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PAGE 22— SUNDAY Vanguard, NOVEMBER 27, 2022

•Cross section of the overflow of crowd during the 2022 programme titled: 'The King Has Decided to Honour You'

It is time for God to honour you (2)

JONAH 3: 4-10 says, "And

Jonah began to enter into

the city a day's journey, and he

cried, and said, Yet forty days,

and Nineveh shall be

overthrown. 5 And the people

of Nineveh believed God; and

they proclaimed a fast, and put

on sackcloth, from the greatest

of them even to the least of

them. 6 And the tidings

reached the king of Nineveh,

and he arose from his throne,

and laid his robe from him, and

covered him with sackcloth,

and sat in ashes. 7 And he made

proclamation and published

through Nineveh by the decree

of the king and his nobles,

saying, Let neither man nor

beast, herd nor flock, taste

anything; let them not feed, nor

drink water; 8 but let them be

covered with sackcloth, both

man and beast, and let them

cry mightily unto God: yea, let

them turn every one from his

evil way, and from the violence

that is in his hands. 9 Who

knoweth whether God will not

turn and repent, and turn away

from his fierce anger, that we

perish not 10 And God saw their

works, that they turned from

their evil way; and God

repented of the evil, that he had

said that he would do unto

them; and he did it not"

Beloved, we must

understand that the obstacles

we are being confronted with

in our daily life are as a result

of the fact that we have ignored

our Maker. When we ignore

the manufacturer of a product

we are by extension loosing

grip of the formula to maintain

it. As the branch cannot bear

fruit of itself, except it abides in

the vine that produces it; so

neither can we solve the

complex difficulties of

humanity, except we abide in

the Maker. God who rules in

the physical and spiritual has

allowed to exist all these

challenges we are witnessing

today so that we can return to

Him and acknowledge that

He is the Sovereign God. Not

that He is ignorant of our

•Adult choir ministering during the programme titled: "The King has Decided to Honour


situation but is expecting us to

do the needful by looking up

to Him for intervention. God

expects that whenever we have

challenges we should call upon

Him, humble ourselves, repent,

meet the demand of His

righteousness which was the

cause of our separation and

seek His face. For we to have a

perfect peace in our lives we

must allow the Author of peace

to reign over us. God has

cautioned that any time He

distances from us that it is an

indication that we have sinned

and are expected to amend

our ways and seek forgiveness.

When the people of Nineveh

heard the cry and saw the need

for repentance, and having the

understanding that they were

in dire situation of been

overturned as a result of sin,

they humbled themselves,

repented and called upon God

for mercy. They didn't wait for

the forty days proclaimed by

Jonah to come by, neither did

they put up any argument nor

query the rationale behind the

message or why the message

should come from Jonah.

These are negative attitudinal

pattern of the world, the

diehard sinners and that is

more reason God abandons

them to their fate to suffer. But

the people of Nineveh were

wise for as soon as they heard

Jonah, they showed remorse

and that activated the mercy

of God and their judgement

was set aside. That should be a

lesson for people who want to

overcome challenges in their

various field of endeavour.

I don't know what you are

passing through in life, but I

want to implore you to look

inward, examine and amend

your ways and then call upon

God, He will answer and

deliver you. God has the

answer to all our problems.

He is the Author and Creator

of mankind, thus has all the

knowledge of its solution.

Psalm 50:15 says, "And call

upon me in the day of trouble:

I will deliver thee, and thou

shalt glorify me"

The above verse is self

explanatory. God is

beckoning on us to make

conscience of that great duty

of fervent prayer which is the

acknowledgement of our

subjection and of our trust and

dependence to Him. No

matter what you are suffering,

who is behind it or how long

you have suffered that sickness

or affliction, I am assuring

you that if you can through

prayer call upon Him today

in all humility and repent of

your sin, He will answer you.

God is our Father and our

Maker and in Him lies our

solution, He is our Creator

and the Creator of all things.

Genesis 1:1 says, "In the

beginning God created the

heaven and the earth."

If we believe that God

created man and every other

things, we ought to know that

with Him all things are

possible Therefore we must not

isolate God and then wish to

prosper. Wishing to prosper

without God will be a fruitless

exercise. God is unlimited but

men are limited as a result it is

necessary the we remember

Him. We must remember in

every situation. God has all it

takes to address any problem

and He lacks nothing;

because He is the all sufficient

God. If you are not in Him, no

matter how rich you think you

are, you are incomplete. If you

distance yourself from Him, let

it be known to you that there is

nothing you can do alone on

your own. This is because the

The power to deliver,

make wealth, bear

children, become

successful in business

and all our success in

life are as a result of the

fact that H e allowed


power to do anything belongs

to God.

2nd Corinthians 3:5 days,

"Not that we are sufficient of

ourselves to think any thing as

of ourselves; but our sufficiency

is of God;"

All the things we do and

taking the credit couldn't have

been done if God did not

permit them. The power to

deliver, make wealth, bear

children, become successful in

business and all our success in

life are as a result of the fact

that H e allowed them. God

has the power to deliver us

from all evil, sicknesses and

diseases; He has the power to

give us victory.

Genesis 17:1 says, "And

when Abram was ninety years

old and nine, Jehovah

appeared to Abram, and said

unto him, I am God Almighty;

•Children choir ministering during the programme

walk before me, and be thou

perfect. 2 And I will make my

covenant between me and

thee, and will multiply thee


God's injunction on how

mankind should work and

become successful in all their

endeavours is the same in all

generation. And that is to work

in righteousness, and depend

wholly upon God for their

supplies. Any time there is a

challenge in this covenant, it

is expected that mankind

should realize he has derailed

and therefore should return to

his Creator to seek for mercy,

amend his ways and resolve

not to derail again and at that

point the benefit of the

covenant will be again availed

to him as he continues the

journey. It is the benefit of the

covenant we had with God

while we walk Him that

assures us of His benevolence.

We should understand that

God is the Almighty and it was

He that has called us to walk

with Him. We didn't call

ourselves into this walk and

therefore must not do the

walking according to our own

way but according to His

precept and tenets. He is the

One that knows the road and

where there are bumps and

thorns. So He alone can guide

us perfectly on this journey to

our bliss. Our efforts will be in

vain if we refuse to walk with

Him. We should know that He

is God and that He is a spirit

and that we should walk

before Him by faith.

Colossians 1:16 says, "for in

him were all things created, in

the heavens and upon the

earth, things visible and things

invisible, whether thrones or

dominions or principalities or

powers; all things have been

created through him, and unto


No one has the answer to all

things except God. Every man

even with their riches and

power are limited. God is

unlimited, He has the power

to do all things. When we are

in any trouble which no man

can give us solution, He God

will give us answer, He will

give us solution. Even now, that

the whole world has exhausted

their power in trying to find

solution for a disease, God has

the power to stop the disease

and to give us solution. God

has the solution to everything,

to all the battles you are going

through. Some of you are

going through hardships and

battles, is it not time to

remember God and to turn to

him? He will give you solution.

There is nothing too hard for

God to do. No matter the

affliction, disease, the

economic problem, God has

the answer, He has solution. If

you are seeing impossibilities

or unshakable mountains in

your life then it is because you

have forsaken Him. If you can

remember Him today, I am

assuring you that problem

shall be no more in Jesus


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