Theory of Knowledge - Course Companion for Students Marija Uzunova Dang Arvin Singh Uzunov Dang

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written explanation should convinceThethat you have not found these objectsthemchance, and that you have thought aboutbycan articulate the reasons for includingandin your exhibition. In doing this, you arethemthat you understand how TOKdemonstratingdetermine how well you have done on theToyour teacher will use the rubricexhibition,As you develop your exhibition, ensure that you understand the demandsitI. THE EXHIBITION12I.3 Assessment for the TOK exhibitionof the task, and that you are meeting them.manifests in the world.Does the exhibition successfully show how TOK manifests in the world around us?Excellent 9–10 Good 7–8 Satisfactory 5–6 Basic 3–4 Rudimentary 1–2 0The exhibitionThe exhibitionThe exhibitionThe exhibitionThe exhibitionTheclearly identifiesidentifies threeidentifies threeidentifies threepresents threeresponsethree objectsobjects andobjects, althoughobjects, althoughobjects, butdoes notand their specifictheir real-worldthe real-worldthe real-worldthe real-worldreach thereal-worldcontexts. Linkscontexts ofcontexts of thecontexts of thesestandardcontexts. Linksbetween each ofthese objectsobjects may beobjects are notdescribedbetween eachthe three objectsmay be vaguelyimplied rather thanstated, or theby the otherof the threeand the selectedor impreciselyexplicitly stated.images presentedlevels orobjects and theIA prompt arestated. ThereBasic links betweenmay be highlydoes notselected internalexplained,is somethe objects andgeneric imagesuse oneassessmentalthough thisexplanationthe selected IAof types of objectof the IA(IA) prompt areexplanation mayof the linksprompt are made,rather than beingpromptsclearly made andlack precisionbetween thebut the explanationspecific real-worldprovided.well-explained.and clarity inthree objectsof these links isobjects. LinksThere is a strongparts.and the selectedunconvincing and/between thejustification ofIA prompt.or unfocused. Thereobjects and theThere is athe particularis a superficialselected IA promptjustification ofThere is somecontribution thatjustification forare made, butthe contributionjustification foreach individualthe inclusion ofthese are minimal,that eachthe inclusion ofobject makes toeach object in thetenuous or it isindividual objecteach object inthe exhibition.exhibition.not clear what themakes to thethe exhibition.All, or nearly all,student is tryingexhibition. ManySome of theReasons for theof the points areto convey.of the pointspoints areinclusion of thewell-supportedare supportedsupported byobjects are offered,There is veryby appropriateby appropriateevidence andbut these arelittle justificationevidenceevidence andreferences tonot supportedoffered for theand explicitreferences tothe selected IAby appropriateinclusion of eachreferences tothe selected IAprompt.evidence and/object in thethe selected IAprompt.or lack relevanceexhibition. the selectedcommentary onIA prompt. Therethe objects ismay be significanthighly descriptiverepetition across theor consists onlyjustifications of theof unsupporteddifferent objects.assertions.Possible characteristicsFocusedAdequateSimplisticIneffectiveConvincingCompetentLimitedDescriptiveLucidRelevantPreciseCoherentAcceptableUnderdevelopedIncoherent367

II. THE ESSAYother way you demonstrate your learningTheTOK is by writing an essay, in response toinof six prescribed titles (PTs) issued by theoneeach year. Unlike creating an exhibition,IBwriting tasks are something you will beextendedwith. And yet there are some differencesfamiliarthe TOK essay and other essays orbetweenwritten tasks. An effective TOK essay is anlongof TOK concepts and ideas, throughexplorationdevelopment and articulation of arguments,theby real examples representing asupportedof perspectives, and consolidated intodiversityconclusion that is of consequence. The essay isaopportunity to demonstrate that knowledgeanin the world, and has significantmattersand consequences.implicationsPTs published by the IB will be in the form ofAllquestions, which we discussed earlier inknowledgechapter. A worthy reminder here, however,thisregarding the contestability of knowledgeiswill by definition be open toquestions—theymultiplicity of possible good answers. Butasay that there is no right or wrong answertoa knowledge question is not the same as totothere are no poor answers to a knowledgesayThe TOK essay task asks for anquestion.of the knowledge question containedexplorationthe PT, but also asks for this to be donewithinNext, you should have an opportunity to share with your teacher your ideas are planning to explore your chosen PT.howBased on this discussion and your teacher’s feedback, you will proceed to3.a draft of the essay.writethe following pages, we walk throughInelements in the thinking and writingdifferentfor the essay and offer some essentialprocesson moving through them whileguidanceYour teacher will read your draft and comment with it can be improved, and you will get an opportunity to actonFinally, you will hand over a final version of your essay5.submission to the IB.foraddress perhaps the biggest pitfall of allWeat the start: you will notice that at noherein the process does it say “visit one of thepointTOK help websites online” or “googlemany12I I . T H E E S S AYclearly and critically.1. First, together with your teacher or as a class, you will discuss the list of PTs.on these comments and incorporate the feedback.avoiding some of the most common pitfalls.your PT word for word”. Whatever you do,368

written explanation should convince


that you have not found these objects


chance, and that you have thought about


can articulate the reasons for including


in your exhibition. In doing this, you are


that you understand how TOK


determine how well you have done on the


your teacher will use the rubric


As you develop your exhibition, consult


to ensure that you understand the demands




I.3 Assessment for the TOK exhibition

of the task, and that you are meeting them.

manifests in the world.

Does the exhibition successfully show how TOK manifests in the world around us?

Excellent 9–10 Good 7–8 Satisfactory 5–6 Basic 3–4 Rudimentary 1–2 0

The exhibition

The exhibition

The exhibition

The exhibition

The exhibition


clearly identifies

identifies three

identifies three

identifies three

presents three


three objects

objects and

objects, although

objects, although

objects, but

does not

and their specific

their real-world

the real-world

the real-world

the real-world

reach the


contexts. Links

contexts of

contexts of the

contexts of these


contexts. Links

between each of

these objects

objects may be

objects are not


between each

the three objects

may be vaguely

implied rather than

stated, or the

by the other

of the three

and the selected

or imprecisely

explicitly stated.

images presented

levels or

objects and the

IA prompt are

stated. There

Basic links between

may be highly

does not

selected internal


is some

the objects and

generic images

use one


although this


the selected IA

of types of object

of the IA

(IA) prompt are

explanation may

of the links

prompt are made,

rather than being


clearly made and

lack precision

between the

but the explanation

specific real-world



and clarity in

three objects

of these links is

objects. Links

There is a strong


and the selected

unconvincing and/

between the

justification of

IA prompt.

or unfocused. There

objects and the

There is a

the particular

is a superficial

selected IA prompt

justification of

There is some

contribution that

justification for

are made, but

the contribution

justification for

each individual

the inclusion of

these are minimal,

that each

the inclusion of

object makes to

each object in the

tenuous or it is

individual object

each object in

the exhibition.


not clear what the

makes to the

the exhibition.

All, or nearly all,

student is trying

exhibition. Many

Some of the

Reasons for the

of the points are

to convey.

of the points

points are

inclusion of the


are supported

supported by

objects are offered,

There is very

by appropriate

by appropriate

evidence and

but these are

little justification


evidence and

references to

not supported

offered for the

and explicit

references to

the selected IA

by appropriate

inclusion of each

references to

the selected IA


evidence and/

object in the

the selected IA


or lack relevance

exhibition. The


to the selected

commentary on

IA prompt. There

the objects is

may be significant

highly descriptive

repetition across the

or consists only

justifications of the

of unsupported

different objects.


Possible characteristics

















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