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PAGE 30 — SUNDAY Vanguard, NOVEMBER 27, 2022

Welcome to Christmas Season, Season of love

Wow! It was like yesterday

that we shouted Happy

New Year 2022. We have

just a month and a few days into

another new year again. What

is this telling you as kids? It tells

you that you will be celebrating

another birthday, get promoted

to another class, add to your

heights and body weights. All

these will mean a lot to your

parents because they will have

to spend more to meet your new

needs in the new year.

As children, show love to the

less privileged kids around you.

Don’t spoil or throw away those

clothes and shoes you have

outgrown. Keep them well and

tell your parents to guide you

where to give them out in this

season of love.

Remember, whatever you have

and have not made use of it for at

least three months is not your own

again. Give them out. This act will

allow new ones to come in.

Good luck as you prepare for

the first term examination.


Aunty Funmi


The drop of water

There was once a jar of

fresh, clean water. Every

drop of water in the jar felt

immensely proud of being so

clear and pure. Day after day

they would congratulate

each other on how clean and

beautiful they were.

That was, until one day when one

of the drops got bored with his ultraclean

existence. He wanted to try

what it was like being a dirty drop.

The other drops tried to talk him out

of it, but he stuck to his guns.

Hardly realising, when the drop

came back all dirty, he turned all the

other drops in the jar into dirty drops


They tried to get clean again and

shake off the dirtiness, but couldn't.

Finally, much later, someone

dipped the jar in a fountain, and only

when a lot of clean water entered the

jar, did the drops regain their old

CPN marks Universal Children's Day with one week grassroot awareness


he Child Protection Network, Lagos

TChapter marks the annual Universal

Children's Day with one week awareness

campaign on the need to collectively

protect the rights and welfare of children

in all the 20 Local Government Area and

37 LCDAs of Lagos State.

CPN, a UNICEF initiative is a coalition

of NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, government

agencies and other stakeholders working

to prevent, protect and respond to any

form of Child Abuse (Sexual, Physical,

emotional, neglect and any kind of

maltreatment of a child).

Speaking at the Day 5 of the conference tagged,

Children's Conference In line with the theme,“Equality

and Inclusion for Every Child” held at the Fountain of

Life Church Ilupeju, Lagos, the Chairman. Local

Organising Committee, Hon. Risikat Omolara Yusuff

harped on the organization's zero tolerance to violence,

abuse, neglect and exploitation of younger ones.

Hon. Risikat Omolara Yusuff. who just bagged

Humanitarian Ambassador of Peace Award said, "

we don't want to leave any child behind.

Together we shall achieve this. This is who we are.

This is our objective, our aim, our goal and it is achievable

with the support of all the stakeholders. We have a duty

towards children. It is God’s mandate, we cannot afford

to fail.” She added.

In her presentation, Guest lecturer, Prof. Fatimah

Abdulkareem, founder FAJIM Medicare Foundation

& Consultant Pathologist, Lagos University Teaching

Hospital (LUTH), stated the rights of every child to

basic education, freedom from discrimination, rights

to health services, protection and care of a child, and

rights of an unborn child to protection against harm

amongst others.

Continuing, Prof. Abdulkareem said, “Children differ

in their ability, skills, talent and the general mode of

education available may not be suited for certain

children with physical learning disabilities.

She added, “The society must therefore promote

inclusive education to ensure that every child is given

the opportunity to develop skills and talents and acquire

NDE flags off orientation for 50

artisans In Ondo

By Dayo Johnson, Akure

he National Directorate of

TEmployment (NDE), has

flagged-off / Orientation of Artisans

in Collaborative Construction Employment

Scheme (ACCES) for 50

artisans in Ondo state.

Director-General of the NDE,

Mallam Nuhu Fikpo, who disclosed

this in Akure, the Ondo state


knowledge that suits them in order to be able prosper

and develop into useful and responsible citizens.”

Responding, Chidinma Amadim, a student from

Agbayewa Memorial College, Lagos thanked

CPN for promoting human rights

especially the rights of children. She saod

her wish is to see children who are

deprived of education back to school and

enjoy their rights to education.

Prisca Umana, an Ilupeju Secondary

School pupil said she wanted all the poor

and Special Needs Children to be focused

on so that they also can enjoy their rights.

Kenneth Balare also from Ilupeju

Primary School said with what CPN is

doing. he could see that rates of child

abuse is reducing, but wanted the

Talkglam entertains Lagos socialites, opens beauty

studio at Lekki

s the yuletide beckons in the

Acity, celebrations are obviously in

the air. This also demands for beauty

vendors to rise to the call, for perfect

and unique services towards ensuring

that beauty enthusiasts get their

money worth.

Meanwhile, a studio that has set

things right for these exquisite and

royal touch to its services is Talkglam

Studio, a leading cosmetics brand

established with intent to create new

sensations among beauty studio


Talkglam Studio located at PACIFIC

MALL, 32 Ilasan New Road, Lekki,

recently launched its new home of

beauty to showcase its authentic

brands and other products. In a well

attended cocktail party to unveil the

ollowing the completion of his

Ftraditional rites, the people of

Egbema Clan in Warri North Local

Government Area of Delta State and

Ovia South West and Ikpoba-Okha

Local Government Areas of Edo

state, have officially Installed Meshack

Eseighotiegha Ubabiri as the

Bini Pere IV, Agadagba of Egbema


Jennifer Yeri, founder,

Talkglam Studio(m) flanked

by studio staff during the

opening of the beauty studio

in Lekki, Lagos

physical studio and varieties of brands,

Talkglam treated some socialites,

celebrities and top beauty enthusiasts

that graced the occasion with a touch

of their royal treat.

capital, said that the scheme was to

reduce unemployment among


Fikpo, who was represented by the

Ondo State Coordinator of NDE,

Mr Olusegun Adelodun, added that

the 50 participants have been selected

to be trained in technical constructions.

According to him "The collaborative

employment will engender

more reliable and dependable

sources of workforce.

" lt will provide an avenue for improving

and upgrading the skills of

the artisans, organised them for regular

and sustainable work, engender

more trust by potential clients

and inculcate the spirit of professionalism.

The Director General, noted that

the NDE, had since inception in

1987, designed various schemes and

programmes to tackle the problem

of unemployment in the country.

Fikpo, said among them was the

artisan in collaborative construction

employment scheme.

He therefore advised the participants

to be prompt and regular during

the three months training.

Senior course 45 contingent hails peace in Warri

contingent of Senior Course 45

of the Armed Forces Command

and Staff College, AFCSC, Jaji in

Kaduna state has lauded the

atmosphere of peace in the oil rich

Warri, Delta state.

Team Coordinator for the contingent,

Captain A.T. Ebo spoke when they paid

a courtesy visit on the Chairman Warri

South Local Government Area, Dr

Michael Tidi, saying they were in the

area as part of their study tour to the


He said they were aware that part of

the strategy of the local government

council to sustain and consolidate the

atmosphere of peace across all

communities of the local government

was through productive engagement

of youths, commending the council


The council boss, Dr Tidi said his

administration had trained about a

hundred youths on welding and

fabrication at the Egbokodo skill

acquisition centre in the local

government, adding that several

others were trained at different times

on information technology, fashion

design, hairdressing among others

The installation ceremony which

was held at Ajakurama town on

November 23, 2022, was done by

the Senior Priest, High Chief Godwin

Namu and Chairman of Egbema

traditional Council of chiefs,

Chief Tax Egbaibor.

In his speech during the ceremony,

HRM Meshack Eseighotiegha

Ubabiri, Bini Pere IV, Agadagba of

Speaking with Jennifer Yeri, the Chief

Executive Officer, Talkglam Studio at

the side of the evening party, she

mentioned that Talkglam Studio is one

of Nigerians leading cosmetics brand,

that not only stock extremely amazing

products, but deal on both local and

international cosmetics brands to satisfy

all its customers’ needs.

“We deal on authentic makeup

products, beauty line, skincare products

and makeup accessories. We stand out

always because we source for unique

and outstanding products with the best

quality and packaging,” she said.

She also noted that the beauty studio

also offers private labeling, branding,

rebranding and design.

“Our packages ranges from wholesale,

retail and distribution of products for

both companies and individuals

providing our customers with the best

services,” she added.

organisation to concentrate more in

Mushin community where he said child

labour is evidently seen everyday. "I don't

like seeing them because I know every

child has the right to go to school just like


Giving his testimony, Olaoluwa

Daramola, a student of Lead Prince and

Princess Private School said he was taken

out of street and changed his life. "What

my parents couldn't do for me, they did

for me. I want other children still on the

roads, hawking and suffering to be

rescued like what they did for me. There

are brilliant boys and girls under the

bridges who needs help. Many of

them are there because their parents

are not leaving together again and

no one to take care of them."

"They have to struggle to earn

something by force to care for

themselves. One of them even said if

he could lay his hand on gun, he will

shoot his father because his father

does not have his time. Government

should bring them back to school and

those who cannot go back to school should

should be enforce to learn trade".

transparency and purity. Now they

all know that if they all want to be

nice clean drops, then each and every

one of them has to stay clean, even

if they find it difficult. Putting right

the mistake of one single drop

entails a lot of work for everyone


The same happens with us and

our friends. If we want to live in a

jar of clean water, each one of us

will have to be a clean drop. None

of us should try being the dirty drop

who spoils everything.

Do you know this


Make hay

while the sun


This means to take an

opportunity to do

something when the time and

conditions are perfect or

available. It also means to take

advantage of a brief

opportunity while it is still there

and not waste time.

The saying comes from

farming communities.

Farmers gather the long grass

during sunny season and dry it

to produce hay as food for

animals like cows during rainy

season. The best time to cut and

dry the hay is during sunny


The expression is simply

reminding you not to

procrastinate. For farmers if

the sun is out make hay as in

the next moment it is raining

you won't be able to (the sun is

needed to dry out the grass). If

you make hay while the sun

shines, you make good use of

the chance to do something

while it

We want more women in construction

industry – Inter-Bau Foundations, GIZ

with starter packs provided.

He thanked the contingent for the

visit, adding that the theme of their

study tour, “youth unemployment

and national security” was germane

to the sustainable development of the


Ubabiri officially installed Agadagba of Egbema Kingdom

Egbema Kingdom, expressed appreciation

to God who lifted him out of

the unknown valley to the exalted

ancient throne of his forefathers, as

the Agadagba of Egbema Kingdom.

He implored everyone in the kingdom

to join hands with him to move

the ancient kingdom to enviable

heights in the committee of kingdoms

and shall take advantage of

the kingdom being spread in two

states of Edo and Delta as a result of

boundary adjustment whereby we

are unfortunately balkanized into

two states of Edo and Delta, using

the River to divide us into three local

governments of Ovia South West,

Ikpoba-Okha and Warri North LGAs


"I will work with the governments

to return our past glory and chart a

new understanding for prosperity

anadevelopment unprecedented in

our kingdom. I assure you that as we

embark on this journey of progress,

peace and development, we shall

abide by the rule of law as a true

kingdom under God Almighty.

He extend hands of brotherhood

and graciousness to Mr. Napoleon

Egin to freely come to him and make

peace, as a king cannot harbour

grudge against, his subject but ready

to cleanse him of the sacrilege he

was lured to commit against the

time tested tradition and culture of

Egbema kingdom.

By Cynthia Alo & Joseph Oso

nter-Bau Foundations, in collab

Ioration with Deutsche Gesellschaft

für Internationale Zusammenarbeit,

GIZ Nigeria, has advocated

for involvement of more women

in civil engineering.

Acting Director, Inter-Bau Foundations,

Mrs. Doris Mbadiwe, who

spoke to pressmen at the Construction

Tradeswomen Career Fair Day

in Lagos, said women are under-represented

in the construction industry,

noting that Inter-Bau Foundations

was focused on creating gender

diversity and engendering

women inclusion in the sector.

Her words: "50 percent of the population

comprises women. Therefore,

we are saying that women

should be permitted to build infrastructure.

From the first stage, which

is the development stage to the construction


"We want to change the mindset

of the public towards women. We

want to let them understand that

women can as well build, and that

construction engineering is gender

neutral. There is no job in the construction

industry that women cannot


In a similar vein, Chairman Inter-

Bau Foundations, Mr. Kenneth Onyema,

said the notion that construction

and artisan work are made for men

should be dismissed because women

are also capable of excelling in the profession.

Zylus delivers on

promise, allocates

land to subscribers

Zylus Group International has

restated its commitment towards

delivering dream homes to over 3000

Nigerians by 2025 through its real

estate subsidiary, Zylus Homes.

In what could be described as

another step towards reducing the

housing deficit in Nigeria, the

company on November 18, 2022, held

a physical allocation of plots of land to

subscribers at one of its estates,

Western Hiltop Estate, Ikola,


The estate, which is made of 10

hectares, had 27 subscribers allocated

their lands making it a total of 63

subscribers so far to have been

allocated their land at the Western

Hiltop Estate.

Speaking at the event attended by

over 1000 persons including

subscribers and top real estate

professionals, Chairman Zylus Group

International, Dr. Oluwatosin

Olatujoye, reassured subscribers and

prospective investors of the company’s

determination to continually deliver on

its promises.

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