The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )


“Including the big money?”“Including the big money.”After which, lighting a fresh cigar, Charlot threw out:“Big money has always interested me. Do you catch on now?”“That’s why you visited the Dutchman this morning?”“He’s flat broke.”“Which means it’s not him?”“I don’t say that. All I say is that Marcellin couldn’t have hoped to get moneyout of him.”“You’re forgetting the girl.”“Anna?”“Her father is very rich.”That made Charlot think, but he finally shrugged his shoulders. TheCormorant was passing by the first rocky promontory and entering the harbor.“Will you excuse me? I am expecting someone, maybe.”And Charlot touched his hat ironically and headed for the jetty.While Maigret was stuffing his pipe Mr. Pyke declared:“I think he’s a highly intelligent fellow.”“It’s very hard to succeed in his job without being.”The page boy from the Grand Hotel was taking the luggage of a youngmarried couple. The mayor, who had gone aboard, was examining the luggagelabels. Charlot was helping a young woman ashore, and was taking her towardthe Arche. So he really was waiting for someone. He must have telephoned theday before.As a matter of fact, where had Inspector Lechat telephoned Maigret from twodays before, to tell him about it all? If it was from the Arche, where the walltelephone was placed just beside the bar, everyone overheard him. He mustremember to ask him.The dentist was there again, in the same clothes as in the morning, unshaven,perhaps unwashed, an old straw hat on his head. He was gazing at theCormorant, and that was enough for him. He seemed happy to be alive.Were Maigret and Mr. Pyke to follow the general movement, stroll up to theArche, make for the bar and the white wine which would be served up withouttheir being asked what they wanted?The Chief Inspector studied his companion from the corner of his eye, and on

his side Mr. Pyke, though impassive, seemed to be studying him.Why not follow the others, after all? Marcellin’s burial was in process atHyères. Behind the bier Ginette took the place of family and she would bemopping her brow with her handkedchief screwed tightly into a ball. There wasa heavy heat in the air over there in the avenues lined with motionless palms.“Do you like the local wine, Mr. Pyke?”“I should be very happy to drink a glass.”The postman was crossing the bare stretch of the square pushing a barrowpiled with the mailbags. Lifting his head, Maigret saw the windows of the Archewide open and, in one of the openings on the first floor, Charlot leaning on thewindow sill. Behind him in the gilded half-light, a young woman was in the actof removing her dress, which she was passing over her head.“He talked a lot and I wonder if he was hoping to get more out of me.”That would emerge later. People like Charlot cannot easily resist adopting anadvantageous position. Just as Maigret and Mr. Pyke were sitting down in theterrace they saw Monsieur Émile, more of a small white mouse than ever,advancing on to the square with mincing little steps, a panama on his head, andheading diagonally for the post office to the left of the church, high up. The doorwas open. Four or five people were waiting while the girl behind the countersorted the mail.It was Saturday. Jojo was giving the red squares of the dining room a goodscrubbing. Her feet were bare, and rivulets of dirty water were draining onto theterrace.Paul brought, not two glasses of wine, but a whole bottle.“Do you know the woman who went up to Charlot’s room?”“That’s his girl friend.”“Is she in service?”“I don’t think so. She’s some sort of a dancer or singer in a Marseilles nightclub. It’s the third or fourth time she’s been here.”“Did he telephone her?”“Yesterday afternoon, while you were in your room.”“Do you know what he said?”“He simply asked her to come and spend the weekend. She accepted at once.”“Were Charlot and Marcellin friends?”“I don’t remember having seen them together; I mean just the two of them.”

“Including the big money?”

“Including the big money.”

After which, lighting a fresh cigar, Charlot threw out:

“Big money has always interested me. Do you catch on now?”

“That’s why you visited the Dutchman this morning?”

“He’s flat broke.”

“Which means it’s not him?”

“I don’t say that. All I say is that Marcellin couldn’t have hoped to get money

out of him.”

“You’re forgetting the girl.”


“Her father is very rich.”

That made Charlot think, but he finally shrugged his shoulders. The

Cormorant was passing by the first rocky promontory and entering the harbor.

“Will you excuse me? I am expecting someone, maybe.”

And Charlot touched his hat ironically and headed for the jetty.

While Maigret was stuffing his pipe Mr. Pyke declared:

“I think he’s a highly intelligent fellow.”

“It’s very hard to succeed in his job without being.”

The page boy from the Grand Hotel was taking the luggage of a young

married couple. The mayor, who had gone aboard, was examining the luggage

labels. Charlot was helping a young woman ashore, and was taking her toward

the Arche. So he really was waiting for someone. He must have telephoned the

day before.

As a matter of fact, where had Inspector Lechat telephoned Maigret from two

days before, to tell him about it all? If it was from the Arche, where the wall

telephone was placed just beside the bar, everyone overheard him. He must

remember to ask him.

The dentist was there again, in the same clothes as in the morning, unshaven,

perhaps unwashed, an old straw hat on his head. He was gazing at the

Cormorant, and that was enough for him. He seemed happy to be alive.

Were Maigret and Mr. Pyke to follow the general movement, stroll up to the

Arche, make for the bar and the white wine which would be served up without

their being asked what they wanted?

The Chief Inspector studied his companion from the corner of his eye, and on

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