The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )

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In the end there was a noise from the door, which opened and Mrs. Wilcox

appeared, shutting it again hastily behind her so as not to let the chaos be seen.

She had found time to dress and make up, but her features, under the thick

cosmetics, remained puffed, her eyes anxious.

She must have been pitable in the morning when she washed out her dry

mouth with a bottle of strong beer.

“Grandmother…” thought Maigret, in spite of himself.

He rose, greeted her, introduced his companion.

“Perhaps you know Mr. Pyke? He’s a fellow countryman of yours who works

at Scotland Yard. He’s not here on business. Excuse my disturbing you at such

an early hour, Mrs. Wilcox.”

She remained, in spite of everything, a lady, and a glance was enough to give

Philippe to understand that his attire was indecent.

“Will you excuse me while I go and dress?” he murmured, with a cloudy look

at the Chief Inspector.

“Perhaps you will feel more at your ease.”

“Sit down, gentlemen. Is there anything I can offer you?”

She saw the pipe that Maigret was allowing to go out.

“Do go on smoking. Besides I’m going to light a cigarette myself.”

She forced a smile.

“You must forgive the mess, but a yacht isn’t a house and space is limited.”

What was Mr. Pyke thinking at that particular moment? That his French

colleague was a brute, or a boor?

Very possibly. Maigret was not exactly proud of the job he had to do.

“I believe you know Jef de Greef, Mrs. Wilcox?”

“He’s a clever young man, and Anna’s sweet. They’ve been on board several


“He’s said to be a talented painter.”

“I believe he is. I’ve had occasion to buy a canvas from him and I would have

been happy to show it to you, only I’ve sent it off to my villa in Fiesole.”

“You’ve got a villa in Italy?”

“Oh, it’s quite a modest little villa! But it’s magnificently situated on a hill,

and from the windows you have a view over the whole of Florence. Do you

know Florence, Inspector?”

“I haven’t that pleasure.”

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