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Ndigbo, Obi and Phd


GOD save me from my

“ friends [and relatives

and ethnic group], I can take

care of my enemies.”

After spending years on this

page promoting Igbo

Presidency – especially for

2023 – I almost lost hope when

the All Progressives Congress,

APC, and the Peoples

Democratic Party, PDP, selected

their presidential candidates

without an Igbo person

emerging as candidate. It was

heart-breaking for me;

because at 78+, it is doubtful

if I will live for another four

years to launch another

campaign. Then, suddenly,

Peter Obi, who withdrew from

the PDP contest, went and

brazenly captured the Labour

Party, LP, nomination. To be

honest, it was, and is still, a

funny political relationship.

Obi is a confirmed capitalist;

he likes to call himself a trader.

The LP was supposed to

represent workers. I thought it

was a joke which would soon

fizzle out. I was not the only

one; and we were wrong for

one reason.



“An invasion of armies can

be resisted; but, not an idea

whose time has come” - Victor

Hugo, 102-1885.

“Anger supplies the arms” -

Virgil, 70-19BC.

Those of us who wrote Obi

off in the beginning have been

proved wrong for two reasons:

The power of an idea coming

at the right time and pent-up

anger against the political

establishment of ‘APDP’. Take

a look at the members of the

APC and PDP today and you

will find that they were on the

other side at one time or

another. “Politics without

principles” (Ghandhi), which

has brought us to ruin, is now

the norm and not the exception

Obviously, Soludo

has damaged Obi;

but, he has damaged

himself even more

since 1999. The youth, women

and Ndigbo had been shut out

of Aso Rock. Experience has

taught us that we cannot trust

a candidate or party to fulfill

their promises. The first thing

they do, after winning election,

is to appoint eminent and

erudite media persons as

Senior Special Advisers,

Ministers, Commissioners for

Information – who spend their

entire tenure white-washing

every atrocity. Nigerians

seriously want a change.

So, to some extent, Obi is not

the cause of the popular

uprising; he is the beneficiary.

He is the anti-establishment

candidate; and that partly

explains why most ‘Obi-dients’

overlook all the character and

competence faults to which

those opposed to him are now

pointing. Since it is not the aim

of this article to discuss Obi’s

qualifications, I will probably

not dwell on them.

My reason for writing this

article is actually more

personal than most of the

articles ever written on this


I am angry and bewildered

that after all the years of

struggle to get a fairly credible

(not perfect, but who is?) Igbo

candidate, Ndigbo have turned

around to stab their own

brother in the back. In the

process they have left people

like me, non-Igbo, who have

canvassed for this idea, to

appear foolish.



“You are never too old to

learn.” Like a few people

seeking wisdom, I knew very

early in life that learning is a

life-long process. One of the

wisest persons I know is my

Uncle A--; who lives in Sapele.

We talk all the time; and he is

the first person to have loaned

me over twelve wonderful

books; because he knows that

reading is my passion.

The last three were over 500

pages long. I read them. I am

now tacking one 662 pages.

Apart from lending me books,

Uncle A—talks sense into my

thick skull. He never gets angry

when out of idiocy of relative

youth I obstinately refuse to

accept his advice.

For as long as I can

remember, Uncle has been

asking me to drop the

promotion of Igbo President.

For him, it makes absolutely

no sense for a Yoruba person

to be canvassing for Igbo

President after what Azikiwe

colluded with northerners to

do to Awolowo by sending him

to jail on trumped-up charge.

I always replied by saying that

Nigeria cannot progress

without large doses of

forgiveness all around. And,

the place to start is to bring

about closure to the Civil War

by electing an Igbo President.

Uncle was never convinced;

and I would not bulge.

Uncle, however, always

made another point during our

discussions. He was convinced

that when an Igbo candidate

emerges, his own Igbo people

will rise against him. Once

again, I seriously disagreed. I

honestly believed that once a

fairly credible Igbo candidate

emerges, he would receive

almost 100 per cent support

from Ndigbo. Today, I feel it is

not only Obi who should feel

betrayed by his kinsmen, I also

feel betrayed. Am I now to

believe that my confidence in

the people was misplaced?

True, I was always amused

whenever any election for

governor in the South-East

brought out 100 candidates

and the campaigns of calumny

that ensued.

But, I also always thought

that the presidential election

would be regarded as

something special; that the

leaders of Igboland would rise

up and provide exceptional

leadership; in order to save the

political class from their

usually destructive tendencies.

That has not happened.

Instead, the worst attacks on

Obi have come from South-

East governors and politicians.

My Uncle must be laughing

now. I have avoided talking to

him because the first statement

from him will be “I told you

so.” He was right and I was



“Some misfortune to portend,

no enemy can match a

[kinsman]” - Jonathan Swift,


Despite the political

opportunism involved in a diehard

capitalist representing

Labour, it was, to me, the only

game in town – so to speak. I

was certain all Igbo leaders

would line up behind him.

Soludo being the latest and

unsoiled governor in the South-

East, as well as the best known,

who has a wide network of non-

Igbo Nigerians to call upon,

was the one to lead the crusade.

To be quite candid, I expected

him to partly set aside the task

of governing Anambra State

and undertake the fight to get

Obi elected.

I was not particularly

worried when Governor

Umahi of Ebonyi first

announced that he would not

work for Obi. Ebonyi is the

rump of the SE; Anambra is

the head.

Even when the first signs of

Soludo’s opposition to Obi

appeared, I wrongly expected

that he would limit himself to

just ignoring the campaign,

issuing “No comment”

statements whenever pressed

for his views. That way, if Obi

fails in his bid, Soludo would

not be held responsible.



“He who sets out on revenge

must first dig two graves” -

Chinese proverb, VANGUARD


VBQ, p 215

Soludo’s utterances have

reminded me of that

description of the Harvard

University professors who

advised two American

Presidents to go to war in

Vietnam – a war the US lost.

David Halberstam in his

book, The Brightest and The

Best, had shown the world

how very intelligent young

men lacking wisdom can

create political disasters.

High intelligence and hubris

are quite often Siamese twins.

Intelligent people sometimes

think they know everything

and others must accept their


But, intelligence is not

wisdom. After reading part

one of Soludo’s demolition of

Obi’s reputation – which is

vital to success in the

presidential race – I could not

help having the feeling that

revenge, clothed with fine

patriotic language, was the


The lack of wisdom in the

action taken can be seen from

the repercussions. Sonala

Olumhense, in the PUNCH

of November 20, 2022, has

taken Soludo himself to the

cleaners – virtually alleging

that the former Governor of

the Central Bank, CBN,

committed heinous crimes

while in office. One of our

regular readers sent me a

message asking me to send

my articles on the failure of

Banking Con-Soludo-tion, as

I called the fiasco unleashed

on the banking sector under

Soludo. He wants to publish

it as an advertorial to prove

that Soludo is a fake reformer

– who does not deserve to be

governor. Our own Obi

Nwakanma took his turn at

Soludo bashing on the same

Sunday; so did others.

Obviously, Soludo has

damaged Obi; but, he has

damaged himself even more.

Obi is not yet President. So,

he has very little to lose.

Soludo is governor; and he

will be seeking re-election.

From my experience, he will

spend the next three and a half

years defending his

administration from

attackers – in and out of

Anambra State. Irrespective

of what happens to Obi,

Soludo has made a lot of lifelong

political enemies. They

will never let him forget this




133 million Nigerians poor


NOVEMBER 18, 2022)

The United Nations

declared last week that global

population had reached 8

billion; Nigeria’s population

now estimated to be 216

million. That means 63 per

cent of Nigerians are now

poor. That was not the

situation Buhari met in 2015.

And, where are the poor

people located? Kano

10.51m, Kaduna 8.04m,

Katsina 6.92m, Sokoto

5.81m, Jigawa 5.75m, Bauchi

5.75m top the list. Again that

means that 42.75 million or

almost 33 per cent of poor

people live in those six

northern states. Their

numbers have increased

significantly since Buhari

took over in 2015. We are now

a certified Almajiri Republic.

Yet, Baba thinks he is leaving

Nigeria better than he found

it. Thank God, eight wasted

years will end in 2023.

Your sacrifice could

provoke a miracle

Brethren, today is the last

Sunday in November. We

have four more Sundays to come

to the end of this year. By the

grace of God, you and I and our

loved ones would say bye-bye to

this year in Jesus name.

It’s time to assess your prayer

life. You need to ask yourself

questions. I mean ask yourself,

why haven’t I had my prayers

answered. If you had yours

answered, then you have cause

to celebrate but at the same time,

you still need to remain prayerful.

Ask yourself, how much

sacrifices have you made this

year? Have you denied yourself

anything in order to get a miracle?

I can imagine someone asking

why is this necessary?

There is a popular saying that

“nothing goes for anything”. It

could mean, if you put in nothing,

you will get nothing.

For example if a farmer does

not plant yam seeds, he cannot

harvest yams.

The best example of giving and

getting something is found in

John 3 vs. 16 &17 ( KJV) “ For

God so loved the world, that he

gave his only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in him

should not perish but have

everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into

the world to condemn the world;

but that the world through high

might be saved”.

God gave his only begotten

Son for us to be saved.

Before this month

ends, as you make

up your mind to

sacrifice you time

and give to the Lord,

your miracle is a

matter of time

Another example of someone

who gave and got beyond his

request is King Solomon.

Our authority is found in 2nd

Chronicles 1 vs. 6&7 ( KVJ): “

And Solomon went up thither to

the brasen altar before the LORD,

which was at the tabernacle of

the congregation, and offered a

thousand burnt offerings upon it.

In that night did God appear

unto Solomon, and said, unto

him, Ask what I shall give thee”.

We are looking at sacrifice as

it affects our expectation.

One may not be in a position

sacrifice unto the LORD as

Solomon did, but you can

sacrifice your time to meditate

on the word of God.

You can sacrifice some time in

between your sleep to present

your prayer request to the LORD.

For others, they may choose

to work in the vineyard of the

LORD either as cleaners,

choristers, ushers etc.

Make up your mind to

sacrifice the time you spend

engaging in idle talks for Bible


You could even decide to

donate to the church that money

you have kept to buy the most

fashionable dresses.

The story of King David

presents us a good example. His

people had plague that made life

uncomfortable for them.

Araunah offered King David

some animals as offering to the

Lord . 2nd Samuel 24 vs. 22-24:

“ And Araunah said unto David,

Let my lord the king take and

offer up what seemeth good unto

him: behold, here be oxen for

burnt sacrifice, and threshing

instruments and other

instruments of the oxen for wood.

All these things did Araunah ,

as a king, give unto the king. And

Araunah, said unto the king, The

LORD thy God accept thee”.

David’s comment in verse 24

is our key point : “ And the king

said unto Araunah, Nay; but I

will surely buy it of thee at a price:

neither will I offer burnt offerings

unto the LORD my God of that

which doth cost me nothing, So

David bought the threshing floor

and the oxen for fifty shekels of


Let’s see the result of the sacrifice

in verse 25 of the same chapter : “

And David built there an altar

unto the LORD, and offered burnt

offerings and peace offerings. So

the LORD was intreated for the

land, and the plague was stayed

from Israel”.

The plague may also be

described as a reproach that the

Lord took away.

It therefore implies that when

you sacrifice your time for the

Lord, your reproach would be

taken away.

Your sacrifice may also be

monetary. Contribute substantial

money to promote evangelism.

Brethren as a truly born again

Christian, something in your old

ways must give way to your new


It could even be drinking.

Perhaps you are known as a

Christian that drinks alcohol to

the point that you lose control of

yourself. If indeed you need

something from the Lord, you just

must change your ways.

Devout the time you spend

associating with ungodly friends

to studying the Holy Bible or

attending Christian Fellowship

meetings .

Hannah made a sacrifice that

is often over looked.

In 1st Samuel chapter 1, tells

us of the Shiloh annual festival

where everyone ate and drank . It

was customary for Elkanah to

provide for his wives, Hannah

and Penninah items that they

would need to enjoy the festival.

Verse 7 gives us more details:

And as he did no year by year,

when he went up to the house of

the LORD, so she provoked her;

therefore she wept, and did not


Note “ and did not eat”. In

other words, while others were

eating and making merry, she

denied herself food. She fasted.

When Eli accosted her

thinking she was drunk,

Hannah replied in verse 15 :”

And Hannah answered and

said, No, my lord, I am a woman

of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk

neither wine nor strong drink,

but have poured out my soul

before the LORD”.

This is the second

confirmation of her fast. She

didn’t join others to drink. She

denied herself that pleasure.

Hannah sacrificed her food

and drink. She gave both up to

speak to the LORD.

Sisters and Brothers, have you

given up any thing or habit this

year as a personal sacrifice?

If not, it isn’t too late.

You just have to give up


Luke6 vs.38 (NJKV) states: “

Give, and it will be given to you:

good measure, pressed down,

shaken together, and running

over will be put into your bosom.

For with the same measure that

you use, it will be measured back

to you”.

Brethren, God that gave

Solomon and Hannah more

than they asked for is still the

same with us today.

I once wrote on this page, the

testimony of a couple that gave

as sacrificial offering, the

amount due for the mortgage of

their home in London. They had

been married for years without


For their reward, God gave

them a set of triplets and they

didn’t lose the house in London.

When you give, don’t bother

yourself with what the church or

Pastor does with it.

Your gift is to the Lord and not

to a Pastor.

Giving to your Pastor also

comes with some blessings.

God appreciates and rewards

sacrificial giving.

If you haven’t done one this

year, its not too late . You can still

do a lot.

Such sacrificial offerings are

not just to attract a miracle but

also a confirmation of your love

for God.

Your dedication to godly duties

is a form of sacrifice.

As the year winds down, think

of a sacrificial contribution that

you can make to promote the

word of God.

2nd Corinthians 9 v 6&7 tells

us : “ But this I say, He which

soweth sparingly shall reap also

sparingly; and he which soweth

bountifully shall reap also


Every man according as he

purposeth in his heart, so let him

give; not grudgingly, or of

necessity: for God loveth a

cheerful giver”.

Sacrificial gift must be given


Those who give cheerfully the

Bible tells us experiences the love

of God.

Even before this month ends,

as you make up your mind to

sacrifice you time and give to the

Lord, your miracle is a matter of


Your mockers will rejoice with

you soon in Jesus name.

Enjoy the Peace of the Lord .

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