The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )

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“Did you leave before Marcellin?”

“Certainly. I never go to bed after ten o’clock.”

“Did you hear him speaking of me?”

“Perhaps. I paid no attention. I’m a bit hard of hearing.”

“How do you get on with Charlot?”

“I know him, but I don’t see a lot of him.”


Monsieur Émile was visibly striving to explain a delicate matter.

“We don’t move in the same circles, if you see what I mean?”

“He’s never worked for your mother?”

“He may once or twice have found staff for her.”

“Has he been going straight?”

“I think so.”

“Did Marcellin find people for you too?”

“No. He didn’t go in for that.”

“You know nothing?”

“Nothing at all. I hardly concern myself with business matters any longer. My

health won’t allow me.”

What was Mr. Pyke thinking of all this? Are there Monsieur Émiles in

England as well?

“I think I might go and have a chat with your mother.”

“You’ll be very welcome, Inspector.”

Lechat was outside, this time in the company of a young man in white flannel

trousers, a blue striped monkey jacket, and a yachting cap.

“Monsieur Philippe de Moricourt,” he announced. “He was just landing with

the dinghy.”

“You wish to speak to me, Inspector?”

He was in his thirties and, contrary to what one might have expected, he

wasn’t even good-looking.

“I presume this is mere formality?”

“Sit down.”

“Is it essential? I loathe sitting down.”

“Stay standing up. Are you Mrs. Wilcox’s secretary?”

“A nominal title, of course. Let us say that I am her guest and that, out of

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