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He burnt his fingers replacing his menopausal wife with a bombshell!

WHEN Ibidun hit the meno

pause, her erratic behaviour

became irritating and unbearable

to Peter, her husband. She was 48

and a mother of four grown-up children.

A normally bubbly woman,

she became testy, snarling and crying

most of the time. “Whenever I

tried to find out what the matter

was, she shoved me away,” said Peter,

“and I felt so lonely and rejected.

I am a retired legal practitioner

but help out at a friend’s

chambers from time to time. It

was at his office that I met Mandy,

a very pretty half caste in her 30s

– she was married too, but a very

friendly woman. She’d come for

legal advice about a social club

she was forming with a group of

friends and I gladly assisted her.

“I saw her again a few days later.

Ibidun’s mood swings were

getting on my nerves and it was

refreshing to chat with a friendly

woman for a change. She was a

flirt and we hit it off straight

away. Within weeks, we were

making love. I was approaching

60, but she was so amazing she

brought out the best in me. Of

course I felt guilty about cheating

on my wife – I’ve had the odd

flings before, but this was certainly

more than a fling. Two months

after we started sleeping together,

she came to the small guest

house I kept on one of my properties

as my love-nest and it was

obvious she’d been crying. What

now? “It’s Azu (her husband), he

won’t give me the money he promised

me and the children’s school

fees are due. Could I borrow

N50,000 off you?” she begged,

Oborevwori is popular choice

— Onuesoke

By Ephraim Oseji

eoples Democratic Party

P(PDP) chieftain and

former Delta State

gubernatorial aspirant, Chief

Sunny Onuesoke has

described the governorship

candidate of the party in the

state, Sheriff Oborevwori as

a popular choice, whose

emergence was not


Onuesoke, who made the

statement while Journalists

in Warri on the importance

of electing PDP candidates in

all elections across the

country, said Oborevwori is a

man of the people has been

on the political scene and

undergone tutelage under

three Governors in Delta


He further disclosed that

Speaker had the rare

privilege of legislative and

executive experience and has

over the years seen politics as

a tool for constructively

reshaping humanity and

making life better for the


According to Onuesoke,

this vision has not only

evolved, but has become

By Pere SP Luke

lack words adequate to

I deeply express how devastated,

debilitated and shattered

I am as a result of your

passage to the great beyond.

It is extremely difficult to

come to terms that you have

left me and the children without

saying goodbye or words

of encouragement/advice on

how to carry on in life without


Putting my broken heart

together to write this epitaph

in your honour is the most

horrific and difficult task of

my life but who am I, a mere

mortal to argue with my creator?

Your death has dealt us a

big blow and it will become

the focus of grief for a long

time. The pain of losing a

loved one such as your humble

soul is so excruciating and

heartbroken because this was

eyes brimming with tears. “I’ll

pay you back as soon as I have

the money.”

“I thought of her two lovely boys

(I’d seen their photographs in her

wallet) and my heart melted. I

handed the money to her the next

day. She was pathetically grateful

that I felt so proud to be of

help. It was ages since I’d felt

useful. A month later, she came

with another story. Her mother

had just been diagnosed with

breast cancer and she needed to

be operated on immediately. Her

siblings would chip in of course,

but any help I could give would

be appreciated. I’d just collected

some rent on the premises I had

my guest house in. So, I gave her

another N50,000. She looked so

relieved that I shrugged off the

alarm bell that kept on ringing

inside me. When I saw her again,

she was a shadow of herself. Her

mum didn’t survive the operation

but she needed money for the funeral.

She told me of her mother’s

house and how her three children

had decided to sell it off so

the money could be used to defray

the cost of her funeral.

“She said she would love me to

handle the sale of the house and

showed me copies of the relevant

papers. In the meantime, she

needed yet more money for her

mother’s funeral. I was a bit skint.

I am, a family man with my own

financial responsibilities. But I

reasoned that if I were handling

the sale of the house, I could deduct

whatever I lent her. To my

shame, I went to my first son, an

architect, and lied to him that I

needed to borrow some money

concrete as seen in his

emergence as the PDP

governorship candidate of

Delta State at a free and fair

primary election.

urgently for some renovation in

the house. He readily gave me

N250,000 and I left his office sick

at my deception and at how low

I’d sunk. As I handed the money

over to Mandy, I warned her I

was broke and would want back

all the money she borrowed as

soon as possible. My first daughter’s

engagement ceremonies

were round the corner and this

had made Ibidun a bit more bearable

to live with. She reminded

me of the loving wife she once

was. But what kind of a husband

was I? Instead of helping her

through the trauma of the menopause,

I hopped into bed with a

woman who now thinks I was a

cash register!

“In the meantime, I waited for

the original documents of her

late mother’s house to be brought

so it could be sold as quickly as

possible. I’d already lined up prospective

buyers. Until then, I kept

helping – paying for car repairs

QUEEN GLORIA LUKE: My loss, heaven’s gain

•Late Queen Gloria Luke

not the promise you made to

me. Your heart desired to live

beyond the Biblical age of 70

and you restated this desire

again and again even unto


You became an integral

part of me for about thirtytwo

years and you played pivotal

roles in my life and the

entire family. You condoned

most of my excesses, most

times my uncompromising

“He came from among the

people in every sense of the

word. While some say that he

came from the streets, they

forget to see the streets as

representing the true and real

essence of the people.

Okopi partners Chioma Jesus to release

'Osuba' remix in Igbo language


ultiple award-win

ning gospel artiste

and TWC Records signee,

Peterson Okopi, is out with a

brand new single titled "Nara

Ekele", the Igbo remix version

of his super hit song "Osuba".

In a statement, TWC

Records Label's A&R/Media

Manager, Amachree Ikijana,

explained that due to the huge

success of the song, Osuba,

different covers in different

languages have been created

by different people, prompting

Okopi to release an official

remix of the song in Igbo


According to him, the "Osuba"

crooner teamed up with

one of Africa's most celebrated

female gospel artistes

from the eastern part of Nigeria,

'Chioma Jesus', on this

version of the song.

The song is a soulful tune

that extols the name and power

of God. In the song, both

Peterson Okopi and Chioma

Jesus took turns to eulogize

God almighty for the many

ways he has demonstrated his

greatness to mankind.

Amachree said this song

will surely be a blessing and

a source of inspiration to as

many that are downcast due

to the numerous challenges

bedeviling the nation presently.

•Peterson Okopi(left) and

Chioma Jesus

behaviour and the nasty aspect

of my life. Your contagious

smile and empathy

were something else. By your

philanthropic nature and humility,

you endeared yourself

to all members of my household

and my great friends inclusive.

Although your sojourn on

earth was quite short, your

positive impact on society

speaks volumes and unambiguously.

In the words of T.D

Jakes “I do not think that a

person’s life can be accurately

measured by the number

of days, for days lose their

meaning when they stand in

the face of eternity. No, the

question isn’t how long we

live but how well we live. What

matters are the moments we

live life to the fullest? Like a

child who wanders around

the beach collecting seashells

to carry back home, we gather

events and moments that

occur during our lives. We

cannot hold on to days; they

pass. But can retain memories”.

A critical analysis of the

words of T.D. Jakes gives me

a ray of hope that you are

dwelling in the Lord’s bosom

doing His will. You were truly

a great and virtuous woman

with a heart of Gold that

was at all times willing to sacrifice

for others to be comfortable

irrespective of tribe and

religion. Your calm disposition

to life was legendary. This

fact was eloquently attested

to by those who came in contact

with you for one reason

or the other.

Thomas Campbell has this

to say concerning life “to live

in the hearts we live behind is

not to die”. His words were

and her kids’ requirements until

a few days later when I saw my

lawyer friend and asked if he went

to Mandy’s mother’s funeral. He

looked blank. He didn’t know

who Mandy was. I reminded him

that I’d met her in his chambers

when she came about the social

club she was helping to set up. The

penny finally dropped and he confessed

he didn’t even know she was

called Mandy. As far as he knew

the mother was still alive. Furious

and shaking with dread, I dialed

her mobile. Her sexy voice

came on but when I asked when

her mother really died, she just

switched off. I tried to call her

but it didn’t go through. In the

end, I went back to my friend to

confess everything. He stared at

me, stunned. He dropped his head

for a while, then shook it.

“Mandy’s conned a lot of men in

the past,” he said. ‘Why didn’t you

tell me you were involved with

her? I would have warned you.’

The Language Of Love (Humour)

A middle-aged man gets chatting

to a young chap on a plane

back to Lagos. The younger man

confides that he’s newly married,

but has been on a month-long

business trip and can’t wait to see

his wife again. As the two men

walk through arrivals, a young

woman waves and calls. “E-F!

No, S-F! Her husband calls back.

“You have code names for each

other? The older man asks. “No”

says the husband. “It’s just that

she wants to Eat First”.

Your Good Fortune In Your

Hand! (Humour)

A man has a job interview at a

condom factory, “What will the

job entail”? the man asks. “Well,

it’s quality control,” the foreman

says. “You check one in every

hundred condoms.” He then removes

one from the production

line, stretches it, holds it up to

the light, places it over his manhood

and calls over his secretary.

She proceeds to hitch up her

skirt, pull down her kickers and

bend over. The foreman does the

deed, then says. “There, easy as

that,” That man cannot believe

his luck. “When do I start?” he

asks Monday, 8.00a.m. sharp.

“The next Monday, the man is

first on the production line. He

picks up the 100th condom,

stretches it, holds it up to the

light, pulls it over his manhood

then calls over the secretary. But

this time, she just grabs his manhood

and pleasures him. Seeing

the confusion on the man’s face,

she says: “Sorry, it’s company

policy. You have to work a week

in hand.”

Women decry reduction in budgetary allocation

to empowerment projects

By Adesina Wahab

omen have faulted the

Wreduction in allocation

to programmes and

projects targeted at empowering

them from N103 billion

in 2022 to N58 billion in tne

budget estimates for 2023 by

the Federal Government.

They noted that the step will

lead to further impoverishment

of women and that it

contradicts the claim by the

government that it is taking

steps to reduce the poverty level

among women.

They spoke at a forum organised

by NECA Network of

Entrepreneurial Women,

NNEW, in Lagos.

Their reservations came on

the heel of a presentation by

Dr Plangsat Dayil of the development

Research and

Project Centre, dRPC, titled

“Women economic empowerment

and budget deficit as

it relates to women.”

Dayil, quoting figures from

the federal budgets of 2021,

2022 and the proposed one

for 2023, said in 2021 that

N51 billion was allocated to

Women Economic Empowerment,

WEE, projects across


“Following serious advocacy

efforts and pressure, the

sum was increased to N103

billion in 2022. Surprisingly,

the figure, instead of going

up, went down in the projection

for 2023 to N58 billion.

This is coming at a time when

•From left: Dr. Pamela Ajayi, President of Healthcare Federation

of Nigeria (HFN); Prof. Akin Abayomi, Commissioner

of Health, Lagos State; and Dr. Dupe Elebute Odunsi,

Medical Director of Marcelle Ruth Cancer Center and Specialist

Hospital at the Doctors For Change (DFC) Convention

held in Lagos .

further re-echoed by Hazel

Gaynor who said: “to live in

the hearts of those we love is

never to die”. My darling wife,

my adorable Queen and

companion, every passing

day without your warmth

and affection has created a

deep chism in my life that will

be humanly impossible to fill

but I took solace that the Almighty

God who allowed this

calamity to befall me will

surely fill the vacuum created

by your undeserved demise.

Losing you at this most precious

moment in my life is

akin to losing an Angel in

human form. The mere

thought that we have parted

ways forever is more than sickening,

debilitating and traumatizing

to the entire family.

When I reflect on your promise

of reciprocating my kind

gesture and disposition towards

you in the United

States of America, my heart

the government said it is going

to push the frontiers and

do more empowerment for

women and reduce poverty.

“This is strange and contradictory.

With less funding for

WEE projects, and coupled

with the rate of inflation, not

much would be done next

year if care is not taken.”

bleeds because all those

promises are now consigned

into the history books. How I

wish I could turn back the

hand of time to enable you to

accomplish our shared vision

of collectively raising our


Since I couldn’t turn back

the hand of the clock, I pray

to the Almighty God to grant

me the strength, comfort and

grace to graciously accept

His verdict concerning your


My dearest Queen GKL as

I fondly call you, your children

and I will continuously

draw strength from your lasting

legacies, fond memories

and the goodwill you left behind

till we meet to part no


*Luke is the Pere of Akugbenemien

Kingdom and the

first Vice Chairman, Delta

State Council of Traditional


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