The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )

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to be seen there. Everyone knows everyone else. Marcellin was there. In the

course of an almost general conversation he mentioned you.”


“I’ve no idea. People talk freely about celebrities. Marcellin claimed you were

a friend of his. Perhaps some people had cast doubts on your professional

abilities? It still remains that he defended you with uncommon vigor.”

“Was he drunk?”

“He was always more or less drunk. There was a strong mistral blowing. I

don’t know what effect the mistral has down there, but as far as I can gather, it is

of some importance. It was on account of this mistral in particular, that

Marcellin, instead of sleeping in his boat as he normally did, went off in the

direction of a hut which stands near the harbor, where the fishermen spread out

their nets. When he was found the next morning, he had been shot several times

in the head at point-blank range, and once in the shoulder. The murderer emptied

his gun in him. Not content with that, he hit him in the face with a heavy


Maigret looked at the Seine outside, through the curtain of rain, and thought

of the Mediterranean sun.

“Boisvert, the Commissioner, is a pleasant fellow, whom I knew in the old

days. He doesn’t usually get carried away. He’s just arrived on the scene but he

has to leave again this evening. He is with Lechat in thinking it was the

conversation about you which started the thing off. He’s not far from saying that

it was you, in a sort of way, that was being aimed at through Marcellin. See what

I mean? A man who has a big enough grudge against you to go for anyone who

claims to be a friend of yours and sticks up for you.”

“Are there people like that at Porquerolles?”

“That’s what’s puzzling Boisvert. On an island everyone is known. No one

can land and go off again without it being known. So far there isn’t the remotest

suspect. Or else they’ll have to suspect people without any grounds. What do

you think?”

“I think Mr. Pyke would like a trip to the Midi.”

“And you?”

“I think I’d like it too if it was a question of going by myself.”

“When will you be leaving?”

“I’ll take the night train.”

“With Mr. Pyke?”

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