The Methods of Maigret ( PDFDrive )

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It sometimes happened to him, especially in the morning, especially when he

approached the looking glass to shave. He would look at the broad face, the huge

eyes, often underlined with pouches, the thinning hair. He would become stern,

deliberately, as though to frighten himself. He would tell himself:

“That’s the Divisional Chief Inspector!”

Who would have dared not to take him seriously? Heaps of people, who did

not have easy consciences, trembled at the mention of his name. He had the

power to question them until they cried out with anguish, to put them in prison,

send them to the guillotine.

In this very island, there was now someone who, like himself, heard the

ringing of the bells, who breathed the Sabbath air, someone who was drinking in

the same room as himself the previous evening and who, in a few days, would be

shut up once and for all within four walls.

He swallowed down his cup of coffee, poured himself out another, which he

carried up to his room, and he had some difficulty in realizing that all this could

be serious: it was not so very long ago that he was wearing short trousers and

walking across his village square on chilly mornings, his finger tips numb with

cold, to go and serve Mass in the small church lit only by wax candles.

Now he was a big figure: everyone believed what he said and there was only

himself who, from time to time, had to be convinced.

Did other people have the same experience? Did Mr. Pyke, for example,

sometimes wonder how other people could take him seriously? Did he, be it ever

so rarely, have the impression that it was all a game?

Was the major anything more than an overgrown schoolboy, like the ones

there are in every class, one of those fat and sleepy boys whom the master

cannot resist making fun of?

Mr. Pyke had said a terrible thing the previous evening, shortly before the

Polyte episode. It was downstairs, at the moment when, like the evening before

and every other evening, almost everybody was gathered at the Arche. The Yard

Inspector had sat naturally at the major’s table, and at that moment, despite the

difference in age, in rotundity, they had a sort of family resemblance.

They must have been drinking late in the afternoon when Mr. Pyke had been

to see his fellow countryman at the villa. Enough to have a dulled eye and thick

tongue, but too little to lose their dignity. Not only had they been taught the

same manners at school, but later, heaven knows where, they had learned to hold

liquor in the same way.

They were not sad, but nostalgic rather, a little far away. They gave the

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