally/; Egale, Pronoun Usage Guide: https://<br />

egale.ca/awareness/pronoun-usage-guide/<br />

7. Ministry of the Attorney General, Notice to the Legal Profession and the Public,<br />

Inclusive Language and Procedures in Courts: http://ontariocourtforms.<br />

on.ca/static/media/uploads/courtforms/civil/notices/notice-updates-to-inclusive-language-en.pdf;<br />

B.C. Provincial Court: https://www.provincialcourt.<br />

bc.ca/downloads/Practice%20Directions/NP%2024%20Form%20of%20<br />

Address%20for%20Parties%20and%20Lawyers.pdf; B.C. Supreme Court:<br />

https://www.cbabc.org/CBAMediaLibrary/cba_bc/pdf/Resources/PD-59-<br />

Forms-of-Address-for-Parties-and-Counsel-in-Proceedings.pdf; B.C. Court of<br />

Appeal, https://www.bccourts.ca/Court_of_Appeal/practice_and_procedure/<br />

civil_and_criminal_practice_directives/PDF/(CandC)Appearing_before_the_<br />

Court.pdf<br />

8. Guide for TAS Leadership About the Use of Gender-Inclusive Language at:<br />

https://www.advocates.ca/Upload/Files/PDF/About/Diversity_and_Inclusion/2021_<strong>2022</strong>/Guide_for_TAS_Leadership_About_the_Use_of_Gender_Inclusive_Language.pdf<br />

9. This author will occasionally use “Dear Sirs” when writing to bunch of old<br />

men.<br />

Event Report<br />

4e Gala Annuel de La Société des plaideurs<br />

Daniel Baum, Langlois avocats, S.E.N.C.R.L.<br />

Le 22 septembre dernier, la Société des plaideurs tenait son quatrième gala annuel à Montréal.<br />

Celui-ci a été présidé avec brio par Me Suzanne Pringle, qui a présenté plusieurs invités<br />

d’honneur et a remis le Prix Excellence en mentorat <strong>2022</strong> à Me Claude Marseille.<br />

Les participants à cette soirée enrichissante ont aussi eu l’opportunité d’entendre un récit en<br />

quatre chapitres sur la nomination de l’honorable Mahmud Jamal à la Cour suprême du Canada.<br />

Avec humour et candeur, monsieur le juge Jamal a d’abord décrit les différentes étapes qui ont<br />

précédé sa nomination, puis l’accueil chaleureux de ses nouveaux collègues au plus haut tribunal<br />

du pays, incluant diverses traditions cocasses et parfois méconnues du public. La soirée s’est<br />

conclue avec un cocktail riche en retrouvailles.<br />

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