Theory of Knowledge - Course Companion for Students Marija Uzunova Dang Arvin Singh Uzunov Dang

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apparnt timlssnss of knowldg inThmay lad on to th assumptionmathmatismathmatial knowldg is produd in athatway. In rality, th prati of mathmatistimlssmddd in ultural ontxts and has hangdisovr tim.markdly18th-ntury Europ th ida of mathmatisInth hiddn languag of th univrs wasasaptd, and mathmatiians fashiondwidlyas “natural mn” (AlxandrthmslvsPrsptivs on mathmatis shift, along2010).th norms and valus of mathmatialwithRvaling this “hiddn ordr“ inommunitis.mathmatial strutur of rality may attratthpartiular kind of mathmatiian: somon alagrappl with astrat thoris whil grounddtoth ral world. Ths Enlightnmnt-rainwr dsrid as unorruptdmathmatiiansth formalitis, sptals, rivalris andyof soity; and thir ontmporarisjalousisiographrs praisd th “simpliity” andandof thir pursuit. Ths dpitions,“purity”ontrast, th prsptiv that mathmatisInonrnd with th rlationships twnisonpts may hav attratd a vryastratprsonality. Historian of mathmatisdiffrntAlxandr xamins how, at th ginningAmirth 19th ntury, th Enlightnmnt’sofmn” gav way to a nw gnration“naturalofmathmatiians:prsptiv of mathmatis, AlxandrThishas haratrizd th disiplin sin thargus,of th 19th ntury: it has “lgitimizdginningallowd for a nw typ of mathmatialandimpratial, slf-rfrntial,knowldg:to worldly lif, and judgd only y itsirrlvantTOK w oftn sarh for disagrmnts toIna light on diffrnt prsptivs. Howvr,shinaout mathmatis appars to maksomthingasir to rsolv; w do not oftndisagrmntsof mathmatial ontrovrsis. Could it harmathmatis has lss sop for disagrmnt?thatthat th prati of mathmatis, or thOrof mathmatiians, is partiularlyommunityin avoiding, silning or rsolvingfftivprsptivs? Kp ths qustions inonflitingthorms and onjturs inManyarry th nams of individuals.mathmatisDo individuals hav an aility to mak1.disproportionat impat in th fildamathmatis as ompard to othrofdisiplins?How has th rol and influn mathmatis hangd ovrindividualsIs th fild of mathmatis lss or mor3.ompard to othr disiplins?ollaorativHas mathmatis n disproportionatly4.y partiular ulturs? If so, dosshapdII. PerspectivesII. PerspectivesII.2 Individuals and the mathematicalcommunitypurity, its truth, and its auty” (2010).mind as you rad through Box 11.1.For discussionThe humans of mathematicsturn, shapd soial idals and idas aoutinand mathmatiians, with long-mathmatislasting ffts.tim?it ontinu to ?mathematics . . . was a wondrous alternativereality governed solely by the eternal laws of puremathematics, unsullied by the crass realities ofthe world around us. Unlike their elders, the newmathematicians were not so much interested inacquiring new and useful results as they werefocused on the internal architecture of mathematicsitself, its interconnections, and the precise meaningof its statements. Mathematics, for them, was itsown self-contained world and could be judged bymathematical standards alone.(Alexander 2010)327

II. Perspectivesonpts an appar so stal,Mathmatialand timlss that thy sldom attratastratattntion of non-spialists or prompt soialthAn important xampl to thontrovrsis.involvs mathmatial indivisils,ontrarywr on at th hart of intlltual,whihand rligious lif in 17th-nturypolitialAording to Alxandr, th rsult ofEurop.ontrovrsy around thm “hlpd opn ththto a nw and dynami sin, to rligiouswayand to politial frdoms unknowntolration,human history”(2014).inwr mathmatial indivisils a mattrWhyonrn to politial and rligious authoritisofwll as to mathmatiians and sintists?asfirst xamin what w man y anLt’sImagin a straight lin that isindivisil.of tiny littl lins, so small that thyomposd dividd. Prhaps you might hav aannotlittl pis on this lin, in whih asillionsiz of ah is 1 illionth of th ig lin.thdividing it into illions is aritrary, youButdivid it into two and thn divid it intoouldin whih as you would hav twoillions,pis. You ould oviously divid thillionin many diffrnt ways, and hav diffrntlinof indivisils. But ould you arrivnumrsan infinit numr of indivisils? It is aatqustion, aus an infinitonfoundingof tiny pis ould an infinitlynumrlin. Could ah littl pi of th linlongzro siz? If so, how ould thy add uphava positiv magnitud? This prolm is mortoposd y Zno’s paradox.suintlytortois hallngs Ahills to a ra, startingAa 10-mtr had start. Aording to Zno,withditats that Ahills an nvr athlogiBy th tim h has ovrd th 10 mtrs,up.tortois will hav movd a tiny it mor,th4 ntimtrs. By th tim Ahillsprhapsthos 4 ntimtrs, th tortois willovrsadvand a littl furthr, and so on, adhavan infinit numr of finithallng:thus an infinit numr of tims—distans,argus Zno, adds up to an infinitwhih,of tim.amounta short vido xplanation of Zno’sForvisit this link.paradox,trms: KllhrSarhis Zno’s paradox?”“Whatdo w ronil this logi with ourHowAhills oviously dos ath upxprin?th tortois, ut to solv th paradox wwithknow what is wrong with th argumnt,mustas is widly livd, th prolm lis inIf,laim that th sum of an infinit numrZno’sthings is an infinit thing, thn th solutionoffairly straightforward: th alulus ofissris shows us that th sum ndonvrgnt infinit. Think aout utting a pi ofnotinto infinitly small pis of string: thstringof ths is still finit, quivalnt to thsum11Box 11.1: A bitter dispute regarding human liberty and the infinitely smallnot just its onlusion.lngth of th original string.Zeno’s paradox and infinityZno’s paradox assrtd that Ahills ould nvrFigure 11.2ath up with th tortois, aus vry tim h got los, thtortois movd a littl furthr, in an innit numr of nitstps. An anint Chins paradox dsris th sam prolm:“a on-foot stik, vry day tak away half of it, in a myriad agsit will not xhaustd” (Frasr 2017). Th paradox is attriutdto philosophrs of th Mohism shool twn 500–200 bce,around th sam priod that Zno was ativ.infinitum. Ahills is fad with an impossil328

apparnt timlssnss of knowldg in


may lad on to th assumption


mathmatial knowldg is produd in a


way. In rality, th prati of mathmatis


mddd in ultural ontxts and has hangd


ovr tim.


18th-ntury Europ th ida of mathmatis


th hiddn languag of th univrs was


aptd, and mathmatiians fashiond


as “natural mn” (Alxandr


Prsptivs on mathmatis shift, along


th norms and valus of mathmatial


Rvaling this “hiddn ordr“ in


mathmatial strutur of rality may attrat


partiular kind of mathmatiian: somon al


grappl with astrat thoris whil groundd


th ral world. Ths Enlightnmnt-ra


wr dsrid as unorruptd


th formalitis, sptals, rivalris and


of soity; and thir ontmporaris


iographrs praisd th “simpliity” and


of thir pursuit. Ths dpitions,


ontrast, th prsptiv that mathmatis


onrnd with th rlationships twn


onpts may hav attratd a vry


prsonality. Historian of mathmatis


Alxandr xamins how, at th ginning


th 19th ntury, th Enlightnmnt’s


mn” gav way to a nw gnration



prsptiv of mathmatis, Alxandr


has haratrizd th disiplin sin th


of th 19th ntury: it has “lgitimizd


allowd for a nw typ of mathmatial


impratial, slf-rfrntial,


to worldly lif, and judgd only y its


TOK w oftn sarh for disagrmnts to


a light on diffrnt prsptivs. Howvr,


aout mathmatis appars to mak


asir to rsolv; w do not oftn


of mathmatial ontrovrsis. Could it


mathmatis has lss sop for disagrmnt?


that th prati of mathmatis, or th


of mathmatiians, is partiularly


in avoiding, silning or rsolving


prsptivs? Kp ths qustions in


thorms and onjturs in


arry th nams of individuals.


Do individuals hav an aility to mak


disproportionat impat in th fild


mathmatis as ompard to othr



How has th rol and influn of


in mathmatis hangd ovr


Is th fild of mathmatis lss or mor


ompard to othr disiplins?


Has mathmatis n disproportionatly


y partiular ulturs? If so, dos


II. Perspectives

II. Perspectives

II.2 Individuals and the mathematical


purity, its truth, and its auty” (2010).

mind as you rad through Box 11.1.

For discussion

The humans of mathematics

turn, shapd soial idals and idas aout


and mathmatiians, with long-


lasting ffts.


it ontinu to ?

mathematics . . . was a wondrous alternative

reality governed solely by the eternal laws of pure

mathematics, unsullied by the crass realities of

the world around us. Unlike their elders, the new

mathematicians were not so much interested in

acquiring new and useful results as they were

focused on the internal architecture of mathematics

itself, its interconnections, and the precise meaning

of its statements. Mathematics, for them, was its

own self-contained world and could be judged by

mathematical standards alone.

(Alexander 2010)


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