The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )


for the open air.<P“Le Petit Var says it’s because he mentioned you that he was killed. Do youbelieve it?”Now and again she cast a curious, anxious glance at Mr. Pyke.“You can talk in front of him. He’s a friend, an English colleague who’s cometo stay a few days with me.”She gave the Scotland Yard man a very ladylike smile and sighed, with aglance at the stout profile of the Chief Inspector:“I’ve changed, haven’t I?”

CHAPTER« ^ »It was strange to see her overcome with a feeling of modesty, and holding herdress tight against her because the stairway was steep and Maigret was comingup behind her.She had come into the Arche as she would into her own house, had said in themost natural way in the world:“Have you a room left for me, Paul?”“You’ll have to put up with the little room beside the bathroom.”Then she had turned to Maigret.“Would you like to come up for a moment, Inspector?”These words would have had a double meaning in the house she ran at Nice,but not here. None the less she showed her scorn for Maigret’s hesitation. Hewas keeping up his game of hiding nothing of the case from Mr. Pyke. For amoment her smile was almost professional.“I’m not dangerous, you know.”For some extraordinary reason the Scotland Yard Inspector spoke English,perhaps out of delicacy. He said only one word to his French colleague:“Please…”On the stairway Jojo went in front with the suitcase. She wore a very shortdress and you could see the pink slip enveloping her little behind. No doubt thatwas what had given Ginette the idea of holding her dress tightly against her.Apart from the bed there was only a straw-bottomed chair to sit on, for it wasthe smallest of the rooms, poorly lighted by one attic window. Ginette took offher hat, sank on to the edge of the bed with a sigh of relief, and immediatelyremoved her extremely high-heeled shoes and, through the silk of her stockings,caressed her aching big toes.“Are you annoyed that I asked you to come upstairs? There’s no place to talkdownstairs, and I hadn’t the energy to walk. Look at my ankles: they’re allswollen. You can smoke your pipe, Inspector.”She was not completely at her ease. It was obvious that she was talking for thesake of talking, to gain time.“Are you very cross with me?”Although he understood, he gained time himself as well, by countering:


« ^ »

It was strange to see her overcome with a feeling of modesty, and holding her

dress tight against her because the stairway was steep and Maigret was coming

up behind her.

She had come into the Arche as she would into her own house, had said in the

most natural way in the world:

“Have you a room left for me, Paul?”

“You’ll have to put up with the little room beside the bathroom.”

Then she had turned to Maigret.

“Would you like to come up for a moment, Inspector?”

These words would have had a double meaning in the house she ran at Nice,

but not here. None the less she showed her scorn for Maigret’s hesitation. He

was keeping up his game of hiding nothing of the case from Mr. Pyke. For a

moment her smile was almost professional.

“I’m not dangerous, you know.”

For some extraordinary reason the Scotland Yard Inspector spoke English,

perhaps out of delicacy. He said only one word to his French colleague:


On the stairway Jojo went in front with the suitcase. She wore a very short

dress and you could see the pink slip enveloping her little behind. No doubt that

was what had given Ginette the idea of holding her dress tightly against her.

Apart from the bed there was only a straw-bottomed chair to sit on, for it was

the smallest of the rooms, poorly lighted by one attic window. Ginette took off

her hat, sank on to the edge of the bed with a sigh of relief, and immediately

removed her extremely high-heeled shoes and, through the silk of her stockings,

caressed her aching big toes.

“Are you annoyed that I asked you to come upstairs? There’s no place to talk

downstairs, and I hadn’t the energy to walk. Look at my ankles: they’re all

swollen. You can smoke your pipe, Inspector.”

She was not completely at her ease. It was obvious that she was talking for the

sake of talking, to gain time.

“Are you very cross with me?”

Although he understood, he gained time himself as well, by countering:

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