Theory of Knowledge - Course Companion for Students Marija Uzunova Dang Arvin Singh Uzunov Dang

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the fundamental question of how we compare the future with the present, a questionConsiderintergenerational ethics: how much effort should be made in the present, and at what cost, toofpeople in the future? The more relevant question for TOK is: what do you need to know tobenefitthat question?answerReferring to the questions above, do we expect different cultures around the world, with their3.religious and spiritual beliefs, to have comparable answers?diverse4. How might we bridge the differences in responses?humankind is to have any chance of managingIfchange, of reaching a consensus andclimatean international effort, we wouldcoordinatingfrom understanding how differentbenefitnations and cultures answer these ethicalpeople,The alert reader will have noticed thequestions.embedded in the above sentence.assumptionscompletely different outcome is also possible:Atechnology bails humanity out, allowingthatto avoid these existential ethical challenges.usthere are other global issues requiringHowever,collaboration and consensuscoordination,may inspire confidence to know that questionsItknowledge and ethics are being askedaboutdiscussed outside of TOK classrooms, thatandare grappling with the political and ethicalothersthe clip from 4:50–8:15 in the video,InLucht talks about what it wouldWolfgangto build an integrated Earth modeltakeincludes physical, ecological and socialthatbased on our current,of the limitations to this holistic model-Oneexercise is that the nature ofbuildingwe have about those systemsknowledgevery different. How could we move ourisknowledges into adiscipline-boundare tuned into the kinds of questions that areyouin TOK, you might start noticing them inaskedall around you. Follow the link toconversationsto a conversation between two experts fromlistenhuman sciences, pondering the essential TOKtheof the limits of knowledge in the contexttopicthe Anthropocene. Consider the kinds ofofthat guide their discussion.questionsterms: AnthropoceneSearch“Limits ofCampusHow can we make any authoritative claims1.the whole world, if our knowledge isaboutmade up of ill-fitting pieces withessentiallygaps between them?significant17:00, Lucht speaks about the balanceAtneeds to be struck between intellectualthatand the responsibility to act when wehumilityreasonably confident in our predictions.areIs there any point at which intellectual2.stops being a virtue and becomeshumilityexcuse for inaction? If so, how andanwould you draw the line?whereIV. EthicsIV. Ethicsknowledge”among different peoples and their knowledges.When it comes to the abundant scope and breadth ofIV.1 Limits to growth and the limits ofhuman knowledgethe Anthropocene and its concerns, one can ask: whatare the limits of observation, accuracy, measurement,and calculation? What are the limits of descriptiveaccounts and written representations? How can onedeal with uncertainty, ignorance, or risk?challenges of human knowledge and action. Once( 2014)For ref lectionThe unity of knowledge and trustingour knowledgeunified model?243

last example brings together ideas fromThethis chapter: the role of quantification,throughoutproblems of measurement and the implicationstheapplying simple knowledge to complexofAt its core, the Anthropocene mightphenomena.a problem of growth. The United Nationsbeon Sustainable Development in 2012Conferencewith the video linked here, tracing howopenedgrowth of humanity became a force that shapesthestate of the world, especially since the 1950s.thethis reason, we zoom in on knowledge issuesForgrowth—what do we know about it, what kindsofresponsibilities rest with that knowledge, andofkind of action can we take based on it?whatterms: “Welcome to theSearchon VimeoAnthropocene”knowledge in thePredictiveAnthropocenethe context of the Anthropocene, we oftenInestimates and approximations of howheartime we have to act on various issuesmuchit is too late. Predictions and fears ofbeforeand ecological collapse are certainlyeconomicnew. In 1972, systems scientists at MITnotpredicted that ecosystems wouldfamouslyby the mid-21st century. Their report,collapseto Growth”, was criticized and“Limitsas disaster fantasy, for simplisticridiculedpessimistic simulations that assumedandtechnological progress, and for havinglittle8IV. EthicsMaking connectionsKnowledge and languageThe language of growthlanguage used to describe growth has changed asTheknowledge about environmental impact and naturalourdepletion has grown. What started out asresourcegrowth evolved into sustainable growth andeconomicnow split, with the dominant concept being greenhaswhile an increasingly audible academic andgrowth,political minority advocate for a post-growth paradigm.Figure 8.6 A koala perishes in the Australian bush res of 2020the past seven decades, GDP growth has stood asForprimary economic objective of European nations.theWe are now exceeding the safe operating space…humanity on this planet, and there is no sign thatforactivity is being decoupled from resource useeconomicpollution at anything like the scale required. Today,orsocial problems within European nations doessolvingrequire more growth. It requires a fairer distributionnotof income and wealth that we already have.(ICTA 2018)For discussionan anti-growth agenda. Well before them,244

last example brings together ideas from


this chapter: the role of quantification,


problems of measurement and the implications


applying simple knowledge to complex


At its core, the Anthropocene might


a problem of growth. The United Nations


on Sustainable Development in 2012


with the video linked here, tracing how


growth of humanity became a force that shapes


state of the world, especially since the 1950s.


this reason, we zoom in on knowledge issues


growth—what do we know about it, what kinds


responsibilities rest with that knowledge, and


kind of action can we take based on it?


terms: “Welcome to the


on Vimeo


knowledge in the



the context of the Anthropocene, we often


estimates and approximations of how


time we have to act on various issues


it is too late. Predictions and fears of


and ecological collapse are certainly


new. In 1972, systems scientists at MIT


predicted that ecosystems would


by the mid-21st century. Their report,


to Growth”, was criticized and


as disaster fantasy, for simplistic


pessimistic simulations that assumed


technological progress, and for having


8IV. Ethics

Making connections

Knowledge and language

The language of growth

language used to describe growth has changed as


knowledge about environmental impact and natural


depletion has grown. What started out as


growth evolved into sustainable growth and


now split, with the dominant concept being green


while an increasingly audible academic and


political minority advocate for a post-growth paradigm.

Figure 8.6 A koala perishes in the Australian bush res of 2020

the past seven decades, GDP growth has stood as


primary economic objective of European nations.


We are now exceeding the safe operating space

humanity on this planet, and there is no sign that


activity is being decoupled from resource use


pollution at anything like the scale required. Today,


social problems within European nations does


require more growth. It requires a fairer distribution


of income and wealth that we already have.

(ICTA 2018)

For discussion

an anti-growth agenda. Well before them,


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