The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )

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“You must do as you wish,” she sighed finally, as he was putting his hand to

the doorknob.

And he felt something like a pang at leaving her all alone, aging, anxious, in

the little bedroom into which the setting sun penetrated through the attic

window, casting everywhere, on the painted wallpaper and the counterpane, a

pinkish hue, which looked like the pink of face rouge.

“A white wine, Monsieur Maigret!”

Noise, all of a sudden, movement. The bowls players, who had finished their

game on the square, were crowding around the bar and speaking at the tops of

their voices, with a strong accent. In a corner of the dining room, near the

window, Mr. Pyke was at table opposite Jef de Greef, and the two men were

deeply engrossed in a game of chess.

Beside them on a bench, Anna was sitting smoking a cigarette at the end of a

long cigarette holder. She had dressed. She wore a small cotton dress under

which one felt she was as naked as beneath her sunsuit. She had a well-rounded

body, extremely feminine, so expressly made for caressing that despite oneself

one imagined her in bed.

De Greef had put on a pair of gray flannel trousers and a sailor’s jersey with

blue and white stripes. On his feet he wore rope-soled espadrilles, like

practically everyone else on the island, and that was the first thing the so strict

Mr. Pyke had bought.

Maigret looked around for Lechat but didn’t see him. He was obliged to

accept the glass of wine which Paul was pushing toward him, and the people at

the bar squeezed themselves together to make room for him.

“Well, Inspector?”

They were appealing to him, and he knew that in a few minutes the ice would

be broken. Possibly the islanders had only been waiting since the morning for

this particular moment to make his acquaintance? There was quite a crowd of

them, about ten at the least, most of them in fishermen’s clothes. Two or three

had a more bourgeois look, probably small tenants.

Too bad, whatever Mr. Pyke might think. He had to drink.

“You like our island wine?”

“Very much.”

“But the papers claim you only drink beer. Marcellin said it wasn’t true, that

you didn’t pull a face at a flagon of Calvados. Poor Marcellin! Your health,


Paul, the patron, who knew how these things develop, kept the bottle in his

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