Boonin, D. Beyond Roe_Why Abortion Should be Legal

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Contraceptive Failure | 29

for the state to do this to Shimp in this fictional version of the

story, then it would also be wrong for the state to prevent Alice

from having an abortion when she becomes pregnant as the result

of rape. Third, if it would be wrong for the state to do this to

Shimp in the real case of McFall and Shimp, then it would also be

wrong for the state to do this to Shimp in a second fictional version

of the story where Shimp slips on the floor and accidentally

starts supplying McFall with some of his bone marrow. Fourth, if

it would be wrong for the state to do this to Shimp in this second

fictional version of the story, then it would also be wrong for the

state to prevent Barbara from having an abortion when she accidentally

becomes pregnant because the condom broke.

If I’ve been right about all this, then if you agree with Judge

Flaherty’s decision in the real-​life case of McFall v. Shimp,

you should also agree that it would be wrong for the state to

ban abortion at least in cases where the pregnant woman was

raped and in cases where the pregnant woman had sex voluntarily

while unsuccessfully using birth control. Since you agree

it would be wrong for the state to force Shimp to keep McFall

alive even though McFall was a person with a right to life, you

should agree it would be wrong for the state to force a pregnant

woman to carry her pregnancy to term in these cases even if you

think the fetus is also a person with a right to life. And since you

might think Shimp’s refusal to keep McFall alive is immoral in

these cases even though it would be wrong for the state to force

Shimp to keep McFall alive, you should agree it would be wrong

for the state to prevent Alice and Barbara from having abortions

in these cases even if you think it would be immoral for them to

have abortions in these cases.

Some defenses of the claim that abortion should be legal depend

on the claim that the fetus isn’t really a person or on the

claim that abortion isn’t immoral. But the defense of abortion

rights I’ve offered here doesn’t depend on either of these claims.

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