It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover (z-lib.org).epub

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I don’t know how he ended up this close to me, but he’s only about a

foot away. His proximity makes it hard to pay attention to words that come

out of his mouth. His gaze drops briefly to my mouth, but as soon as we

hear the front door open, he’s halfway across the room. By the time Allysa

and Marshall make it to us, Ryle is busy restacking all the crates that fell.

Allysa looks down at my ankle.

“What’s the verdict?” she asks.

I push my bottom lip out. “Your doctor brother says I have to stay off of

it for a few days.”

She hands me my water. “Good thing you have me. I can work and do

what I can to clean up while you rest.”

I take a drink of the water and then wipe my mouth. “Allysa, I’m

declaring you employee of the month.”

She grins and then turns to Marshall. “Did you hear that? I’m the best

employee she has!”

He puts his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. “I’m proud

of you, Issa.”

I like that he calls her Issa, which I’m assuming is short for Allysa. I

think about my own name and if I’ll ever find a guy who could shorten it

into a sickeningly cute nickname. Illy.

Nope. Not the same.

“Do you need help getting home?” she asks.

I hop down and test my foot. “Maybe just to my car. It’s my left foot, so I

can probably drive just fine.”

She walks over and puts her arm around me. “If you want to leave the

keys with me, I’ll lock up and come back tomorrow and start cleaning.”

The three of them walk me to my car, but Ryle allows Allysa to do most

of the work. He seems almost scared to touch me now for some reason.

When I’m in the driver’s seat, Allysa puts my purse and other things in the

floorboard and sits in the passenger seat. She takes my phone out and

begins programming her number into it.

Ryle leans into the window. “Make sure to keep ice on it as much as you

can for the next few days. Baths help, too.”

I nod. “Thanks for your help.”

Allysa leans over and says, “Ryle? Maybe you should drive her home and

take a cab back to the apartment, just to be safe.”

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