It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover (z-lib.org).epub

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He laid there on the floor, curled up into a ball, when, about half an hour later

he said, “Lily? I think I’m gonna need a trash can.”

I jumped up and grabbed the trash can from under my desk and knelt down in

front of him. As soon as I set it down, he hunched over it and started throwing up.

God, I felt bad for him. Being so sick and not having a bathroom or a bed or a

house or a mother. All he had was me and I didn’t even know what to do for him.

When he was finished, I made him drink some water and then I told him to get

on the bed. He refused, but I wasn’t having it. I put the trash can on the floor next

to the bed and made him move to the bed.

He was so hot and shaking so bad I was just scared to leave him on the floor. I

laid down next to him and every hour for the next six hours he continued getting

sick. I kept having to take the trash can to the bathroom to empty it out. I’m not

gonna lie, it was gross. The grossest night I’ve ever had, but what else could I do?

He needed me to help him and I was all he had.

When it came time for him to leave my room this morning, I told him to go back

to his house and I’d be over to check on him before school. I’m surprised he even had

the energy to crawl out of my window. I left the trash can next to my bed and waited

for my mom to come wake me up. When she did, she saw the trash can and

immediately held her hand to my forehead. “Lily, are you okay?”

I groaned and shook my head. “No. I was up all night sick. I think it’s over now,

but I haven’t slept.”

She picked up the trash can and told me to stay in bed, that she’d call the school

and let them know I wasn’t coming. After she left for work, I went and got Atlas

and told him he could stay with me at the house all day. He was still getting sick, so

I let him use my room to sleep. I’d check on him every half hour or so and finally

around lunch he stopped throwing up. He went and took a shower and then I made

him some soup.

He was too tired to even eat it. I got a blanket and we both sat down on the couch

and covered up together. I don’t know when I started feeling comfortable enough to

snuggle up to him, but it just felt right. A few minutes later, he leaned over a little

and pressed his lips against my collarbone, right between my shoulder and my neck.

It was a quick kiss and I don’t think he meant for it to be romantic. It was more like

a thank-you gesture, without using actual words. But it made me feel all kinds of

things. It’s been a few hours now and I keep touching that spot with my fingers

because I can still feel it.

I know it was probably the worst day of his life, Ellen. But it was one of my


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